Dr. Jürgen Meyerhoff
FB 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Campus Schöneberg
Haus B,
B 4.34
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR) seit März 2022
Technische Universität Berlin, August 1997 bis Februar 2022
Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW Kiel), März 2016 bis April 2017
Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW), Berlin, Juli 1994 bis Juni 1997
- Promotion Dr.-Ing. an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Januar 2004
- Diplom-Volkswirt, Freie Universität Berlin, Juni 1994
Ausgewählte Forschungsprojekte
- März 2022 – Oktober 2024: gARTENreich - Präferenzen und Hemmnisse für die Gestaltung artenreicher Privatgärten (BMBF) - https://www.gartenreich-projekt.de -
- March 2019 – February 2022: AQUATAG – Freizeitaktivitäten an Binnengewässern: Dynamik, ökologische Auswirkungen, soziale Bedeutung und nachhaltiges Management (BMBF) - https://aquatag.igb-berlin.de
- Oktober 2018 – Juni 2021: GoCoase - Küstenschutzstrategien zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Institutionelle Steuerung und gesellschaftlicher Umgang (BMBF)
- May 2017 – April 2022: Baggersee - Förderung von Biodiversität und Ökosystemdiensten in kleinen Abgrabungsgewässern durch Umsetzung guter fachlicher Praxis in der Angelfischerei (BMBF)
- March 2016 – February 2019: Quantifizierung und Regionalisierung des Wertes von Waldökosystemleistungen in Deutschland (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.)
- March 2016 - April 2017
BalticAPP: Wellbeing from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics (BONUS). (BMBF) - May 2014 - August 2016: NITROLIMIT II - Stickstofflimitation in Binnengewässern –Ist Stickstoffreduktion ökologisch sinnvoll und wirtschaftlich vertretbar?(BMBF)
- September 2010 – August 2015: Nachhaltiges Landmanagement im Norddeutschen Tiefland (BMBF)
- September 2011 – March 2015: Effiziente und gerechte Allokation der Produktion erneuerbarer Energien auf nationaler Ebene (BMBF).
- September 2010 – August 2013: Stickstofflimitation in Binnengewässern –Ist Stickstoffreduktion ökologisch sinnvoll und wirtschaftlich vertretbar? (BMBF).
„Eine ausführliche Darstellung der Forschungsleistungen ist auf ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juergen-Meyerhoff) und Citation in Economics (http://citec.repec.org/p/m/pme601.html) verfügbar.
Merk, C., Liebe, U., Meyerhoff, J., Rehdanz, K. (2023): German citizens’ preference for domestic carbon dioxide removal by afforestation is incompatible with national removal potential. Communications Earth & Environment 4(100); DOI: 10.1038/s43247-023-00713-9
Klefoth, T., Wegener, N., Meyerhoff, J., Arlinghaus, R. (2023). Do anglers and managers think similarly about stocking, habitat management and harvest regulations? Implications for the management of community-governed recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research 260, 106589
Bronnmann, J., Koemle, D., Meyerhoff, J., Weltersbach, M. S., Strehlow, Harry V., Arlinghaus, R. (2023). Willingness to pay for harvest regulations and catch outcomes in recreational fisheries: A stated preference study of German cod anglers. Fisheries Research 259, 106536
Meyerhoff, J., Klefoth, T., Arlinghaus, R. (2022). Ecosystem service trade-offs at small lakes: Preferences of the public and anglers. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 25(3), 1-11
Meyerhoff, J., Oehlmann, M., 2023. The performance of full versus partial profile choice set designs in environmental valuation. Ecological Economics 107665 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107665)
Moreaux, C., Jacobsen, J. B., Meyerhoff, J., Dalsgaard, B., Rahbek, C., Strange, N. 2022 Distance and Regional Effects on the Value of Wild Bee Conservation. Environmental and Resource Economics (accepted 11 May 2022) (DOI: 10.1007/s10640-022-00692-z)
Bronnmann, J., Koemle, D., Meyerhoff, J., Weitersbach, M. s., Strehlow, H. V., Arlinghaus, R. 2022 Willingness to pay
for harvest regulations and catch outcomes in recreational fisheries: A stated preference study of German cod anglers. Fisheries Research 106536 (DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106536)
Parkins, J. R., Anders, S., Meyerhoff, J. 2022, Landowner Acceptance of Wind Turbines on Their Land: Insights from a Factorial Survey Experiment. Land Economics 98(4):674-689 (DOI: 10.3368/le.98.4.012521-0008R1)
Koemle, D., Meyerhoff, J., Arlinghaus, R., 2022. How catch uncertainty and harvest regulations drive anglers' choice for pike (Esox lucius) fishing in the Baltic Sea. Fisheries Research 256(2):106480 (DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106480)
Wunsch, A., Meyerhoff, J., Rehdanz, K. 2022. A test-retest analysis of stated preferences in uncertain times. Economic Analysis and Policy 73(2), (DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2021.12.021)
Mariel, P., Khan, M. A., Meyerhoff, J. 2022. Valuing individuals’ preferences for air quality improvement: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in South Delhi. Economic Analysis and Policy 74 (DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2022.03.006)
Sacher, P., Meyer., M., Meyerhoff, J. 2022. Evidence of the association between deadwood and forest recreational site choices. Forest Policy and Economics 135:102638 (DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102638)
Ahtiainen, H., Lankia, T., Lehtonen, J., Lehtonen, O., Bertram, C., Meyerhoff, J., Pakalniete, K., Rehdanz, K., Pouta, E., 2022. Welfare effect of substitute sites for coastal recreation – evidence from the Baltic Sea. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-21. (DOI: 10.1080/21606544.2022.2043188)
Eusse-Villa, L., McBratney, A., Franceschinis, C., Meyerhoff, J., Field, D., Thiene, M., 2022. Mapping citizens' attitudes towards soil ecosystem services: A case study from New South Wales, Australia. Soil Security 7. (DOI: 10.1016/j.soisec.2022.100063)
Franceschinis, C., Liebe, U., Thiene, M., Meyerhoff, J., Field, D., McBratney, A., 2022. The effect of social and personal norms on stated preferences for multiple soil functions: evidence from Australia and Italy. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66, 335-362. (DOI: 10.1111/1467-8489.12466)
Hess, S., Lancsar, E., Mariel, P., Meyerhoff, J., Song, F., van den Broek-Altenburg, E., Alaba, O.A., Amaris, G., Arellana, J., Basso, L.J., Benson, J., Bravo-Moncayo, L., Chanel, O., Choi, S., Crastes dit Sourd, R., Cybis, H.B., Dorner, Z., Falco, P., Garzón-Pérez, L., Glass, K., Guzman, L.A., Huang, Z., Huynh, E., Kim, B., Konstantinus, A., Konstantinus, I., Larranaga, A.M., Longo, A., Loo, B.P.Y., Oehlmann, M., O'Neill, V., de Dios Ortúzar, J., Sanz, M.J., Sarmiento, O.L., Moyo, H.T., Tucker, S., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Webb, E.J.D., Zhang, J., Zuidgeest, M.H.P. 2022. The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents. Social Science & Medicine 298 (DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114800)
Oehlmann, M., Glenk, K., Lloyd-Smith, P., Meyerhoff, J. (2021): Quantifying landscape externalities of renewable energy development: implications of attribute cut-offs in choice experiments. Resource and Energy Economics 101240 (doi: 10.1016/j.reseneeco.2021.101240) (accepted)
Eusse-Villa, L., Franceschinis, C., Thiene, M., Meyerhoff, J., McBratney, A., Field, D., 2021. Attitudes and Preferences towards Soil-Based Ecosystem Services: How Do They Vary across Space? Sustainability 13(16):8722 (DOI: 10.3390/su13168722)
Meyerhoff, J., Rehdanz, K., Wunsch, A. (2021) Preferences for coastal adaptation to climate change: evidence from a choice experiment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy https://doi.org/10.1080/21606544.2021.1894990 (accepted)
Sagebiel, J., Glenk, K., Meyerhoff, J. (2021): Does the place of residence affect land use preferences? Evidence from a choice experiment in Germany. Bio-based and Applied Economics 9(3): 283-304, 2
Elsasser, P., Altenbrunn, K., Köthke, M., Lorenz, M., Meyerhoff, J., 2021: Spatial Distribution of Forest Ecosystem Service Benefits in Germany: A Multiple Benefit-Transfer Model. Forests 12(2):169
Liebe, U., Meyerhoff, J. (2021) Mapping potentials and challenges of choice modelling for social science research. Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol. 38, March 2021, 100270
Sundt, S., Rehdanz, K., Meyerhoff, J. (2020): Consumers' Willingness to Accept Time-of-Use Tariffs for Shifting Electricity Demand. Energies 13, 1895
Bertram, C., Ahtiainen, H., Meyerhoff, J., Pakalniete, K., Pouta, E., Rehdanz, K.:(2020) Contingent behavior and asymmetric preferences for Baltic Sea coastal recreation, Environmental and Resource Economics 75, 49–78
Ladenburg, J., Meyerhoff, J., Bonnichsen, O., Trading off positive and negative service changes in daycare: A choice experiment using a latent class modelling approach
Trading off positive and negative service changes in daycare: A choice experiment using a latent class modelling approach. Applied Economics (online)
Meyerhoff, J., Klefoth, T., Arlinghaus, R. (2019). The value artificial lake ecosystems provide to recreational anglers: Implications for management of biodiversity and outdoor recreation. Journal of Environmental Management 252, 15 December 2019, 109580
Glenk, K., Meyerhoff, J., Akaichia, F., Martin-Ortegy, J. (2019). Revisiting cost vector effects in discrete choice experiments. Resource and Energy Economics 57, 135-155.
Ahtiainen, H., Liski, E., Pouta, E., Soini, K., Bertram, C., Rehdanz, K., Pakalniete, K., Meyerhoff, J. (2019) Cultural ecosystem services provided by the Baltic Sea marine environment. Ambio - A Journal of the Human Environment 48, pages1350–1361
Riepe, C., Meyerhoff, J., Fujitani, M., Aas, Ø., Radinger, J., Kochalski, S., Arlinghaus, R., Managing River Fish Biodiversity Generates Substantial Economic Benefits in Four European Countries. Environmental Management 63, 759
Glenk, K., Johnston, R. J., Meyerhoff, J., Sagebiel, J., Spatial Dimensions of Stated Preference Valuation in Environmental and Resource Economics: Methods, Trends and Challenges. Environmental and Resource Economics 75, pages215–242(2020)
Demel, S., Mariel, P., Meyerhoff, J., Job Preferences of Business and Economics Students, International Journal of Manpower, 40 (3), 473-499.
Mariel, P., Meyerhoff, J. (2018) A More Flexible Model or Simply More Effort? On the Use of Correlated Random Parameters in Applied Choice Studies. Ecological Economics 154, 419-429
Getzner, M., Meyerhoff, J., Schläpfer, F. (2019) Willingness to Pay for Nature Conservation Policies in State-Owned Forests: An Austrian Case Study, Forests 9(9): 537
Liebe, U., Meyerhoff, J., Kroesen, M., Chorus, C., Glenk, K. (2018) From welcome culture to welcome limits? Uncovering preference changes over time for sheltering refugees in Germany, PLoS ONE 13(8):e0199923
Liebe, U., Mariel, P., Beyer, H., Meyerhoff, J. (2018) Uncovering the Nexus Between Attitudes, Preferences and Behavior in Sociological Applications of Stated Choice Experiments, Sociological Methods and Research
Drechsler, M., Egerer, J., Lange, M., Masurowski, F., Meyerhoff, J., Oehlmann, Efficient and equitable spatial allocation of renewable power plants at the country scale. Nature Energy 2 (9), nenergy 2017124
Sagebiel, J., Glenk, K., Meyerhoff, J. (2017) Spatially explicit demand for afforestation. Forest Policy and Economics 78, 190-199
Zander, K., Garnett, S. T., Hagerman, S., Satterfield, T., Meyerhoff, J. (2017), Social preferences for adaptation measures to conserve Australian birds threatened by climate change. Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation Fauna & Flora International (online)
Liebe, U., Bartczak, A., Meyerhoff, J. (2017), A turbine is not only a turbine: The role of social context and fairness characteristics for the local acceptance of wind power. Energy Policy 107, 300-308
Bartczak, A., Chilton, S., Czajkowski, M., Meyerhoff, J. (2017), Gain and loss of money in a choice experiment. The impact of financial loss aversion and risk preferences on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy externalities. Energy Economics 65, 326–334
Bertram, C., Meyerhoff, J., Rehdanz, K., Wüstemann, H. (2017), Differences in the recreational value of urban parks between weekdays and weekends: a discrete choice analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning 159, 5-14
Czajkowski, M., Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., Meyerhoff, J. (2017), Choosing a functional form for an international benefit transfer: Evidence from a nine-country valuation experiment. Ecological Economics 134, 104-113
Olsen, S. B., Meyerhoff, J., Mørbak, M. R., Bonnichsen, O. (2017), The influence of time of day on decision fatigue in online food choice experiments, British Food Journal 119 (3), 497-510
Oehlmann, M., Meyerhoff, J., Mariel, P., Weller, P. (2017), Uncovering context-induced status quo effects in choice experiments. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 81, 59–73.
