FAQ studies
Are you considering applying for a place on a degree programme at the HWR Berlin? Then you doubtless have many questions about degree programmes, admission requirements and your application. We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Choosing a degree programme: Frequently Asked Questions
Choosing a degree programme, checking admission requirements or changing universities? Things you need to know before choosing a degree programme at the HWR Berlin.
Overview of all degree programmes on the website
Information about all the degree programmes taught at the HWR Berlin, their curriculum and structure and the application and admission requirements is provided on our website:
Staff at the Student Counselling Services are happy to help
You can address all questions about our degree programmes and the right one for you to our Student Counselling Services. You can address all questions about our degree programmes and the right one for you to our Student Counselling Services. You are welcome to visit us at the Student Infopoint or make an appointment. The contact information is available here:
Events for potential students
The Student Services of the HWR Berlin regularly offers events on many topics where you can get in touch with us. You can find the current events here:
Students provide advice via Instagram
Use our Instagram account to meet up with HWR Berlin students and get information from first hand. Take a look!
A recognized university entrance qualification
The most important requirements for admission to a Bachelor’s degree programme at the HWR Berlin is a recognized university entrance qualification such as a German Abitur or an entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences. Find out more here:
- General admission requirements for a degree programme taught at the HWR Berlin
- Applying for a Bachelor’s degree programme
- Applying for a cooperative studies degree programme
- FAQ: Applying to the Department of Cooperative Studies
A recognized university degree
The most important requirement for admission to a Master’s degree programme at the HWR Berlin is a recognized first university degree. Find out more here:
- General admission requirements for a degree programme taught at the HWR Berlin
- Applying for a place on a Master’s degree programme
- FAQ: Applying for a Master’s degree programme at the Department of Business and Economics
- FAQ: Applying to the Department of Cooperative Studies
Additional admission requirements by degree programme
In addition to the general admission requirements for a Bachelor’s, Diplom or Master’s degree programme, each degree programme sets additional requirements such as admission restrictions, and requirements for internships or proof of language proficiency. Our degree programme-specific application information pages tell you everything that you need to know:
Apply if you fulfil the formal admission requirements
The Student Counselling Service of the HWR Berlin are unable to assess whether your qualifications are sufficient to enable admission to a certain degree programme. If you fulfil the formal admission requirements for your desired degree programme, you should make an application.
What do international students need to study at the HWR Berlin?
Bachelor's degree, Master's degree or dual degree programme: You have an international high school diploma or university degree and would like to study at the HWR Berlin? We are looking forward to meeting you. Before you start your studies in Germany, you need to sort out a few questions. For example:
- Which degree programme is the right one for me?
- How can I finance my studies in Germany?
- What is a proof of financing?
- Which level of German do I need?
- By when do I have to apply, how and where?
- Do I need a visa and a residence permit?
- How do I find a place to live in Berlin?
Important information at a glance
HWR Berlin will support you and other international students prepare to study in Germany. Here you will find everything you should know and consider as an international student:
Your degree must be recognized in Germany
The procedure for applying for a place on a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Diplom degree programme at the HWR Berlin depends on whether you hold a German or non-German school-leaver’s qualification or degree. Find out more here:
Is my non-German qualification recognized? Check it now!
You can find out whether your school leaving qualification or university entrance qualification qualifies you for admission to the HWR Berlin or whether you need an additional qualification by consulting the website of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides an English-language database of admission requirements.
Applying via Uni Assist
Holders of a non-German university entrance qualification or a non-German university qualification should apply to the HWR Berlin via Uni Assist.
Uni Assist will check your qualification and will issue official recognition of it to enable you to enrol in a degree programme at the HWR Berlin.
Unfortunately, you cannot attend courses at the HWR Berlin before enrolling.
Changing universities and achieving credit transfer
It is usually possible to change to the HWR Berlin from another university. You can achieve credit transfer for modules which you have completed in a similar Bachelor’s degree programme.
If you have passed more than 20 ECTS credits you can usually apply for admission to a higher subject-specific semester in a Bachelor’s degree programme. ECTS stands for the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. Developed by the European Commission, it achieves comparability between university systems.
Do you have any questions about changing university?
Please address any questions about changing university to the Student Counselling Services of the respective department.
Admission on the basis of professional experience
Yes, applications will be accepted for a place on a degree programme at the HWR Berlin from applicants who do no hold a university entrance qualification or an entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences.
