Deputy President
The Deputy President is the President's permanent representative. She is responsible for studies and teaching, the quality management and the language centre.
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schönrock
University Management
Deputy President

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building A,
A 2.51
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Since July 1, 2024 Deputy President of the HWR Berlin
Since April 1, 2016 Dean of the Department of Police and Security Management at HWR Berlin
Since July 2014 Judge of the Constitutional Court of the State of Berlin
October 2013 to March 2016 Vice Dean and Dean of Studies of the Department of Police and Security Management at HWR Berlin
2013 to 2016 Deputy Director of the Research Institute for Public and Private Security (FÖPS Berlin)
Since 2013 Professor of Public Law, in particular Fundamental and Human Rights and Special Administrative Law at the HWR Berlin
Since 2012 Member of the Advisory Board of the Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives
2010 to 2013 Visiting Professor of Public Law with a focus on Police and Regulatory Law at the Department of Police and Security Management at HWR Berlin
Since 2007 part-time examiner at the GJPA Berlin-Brandenburg
2005 to 2010 Research assistant at the Department of Law at the Free University of Berlin
2001 to 2010 Lecturer at the HWR Berlin (or FHVR Berlin) in the departments of Police and Security Management and General Administration
2001 to 2013 Lawyer in a law firm in Berlin
Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at the Humboldt Universität of Berlin (2000), dissertation topic: Transfer of civil servants on the occasion of the privatization of public companies
Legal state examinations in Berlin (1st state examination 1997, 2nd state examination 2000)
Studied law at the Freie Univertität of Berlin