d-cube Seminar
Der d-cube wird in zunächst unregelmässigen Abständen jeweils donnerstags von 16 bis 17.30 Uhr ein Seminar in Präsenz durchführen. Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an den akademischen Nachwuchs, aber auch an interessierte Studierende, andere Hochschulmitglieder sowie an die Öffentlichkeit. Thematisch geht es dabei darum, die treibenden Technologien für die digitale Transformation in den Blickpunkt zu rücken.
In Kalender speichern
Campus Schöneberg
Haus B Raum B 5.12
Badensche Straße 50–51
10825 Berlin
keine Anmeldung erforderlich
Institute for Data-Driven Digital Transformation (d-cube)
Zum InstitutZum ersten Termin am 13.10.2022 freuen wir uns insbesondere, Prof. Dr. Krishna Murthy Inumula von unserer Partnerhochschule Symbiosis University begrüßen zu dürfen. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen auf der Schnittstelle der Volkswirtschaft sowie Data Science. Dr. Inumula’s Publikationen behandeln moderne Zeitreihenalgorithmen wie GARCH und Granger Causality im Kontext von finanziellen und makroökonomischen Daten in Asien. Er hat uns zugesagt, dass er uns tiefere technische Einblicke geben wird in seine Forschung; also gibt der Abstrakt nur ein Teil des Themas preis.
Prof. Dr. Krishna Murthy Inumula von der Symbiosis University Foto: privat
Data Science for Managers
The amalgamation of technology, statistics, and domain knowledge expertise is a new and upcoming skill set for budding managers and industry practitioners. The data science industry is experiencing a severe shortage of talents, not only of data scientists but also of managers, having some understanding of analytics and data science. As a manager, you can ultimately become the company's expert in data usage, creating opportunities for the evolution of your organization. The application of big data gives rise to data science and its application to a new level where all domain-specific business problems are well addressed with great accuracy. Integrating machine learning algorithms in data computing has changed how we understand data and its value in the business. Data-driven business models are showing the way forward for better decision-making, customer acceptance, and quality products & services.
Business organizations worldwide understand the importance of data and its value in generating more revenues and sales. Technological advancement allows business leaders to solve business problems using data science tools. The current organizational setups need a transformational change to handle the data generated by businesses across the different domains. The speed at which the volumes of data are generated is phenomenal; the five V’s (value, velocity, volume, variety, and veracity) of data management provide an excellent opportunity for managers to harness the power the data-driven decision-making by suitably adopting the data science tools required for the business.