Degree programmes taught in English
The HWR Berlin and Berlin Professional School offer some 20 degree programmes taught entirely in English:
All other degree programmes are taught to the greatest part in German. Nevertheless, you will still be required to take courses taught in English and can choose to take further courses taught in English.
Applying for auditing status or permission to attend courses at the HWR as a student from another institution
Auditing students and students from other institutions can study at the HWR Berlin.
Find more information in German:
Admission restrictions, the requirement for an internship or proof of language proficiency − always check the admission requirements before making an application.

The application procedure: Frequently Asked Questions
You have found the right degree programme – what comes next? You need to know what comes next in order to smooth the path of your application.
Do you satisfy the admission requirements?
The following applies as a matter of course: Applicants to the HWR Berlin must fulfil the requisite admission requirements. Please find out more from the overview pages about the admission requirements and application procedures.
Check the information on the pages of the degree programme
Each degree programme has its own information page:
This page provides all the information that you will require about the admission requirements and application process for all the degree programmes taught at the HWR Berlin.
There are various application procedures
You can either submit an online application to the HWR Berlin or a central application via Hochschulstart. Your choice of application procedure depends on the school leaving qualification which you hold, the subject-specific semester in which you wish to commence your studies and the degree programme for which you wish to apply. When applying for a Master’s degree programme, it depends on which first university degree you hold.
Our application information pages tell you everything that you need to know:
- The application procedure
- Applying for a place on a Bachelor’s degree programme
- Applying for a place on a cooperative studies degree programme
- Applying for a place on a Master’s degree programme
The Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment
Questions about your application, admission, enrolment, re-enrolment or disenrolment can be answered by the staff of the Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment:
Applications can be submitted for more than one degree programme
The following applies as a matter of course: You can submit parallel applications to a number of departments for multiple degree programmes at the HWR Berlin. The HWR Berlin has a total of five departments:
- Department 1 Business and Economics
- Department 2 Cooperative Studies Business • Technology
- Department 3 Public Administration
- Department 4 Legal Studies
- Department 5 Police and Security Management
The correct application procedure depends on what you did before studying and the degree program for which you wish to apply. Find out more here:
Applying for a place on a Bachelor’s degree programme
Business and Economics
Please note: If you are required to submit your application for a Bachelor’s degree programme via Hochschulstart you may only apply for a single degree programme. Find out more here:
This does not apply to the International Business Management and International Management - DFS degree programmes. If you are applying for these degrees, you can also submit parallel applications for other degree programmes via Campus4u.
Cooperative studies
Applications for a cooperative studies degree programme are to be submitted directly to the partner company at which you wish to complete your training. Good to know: you can apply to as many companies and institutions as you like.
Public Administration, Legal Studies or Police and Security Management
When applying for a Bachelor’s degree programme in one of the Departments Public Administration, Legal Studies or Police and Security Management you can apply for up to three degree programmes.
Please note: Applications for the Administration of Justice and Higher Police Service degree programmes are to be submitted directly to the authorities at which you wish to complete your training.
Applying for a place on a Master’s degree programme
Business and Economics
When applying for a Master’s degree programme, you can state your first and second choices. Please note that your second choice can only be taken into account if there are insufficient applicants for the degree programme in question.
Public Administration, Legal Studies or Police and Security Management
You can apply for a place on up to three Master’s degree programmes.
Applications are to be sent directly to the partner company
Applications for cooperative studies degree programmes are to be submitted directly to the partner company at which you wish to complete your training. Please note: Many partner companies require that applicants apply at least a year in advance.
The Student Counselling Services of the Department of Cooperative Studies is on hand to help
With some 20 degree programmes on offer, the HWR Berlin is the largest provider of cooperative studies degree programmes in Germany’s capital city. The Student Counselling Services for cooperative studies degree programmes provides advice and answers all questions relating to cooperative studies degree programme at the HWR Berlin.
These are your Master's degree programmes
Master of Science, Master of Arts, MBA, part-time or co-operative studies Master’s degree programme − the HWR Berlin teaches around 18 Master’s degree programmes.
How to apply
The correct application procedure for a Master’s degree programme depends on the university degree which you hold, the degree programme for which you wish to apply and the department in which it is taught. An overview of the relevant information is found here:
Please note the application deadlines
Please keep the application deadlines in mind. All applications must have been received at the HWR Berlin by the deadline. Make sure that your documents are complete and correct.
Infos der Fachbereiche
Further information about the Master’s degree programmes is provided on the departmental websites.
- Department 1 Business and Economics: FAQ Applying for a place on a Master’s degree programme
- Department 1 Business and Economics: organization of our degree programmes
- Department 2 Cooperative Studies: studying at the department
- Department 3 Public Administration: organization of our degree programmes
- Department 4 Legal Studies: legal studies in profile
- Department 5 Police and Security Management: organization of our degree programmes
- Berlin Professional School − the institute for professionals at the HWR Berlin
It is important that you keep an eye on the application deadlines. Your application documents must be submitted completely by the deadline.
Find out more about the application deadlines here:
Applications for cooperative studies degree programmes
Applications for cooperative studies degree programmes are to be sent directly to the relevant partner company, ideally a year before the planned start of your studies.
Bachelor’s degree programme: make sure that your documents are complete and correct
Applications for a place on a Bachelor’s degree programme taught at the HWR Berlin must be complete; you will not be able to submit missing documents after the application deadline. You should submit all requisite school leaving qualifications and proofs of language proficiency with your application. If you have not done so, these documents can be submitted at a later date; it is imperative however, that they are submitted before the application deadline.
Co-operative studies Bachelor’s degree programme: submitting your university entrance qualification after the application has been sent
Exceptions from this rule apply to cooperative Bachelor’s degree programmes and the German-French degree programme International Management. If you are applying for these degree programmes, you can submit your university entrance qualification at any point up to the commencement of the degree programme.
Master’s degree programme: submitting your Bachelor’s degree transcript at a later point in exceptional cases
Applicants for a Master’s degree programme taught at the HWR Berlin can submit their Bachelor’s degree transcript at a later point if their final examinations are to be held outside the application period.
Please note:
- In such cases, you will need to submit an official preliminary summary of your grades, which includes the preliminary average final grade of your Bachelor’s degree program.
- You are also required to submit confirmation from your university that you will have completed your degree programme before your proposed Master’s degree programme at the HWR Berlin is set to start.
If you are set to receive your Bachelor’s degree transcript after receiving confirmation of admission from the HWR Berlin, please send an authenticated copy to the Student Office of your department.
No, unfortunately not. Proof of your language skills must be available at the time of your application or you must submit it by the end of the application period at the latest.
This depends on the method which you used to submit your application.
Applications submitted via S.A.M. the online application portal of the HWR Berlin
Have you applied via S.A.M., the online application portal used by HWR Berlin? You can check the status of your application online in S.A.M. Do not forget to log-on with your personal access codes:
Applications submitted via Uni Assist:
Have you submitted an application to the HWR Berlin on the strength of a non-German school-leaving qualification or university degree via Uni Assist? Uni Assist will check your application in accordance with HWR Berlin criteria.
- You will usually receive notification of the result of your test result within four to six weeks.
- Uni Assist will send direct e-mail notification as soon as the result of the test is available in your “My assist Account” under “My inbox”.
- You will be entered for the selection procedure as soon as Uni Assist sends your documents to the HWR Berlin.
- The HWR Berlin will provide notification of admission.
- Uni-Assist
Your status, evaluation result and admission
Applying for a cooperative studies degree programme
Please address any enquiries relating to the status of your application directly to the partner company. The HWR Berlin is not involved in selecting applicants for admission to a cooperative studies degree programme. The HR department of the company to which you have applied will answer your question.
Applications usually require between two and four weeks for processing
It usually takes between two and four weeks to process the application documents and establish a ranking. The earliest time after which you could receive notification of admission is two weeks after the application deadline.
Please note: This period can be extended if we have received an especially high number of applications.
When are rejections sent out?
The HWR Berlin will only send notification of rejection once the admissions procedure has been completed. The HWR usually sends notifications of rejection for the winter semester in September; notifications of rejection for the summer semester are usually sent in March. This usually also applies to applications sent via Uni Assist.
Please note: This information only relates to applications sent via Hochschulstart, Finca or Campus4u.
The deadlines do not apply for cooperative degree programmes and internal degree programmes
These programmes are subject to other application procedures and deadlines.
Further information about the admission procedure from the various departments:
Commencing studies: Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enrol? How do I receive my Student ID card and semester ticket? Each first semester student has a to-do list:
Starting your studies with enrolment
After accepting your place to study on a degree programme at the HWR Berlin, you need to enrol; this marks the commencement of your studies. Upon enrolment you become a member of the university and can use all its facilities and attend classes.
