Contract Research at HWR Berlin
Thanks to the many contacts that exist between researchers at HWR Berlin and companies, contract research is becoming increasingly important to the university.
Generally speaking, in contract research non-public third-party funding providers agree to a quid pro quo in the form of expert opinions, studies, or research results with HWR Berlin. Assistance (subsidies) from public funds are not to be included in this: the service must be provided either at market rate or at a price calculated to cover full costs as well as a reasonable profit margin.
Cooperation with private third‐party funding providers
The cooperation of HWR Berlin research scientists and academics with private third-party funding providers can take a number of different forms. Within the project’s contractual design, it is necessary to distinguish between pure contract research conducted on behalf of a private client and cooperative research, as well as what are commonly called scientific services. Choosing the most suitable form of contract ensures smooth cooperation with private third parties. It is also important to distinguish contract research from other types of cooperation with private third parties. This is especially true when project budgeting and rights of use are at stake.
The Central Division Research Support Services can offer comprehensive advisory services even at the earliest stages of contract initiation. This ensures that the process from project conception through to contract signing is a smooth one. In addition, there are sample contracts on file that may be consulted for reference.
Research Support Services
Silvia Gigante
Research advisor
T +49 30 30877-2684
Campus Schöneberg
Building A, Other object title A 2.06
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin