Political Economy Forum

Transformation of welfare states: Alternative concepts for the future



Campus Schöneberg
Haus B Raum B 4.01
Badensche Straße 50–51
10825 Berlin



Institute for International Political Economy Berlin

Zur Website

Two well-known international guest speakers will give talks about innovative concepts for adapting welfare states to respond to the current challenges through socio-ecological transformation processes:

Ian Gough, London School of Economics and Political Science:
»Rethinking social policy: Towards an economy of sufficiency«

Anna Coote, New Economics Foundation:
»The case for Universal Basic Services«

Moderator: Sigrid Betzelt, Professor of Sociology at HWR Berlin

The event includes a book launch for the brandnew volume "Deformation oder Transformation? Analysen zum wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Wandel im 21. Jahrhundert" (Springer Fachmedien), edited by Sigrid Betzelt and Thilo Fehmel