Please address all concerns relating to issues such as enrolment, intermission, study abroad, re-enrolment, confirmation of enrolment, the semester fee and disenrolment to the Office for Application, Admission and Enrolment.
Do not forget to re-enrol
Students are required to re-enrol and pay the semester fee by the set deadlines. Re-enrolment serves as confirmation that you wish to remain enrolled at the HWR Berlin in the coming semester.
Further information:
Online on S.A.M.
You can find the current confirmation of enrolment at the HWR Berlin in S.A.M., your campus management system. Log in with your personal access data:
Please note
Students of the Department of Cooperative Studies are unable to view their confirmation of enrolment online; their department will send this via e-mail.
Two locations in Schöneberg and Lichtenberg
Degree programmes offered by the Department of Business and Economics are taught on the Schöneberg Campus of the HWR Berlin. Degree programmes offered by the Departments of Cooperative Studies, Public Administration, Legal Studies and Police and Security Management are taught on the Lichtenberg Campus.
Find out more here:
Important information by e-mail
Upon enrolment, you will be given an HWR Berlin e-mail address with which to perform all communication with other students and members of the university and teaching staff. We recommend that you read your e-mails regularly so as not to miss any important information.
You have mobile access to this account via the internet.
Further information:
Logging in to the HWR Berlin WIFI free-of-charge
You can use free-of-charge WIFI on mobile devices at both the Lichtenberg Campus and Schöneberg Campus. You will need a special tool called Education Roaming. The tool and the step-by-step instructions for setting up your network can be found on the homepage of the IT department.
Further information:
Your most important companion for your studies
Your CampusCard is your best friend for the duration of your studies at the HWR Berlin. It functions as a student ID, semester ticket, dining hall card and library card all rolled into one. You can collect your CampusCard as soon as you have enrolled. You do not have to wait for the start of the semester.
Accessing your personal QR code
Your CampusCard is issued using a QR code, which the departments provide for you in in the campus management system S.A.M. Department 2 Cooperative Studies sends its students their QR code by e-mail.
The validity of your card is recorded on the rear of the card. This means that you need to validate your card for the coming semester after each re-enrolment.
Machines at the Lichtenberg Campus and Schöneberg Campus
You can update your CampusCard on the machines at the Lichtenberg Campus and Schöneberg Campus within the opening hours of the buildings in which they are located. You should expect long waiting times at the start of the semester.
The machines are located here:
- Schöneberg Campus
In the foyer of House B, ground floor
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin - Lichtenberg Campus
In the foyer of House 1, ground floor
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Have you lost your CampusCard?
If you lose your CampusCard or it is stolen, you need to go to the Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment or university library and arrange to have it disabled.
More information:
Travel through Berlin and Brandenburg on your semester ticket
As a student at HWR Berlin, the Germany Semester Ticket gives you free travel throughout Berlin and Germany for one semester.
Paying the semester fee and using the semester ticket
A vote by HWR Berlin students endorsed the provision of the semester ticket. It represents a case of social financing. The transfer of your semester fee upon enrolment or re-enrolment includes the purchase of a semester ticket, even if you do not make use of the travel to which it entitles. Payment for the semester ticket is due upon enrolment and re-enrolment.
Do not forget your official ID card
The semester ticket is non-transferable and valid only with your official ID card.
Further information:
When does the next semester start and when does it end?
Here you can find an overview of all important deadlines and dates for your studies at the HWR Berlin:
For a successful start to your studies
All the departments at the HWR Berlin with the exception of Department 2 Cooperative Studies host introductory events for new students.
- Here you can make important contacts.
- Find out about the most important aspects of your degree programme and university routine.
- You will also meet your fellow students.
Online or on campus?
The current calendar of events tells you whether an event is taking place in the lecture hall or online:
Information about the start of your studies via Moodle or e-mail
Important information about the commencement of your studies is available in Moodle or will be sent to your e-mail inbox.
Registering for courses via the Campus Management System
View your timetable, check your grades, enrol for courses or take courses in the Studium Generale: To organise your daily study routine at the click of a mouse, use the campus management system S.A.M. S.A.M. is the central system for the digital administration of student data, courses and examinations at the HWR Berlin:
How to log in
To log in to S.A.M., enter the personal user ID for your account at the HWR Berlin. You received your username and password with your enrolment pack.