Mission and values
The HWR Berlin is a state-funded university teaching a range of subjects within the disciplines of business and economics, law, the social sciences, public administration, and engineering. Our courses facilitate in-depth learning and specialisations in a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and professional education programmes. We take the relevant social, economic and ecological issues and topics as our point of orientation. We regard our work as part of lifelong learning in a process informed by humanist ideals and a commitment to social responsibility.
We seek to impart our key values of openness, enthusiasm, courage and critical thought, promote mutual relations informed by respect, esteem and dialogue, and foster self-confidence and personal development.
We contribute to Berlin’s attractiveness

We play an active part in Berlin’s appeal as an international location of research and scholarship. We are just as well networked with the universities and extramural research institutes in the German capital as we are with the companies, administrations and other organisations based here. As a state-funded University, we are committed to the region’s development and contribute to this goal through our activities in academic education, scholarly research and the transfer of knowledge.
We live the spirit of internationality

International exchange is an enriching experience. Working together with a global network of partner universities, we promote the mobility of our students, faculty, and employees. We are proud of our ability to attract a large number of students, lecturers, and researchers from many countries around the world. We particularly value a culture of exchange and welcome.
We live the spirit of internationality and provide the competences required for working in international and intercultural contexts – and, in this process, also benefit our own region. In our view, it is crucial to encourage a vibrant exchange and promote intercultural competences and language skills. Not only are these relevant for our graduates’ employability, but they also contribute to personal development, help dismantle prejudices and promote peace.
We teach skills with a practical application

At the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL), our approach to academic education is strongly informed by the latest research and aligned with real world skills. Working on the foundation of modern teaching methods, constant quality assurance and quality development, we foster a significant practical application of skills in cooperation with our partners in the business, administrative and legal sectors, and in non-profit organisations and associations. We are constantly working on expanding this connection to practical applications. The link between academic theory and applied skills is especially close in the cooperative study programmes, which represent a core element in our University’s portfolio.
We furnish our students with the abilities to take on tasks in business and society proactively, responsibly and successfully. Aside from promoting excellence in chosen fields of specialisation, we foster a set of key competences for a successful career that include the ability to seek and engage in dialogue, teamwork, intercultural awareness, entrepreneurial thinking, creativity and an innovative approach to problem solving.
We believe in lifelong learning

In the context of demographic and social changes, technological developments and international competition, we are well aware of the increasing importance of lifelong learning. As a result, we have a clear, above-average commitment to professional education on the university level. We are leveraging our extensive expertise and experience in this area to continuously develop programmes for experienced professionals now and in the future.
In our efforts to support the freedom of transition between different educational levels and institutions, we not only promote personal development, but also tap new potential for the business sector and society as a whole.
We expect and encourage high achievement

We expect and encourage high achievement, personal responsibility, innovative abilities, and social commitment among all members of the University. Our graduates take these qualities with them into their professional careers – and in some cases, supported by the University, into the founding of their own companies.
We are committed to research

The fact that high-quality academic teaching has to incorporate and reflect the latest research results is one of the reasons why we are strongly committed to research. We promote and maintain an open culture of research. We are further expanding our activities in research and knowledge transfer providing targeted support for research by our academic staff. We foster the next generation of young academic talents and enable doctoral research supervised by our faculty members.
We work together and learn from each other

The University lives what it teaches. Our goals in the academic education we provide and the values we impart to our students also apply to the relations between all members of the University. As a result, we also promote high achievement, career mobility, equal opportunities and lifelong learning among all our staff, both faculty and employees. In their relations to each other, the members of this University follow the key principles of appreciation, respect, a level playing field for dialogue, and cooperation in our shared goals and tasks. This is why we value flexibility and mutual trust, and have established transparent participative decision-making processes.
Since we are working together on further development on all levels, we characterise this University as a responsive learning institution. To enhance inner structures and processes, we also apply the resources and expertise available from scholarly research and theory. We ensure that the University’s organisational structures and administrative processes are clear. Through the key instruments of organisational and personnel development, we are committed to constant improvements in quality.
We take up responsibility

In keeping with our values, we are aware of our social responsibility. For this reason, we also reflect the societal context of individual action in our teaching and research, as well as in the University’s internal processes. As a result, the diversity of cultures and lifestyles, gender equality, the work/study-family balance, and the sustainability of economic activities are key topics in teaching and research – and also serve as principles guiding the University in its daily work. We are actively committed to promoting these values and a culture of empowerment.