Instructional Design of COIL: An Evidence-Based Approach.
On October 17, 2024, the HWR Berlin invites lecturers to the event in the series »Gute Lehre zukunftsfähig gestalten« starting at 4 p.m.
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Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) has been gaining traction as an accessible way to strengthen students‘ digital, intercultural and collaborative competencies. But what does the evidence say? And how can we use these learnings to shape how we design and implement COIL or collaborative projects between students more generally? Simone Hackett (The Hague University of Applied Sciences) and Mark Dawson (University of Coventry) will join us to present their research findings.
Simone Hackett from the Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL and Mark Dawson from Coventry University, UK are active researchers in the field of COIL and hail from two of our international partner universities.
Simone Hackett has been integrating COIL projects into her teaching since 2013. She is currently Senior Lecturer and Advisor on Internationalisation of the Curriculum at The Hague University of Applied Sciences where she also teaches sociology and is a member of the research lectorate Global Learning.
Mark Dawson has a wide range of experience in education, training and development for institutions such as the University of Cambridge and the British Army. His professional interests include widening participation, skills development, collaborative learning and the use of research to improve service/learning design.
How to participate online
- Online event on BigBlueButton
Access code: 562255