Olsen, S. B., Meyerhoff, J. (2017) Will the alphabet soup of design criteria affect discrete choice experiment results? European Review of Agricultural Economics 44 (2), 309–336
Oehlmann, M., Meyerhoff, J. (2017) Stated preferences towards renewable energy alternatives in Germany – do the consequentiality of the survey and trust in institutions matter Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 6, 1-16.
Mariel, P., Meyerhoff, J. (2016) Hybrid discrete choice models: gained insights versus increasing effort. Science of the Total Environment 568, 433-443.
Bartczak, A., Mariel, P., Chilton, S., Meyerhoff, J. (2016), The impact of latent risk preferences on valuing the preservation of threatened lynx populations in Poland. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 60, 284-306.
Bartczak, A., Chilton, S., Meyerhoff, J. (2015) Wildfires in Poland: The impact of risk preferences and loss aversion on environmental choices. Ecological Economics 116, 300-309
Meyerhoff, J., Oehlmann, M., Weller, P. (2015) The Influence of Design Dimensions on Stated Choices in an Environmental Context. Environmental and Resource Economics 61(3), 385-407
Meyerhoff, J., Glenk, K. (2015) Learning how to choose - effects of instructional choice sets in discrete choice experiments. Resource and Energy Economics 41, 122-142
Liebe, U., Glenk, K., Oehlmann, M., Meyerhoff, J. (2015). Does the use of mobile devices (Tablets and Smartphones) affect survey quality and choice behaviour in web surveys? Journal of Choice Modelling 14 (March), 17-31
Czajkowski, M., Ahtiainen, H., Artell, J., Budziński, W., Hasler, B., Hasselström, L., Meyerhoff, J., Nõmmann, T., Semeniene, D., Söderqvist, T., Tuhkanen, H., Lankia, T., Vanags, A., Zandersen, M., Żylicz, T., Hanley, N. (2015) Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea. Journal of Environmental Management 156 (June), 209-217
Mariel, P., Meyerhoff, J., Hess, S. (2015) Heterogeneous preferences toward landscape externalities of wind turbines - combining choices and attitudes in a hybrid model. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 647–657
Meyerhoff, J., Oehlmann, M., Weller, P.: The Influence of Design Dimensions on Stated Choices in an Environmental Context. Environmental and Resource Economics 61:385–407
Weller, P., Mariel, P., Oehlmann, M., Meyerhoff, J.: Stated and Inferred Attribute Non-Attendance in a Design of Designs approach. Journal of Choice Modelling 14, 43-56
Ahtiainen, H., Hasselstrom, L., Artell, J., Angeli, D., Czajkowski, M., Meyerhoff, J., Alemu, M., Dahlbo, K., Fleming-Lehtinen, V., Hasler, B., Hyytiainen, K., Karloseva, A., Khaleeva, Y., Maar, M., Martinsen, L., Nommann, T., Oskolokaite, I., Pakalniete, K., Semeniene, D., Smart, J., Soderqvist, T.: Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea - a contingent valuation study in nine coastal states. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3, 278-305.
- ENVironmEntal CHOice. A scientific network of researchers using Discrete Choice Modelling in the field of environmental valuation (https://envecho.com).
- Associated Editor Journal of Choice Modelling (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-choice-modelling)