Administration of Justice
- DegreeDiplom
- Type of studyFull-time study
- Standard period of study3 Jahre plus 3 months examinations
- Commencement of studiesWinter semester (1 Oct)
- Language of instructionGerman
- Department / Central InstituteDepartment of Legal Studies
Degree programme
Rechtspfleger work in a court or prosecuting context to take independent legal decisions. Their decisions are subject only to the demands of the Law. They perform a range of tasks defined by the government such as foreclosure and sequestration proceedings, land registry tasks, enforcement proceedings and the assessment of costs.
The preparatory service for a career in the Senior Justice Service equips its personnel with an understanding of the legal, social and political contexts in which they will work and confers all the requisite knowledge and experience to take independent decisions. The degree qualification Diplom-Rechtspfleger/in (FH) is awarded following the completion of a pass in the final thesis.
Study as a paid civil servant, the optimal combination of theory and practice and the excellent career prospects for which graduates can aspire to, makes the degree course one of the most popular in Germany.
Professional field
The wide range of responsibilities which the career Rechtspfleger/in brings (involving fields such as Composition, Insolvency, Guardianship and Enforce- ment) makes it a highly interesting and diverse occupation
Degree structure
The degree programme is structured in four parts. Part One (Theory) is studied in fourteen months; this is followed by a ten-month practical phase. Parts Three and Four are themselves followed by a further six-month theoretical and practical phase. Admission to the degree programme confers the status of temporary Civil Servant and candidate Rechtspfleger/in. The preparation service is completed with the Laufbahnprüfung.
The syllabus contains the following specializations:
• Inheritance Law
• Family Law
• Corporate Law
• Land Property Law
• Commercial Law
• Insolvency Law
• Law of Costs
• Criminal Procedure
• Criminal Law
• Enforcement Law
• The Principles of Constitutional Law
• Administrative Law
• The Law of Enforcement
• Civil Process Law
• Civil Law
- University entrance qualification or an entrance qualification for a University of Applied Sciences
- German nationality as defined by Article 116 GG, § 7 BeamtStG
The application is to be submitted to the state recruitment authority:
- Kammergericht Berlin
- Branden- burgisches Oberlandesgericht
- or Oberlandesgericht Naumburg
Fees and grants
- Tuition fees
- Semesterfee
ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)
Beratung für Studieninteressierte
ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services
+49 30 30877-1919
Guidance for prospective students
FB 4 Rechtspflege
Ulrike Bläßing
Studienbüro I – Diplomstudiengänge Rechtspflege und Hauptstudium I des Auswärtigen Amtes, studentische Hilfskräfte
+49 30 30877-2712
Bürozeiten: Montag und Mittwoch sowie nach persönlicher Vereinbarung
Academic director
FB 4 Rechtspflege
Prof. Roland Böttcher
+49 30 30877-2754