Prof. Dr. Juergen Weichselgartner
FB 5 Polizei und Sicherheitsmanagement
Gastprofessur für Krisen- und Risikomanagement

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Campus Lichtenberg
Haus 1,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Since 2019 Professor of Crisis and Risk Management, HWR Berlin
Since 2009 Lecturer at the Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection (Germany)
2017-2019 Consultant at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and rtunix AB (Sweden)
2017 Professor of Human Geography, University of Passau (Germany) and Visiting Professor at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)
2015-2016 EURIAS Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, University of Lyon (France)
2014-2015 Professor of Social Geography at the University of Munich (Germany)
2013-2015 Senior Scientist at the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy)
2007-2012 Senior Science Coordinator at the Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht (Germany)
2010-2011 NRC Research Fellow at the National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)
2006-2007 Feodor Lynen Fellow at Harvard University (USA)
2004-2006 JSPS Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo (Japan)
2002-2004 Marie-Curie Research Fellow at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria)
2001 PhD in geography, University of Bonn
1999-2001 Marie-Curie Research Fellow at the University of Cantabria (Spain)
1997-1999 Scientific Assistant at the University of Bonn (Germany)
1997 Diploma (M.Sc.) in geography, University of Bonn
2018-2019 International Training Program “Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation” (SIDA)
2016 Project “Urban Resilience and Crisis Management” (ANR/LabEx)
2015-2016 Project “Societal Transformation and Climate Change” (NetIAS)
2013-2015 Project “Enabling Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in Integration to Climate Change Adaptation” (European Commission)
2010-2011 Project “Linking Knowledge and Action for Global Environmental Change” (National Science Council Taiwan)
2009 Regional Training Seminar “Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation for the Indian Ocean” (UNDP/UNESCO-IOC)
2006-2007 Project “Social Responses to Global Change” (Humboldt Foundation, Packard Foundation)
2004-2006 Project “Integrating Natural Hazard Research and Knowledge Society” (JSPS)
2002-2004 Project “Integrated Disaster Management Model” (European Commission)
Natural hazard and risk research
Disaster and crisis management
Societal transformation and global change
Knowledge systems and science communication
Weichselgartner J. & Gross B. (2022): Geographische Risikoforschung. In: Ibrahim Y. & Rödder S. (Hrsg.): Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung. Transcript, S. 325-332
Dikau R., Weichselgartner J. & Hufschmidt G. (2020): Gefahren, Risiken, Katastrophen. In: Gebhardt H., Glaser R., Radtke U., Reuber P. & Vött A. (Hrsg.): Geographie: Physische Geographie und Humangeographie. 3. Auflage. Springer, S. 1101-1142.
Weichselgartner J. & Arheimer B. (2019): Evolving climate services into knowledge-action systems. Weather, Climate, and Society 11 (2): 385-399.
Weichselgartner J., Guézo B., Beerlage I., Després C., Fekete A., Hufschmidt G., Lussignoli O., Mey-Richters S., Naumann J., Wienand I. (2018): Urban resilience and crisis management: Perspectives from France and Germany. In: Fekete A., Fiedrich F. (eds.): Urban Disaster Resilience and Security: Addressing Risks in Societies. Springer, pp. 473-494.
Bubeck P., Otto A., Weichselgartner J. (2017): Societal impacts of flood hazards. In: Cutter S. (ed.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.281
Weichselgartner J. (2017): Komplexität und Unsicherheit. In: Karutz H., Geier W., Mitschke T. (Hrsg.): Bevölkerungsschutz: Notfallvorsorge und Krisenmanagement in Theorie in Praxis. Springer, S. 60-67.
Weichselgartner J., Karutz H. (2017): Erkenntnisgewinnung im Bevölkerungsschutz. In: Karutz H., Geier W., Mitschke T. (Hrsg.): Bevölkerungsschutz: Notfallvorsorge und Krisenmanagement in Theorie in Praxis. Springer, S. 70-74.
Weichselgartner J. (2016): Vulnerability as a concept in science and practice. In: Fekete A., Hufschmidt G. (eds.): Atlas of Vulnerability and Resilience: Pilot version for Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Cologne, pp. 20-21.
Weichselgartner J., Norton J., Chantry G., Brévière E., Pigeon P., Guezo B. (2016): Culture, connaissance et réduction des risques de catastrophe: Liens critiques pour une transformation sociétale durable. VertigO 16 (3) doi:10.4000/vertigo.18130.
Weichselgartner J., Kelman I. (2015): Geographies of resilience: Challenges and opportunities of a descriptive concept. Progress in Human Geography 39 (3): 249-267.
Weichselgartner J., Pigeon P. (2015): The role of knowledge in disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 6 (2): 107-116.
Spiekermann R., Kienberger S., Norton J., Briones F., Weichselgartner J. (2015): The disaster-knowledge matrix: Reframing and evaluating the knowledge challenges in disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (13): 96-108.
Gross B., Weichselgartner J. (2015): Modernes Risikomanagement: Zwischen Robustheit und Resilienz. Bevölkerungsschutz (1): 12-17.
Weichselgartner J., Truffer B. (2015): From co-production of knowledge to transdisciplinary research: Lessons from the quest for producing socially robust knowledge. In: Werlen B. (ed.): Global Sustainability, Cultural Perspectives and Challenges for Transdisciplinary Integrated Research. Springer, pp. 89-106.
Newton A., Weichselgartner J. (2014): Hotspots of coastal vulnerability: A DPSIR analysis to find societal pathways and responses. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (140): 123-133.
Weichselgartner J. (2013): Risiko – Wissen – Wandel: Strukturen und Diskurse problemorientierter Umweltforschung. Oekom, München, 288 S.
Weichselgartner J., Marandino C.A. (2012): Priority knowledge for marine environments: Grand challenges at the science-society nexus. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (3): 323-330.
Weichselgartner J. (2012): Agglomerationsraum Tokio: Ressourcen, Risiken, Relationen. Geographie und Schule 34 (196): 22-27.
Weichselgartner J. (2011): Integrating science, policy, and practice for the mitigation of natural disasters: Barriers, bridges, propositions. In: Kasperson R.E., Berberian M. (eds.): Integrating Science and Policy: Vulnerability and Resilience in Global Environmental Change. Earthscan, London, pp. 51-96.
Weichselgartner J., Kasperson R.E. (2010): Barriers in the science-policy-practice interface: Toward a knowledge-action-system in global environmental change research. Global Environmental Change 20 (2): 266-277.