Intermission semester

If you are unable to attend your studies as scheduled during the course of a semester, you have the option to submit a request for a intermission semester no later than eight weeks prior to the end of the semester in question.

The reasons for a intermission semester include in particular:

  • Illness,
  • Pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave,
  • Custody and Guardianship of minor children,
  • Custody and Guardianship of relatives in need of care
  • Military or alternative service and/or voluntary work.

The University will need to make a separate decision on a intermission semester for any other reasons.

A intermission semester for the first semester is typically only granted in the event of pregnancy.

A intermission semester is always granted for a full semester. The a intermission semester may only exceed a period of two consecutive semesters in exceptional cases; consequently, a period of more than four semesters is not possible.

In the event of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave, Custody and Guardianship of minor children and Custody and Guardianship of relatives in need of care, you may request a intermission semester for a maximum of six months.

Submit your request in writing to the Office for Application, Admission and Enrolment. Specify the reason for the intermission semester and provide suitable proof.

If you are studying a cooperative or internal degree programme, you must also submit a corresponding extension agreement from the training organisation or the consent of the training authority together with your request for a intermission semester.

During any intermission semester, it is typically the case that you will not be able to attend lectures, submit continuous assessment or provide proof of academic performance. The respective Examination Board will decide on any exceptions, including in particular in the event of pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave and Custody and Guardianship of a minor child.

Holiday semesters will be regarded as University semesters, but not as semesters.

You will need to continue paying your semester contributions during your intermission semester.

The re-registration fee of 50 euros and the contributions for the Student Council of the HWR Berlin (AStA) must also be paid in full.

You will be exempt from your contribution obligations for the Berlin Studierendenwerk (German National Association for Student Affairs) if you have not been at the University, or are on a intermission semester for this reason, due to

  • pregnancy or maternity leave,
  • fulfilling military or alternative service,
  • studying abroad or
  • fulfilling a work placement outside of Berlin

If you have any queries regarding semester ticket exemption during the intermission semester, please send them to the AStA at the HWR Berlin, Semester Ticket Office, email: semtix(at)

Department of Cooperative Studies

Before submitting your application, we recommend you get in touch with your field of study in order to obtain advice. Given that the Cooperative Studies are linked to a contractual apprenticeship, you need to consult with your partner company regarding your intermission semester. Your field of study will be happy to support you.

The request for a intermission semester must be submitted in writing to your Subject Office.