Bodies and Committees

The bodies and committees of the HWR Berlin shape the university’s content and objectives. University lecturers, academic staff, students and staff in Technology and Administration are all represented in the committees.

Executive Board

The Executive Board of the HWR Berlin is primarily responsible for the strategic university and organisational development, structural planning and ensuring the university’s smooth running.

Central Institute Councils and Department Councils

The Department Councils and Institute Councils are responsible for selecting the Dean and/or the Director. They are responsible for the systematic implementation of teaching and examinations and they also coordinate teaching and research in the department or central institute. They are responsible for deciding on study schedules and module handbooks as well as suggested appointments, for example, for the degree programmes assigned to them. They are also responsible for forming Examination Boards and decentralised Commissions, such as those for research.

Academic self-government

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees acts in the same way as a supervisory board and decides, for example, on the general objectives and the budget. It is predominantly made up of external members from the world of business, administration and work, as well as members of the Berlin Senate, who are responsible for universities, economic affairs, home and justice affairs, and who can be represented by State Secretaries.

Academic Senate

As a central collegial body, the Academic Senate (AS) is responsible for deciding on fundamental issues affecting the University as a whole. It is therefore responsible, for example, for deciding on Higher Education Development Planning, setting the admissions figures and giving its opinion on suggested appointments in the departments as well as on study and examination regulations, including for the central institute. It is also responsible for selecting the members of the University Board. The President occupies the role of Chair.


To assist and advise in its duties, the Academic Senate has formed standing commissions, such as Development Planning (EPK), Research and Junior Researchers (FNK) as well as Teaching and Studies (LSK), where students hold half the seats and have half the votes.

Central Electoral Board

The results of the University elections form the basis for Committee membership. The elections are undertaken by the Central Electoral Board, whereby individuals entitled to vote will typically determine the composition of the Committees every year. The extent of the vote, i.e. which groups are called to vote, is derived from the different length of service: elected students will be members for one year, with other groups having a two-year period in office.

FB 4 Rechtspflege

Prof. Dr. Matthias Nicht

T +49 30 30877-2722

Women's Council

The Women's Council is an elected Committee, which provides support to and advises on the work on equal opportunities conducted by the Women's Representative. It is also the electoral body for the central Women's Representative.

Student bodies

Student Parliament

The Student Parliament (StuPa) decides on key matters relating to the student body. It elects the AStA speakers, determines what the student body contribution is spent on and how high this contribution is. The StuPa is divided into an Executive Board (consisting of the President, Vice President and clerk), which conducts the meetings, and simple members. All of the members have one vote each.

The StuPa meetings are typically held every two months and are open to everyone at the University. Invitations can be found online on Moodle.

If you would like to get involved in shaping student life at the HWR Berlin, please contact the StuPa members at stupa(at)

Student Council (AStA)

The Student Council (AStA) of the HWR Berlin is the second active student body alongside the Student Parliament (StuPa). The AStA is the executive body of the student body and is therefore entrusted to represent the student body in external matters. 

Staff Council for student staff

The Student Staff Council represents all of the interests of student staff at the HWR Berlin.

If you have any queries, problems or any other concerns, you can contact the Staff Council for student staff at studentischer.personalrat(at)