Blended Intensive Programmes

A new Erasmus+ Programme supports innovative teaching and study methods, by combining short-term international mobility for groups with online collaboration.

International collaboration – online and in-person

In this era of globalisation and digitalisation it is important to both be able to collaborate with counterparts online and to develop intercultural competencies to ensure this collaboration is successful.

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) from the Erasmus+ Programme are designed to address this need by combining innovative online teaching and collaboration with short-term stays abroad. They thus serve to boost the digital skills of the participants, as well as the development of short, intensive and international mobility - in person and virtually.

Which conditions do I need to be aware of?

You are interested in taking part in or hosting a Blended Intensive Programme with your students? You should take into account the following conditions when planning your event:

  • At least three universities from three different EU Member States and third countries associated with the Erasmus Programme are required to take part in a Blended Intensive Programme.
  • The joint in-person programme takes place at one of the participating universities and must last between 5 and 30 days. The in-person programme has to be combined with a virtual phase, the length of which can be determined by the participating universities.
  • The virtual phase takes place before, during or after the in-person programme and allows for online learning, exchange and collaboration.
  • At least 15 student participants travel from the participating universities to take part in the in-person programme.
  • Students must receive at least 3 ECTS points for taking part in the programme.
  • The coordinating/hosting university receives financial support for carrying out the BIP, in particular for the organisation of the in-person programme.
  • Students that travel to the in-person programme receive financial support for their trip via the Erasmus Programme of their home university.
  • Participating universities that are planning to send students to a BIP at another university should contact the Erasmus Coordinator/International Office at their home university to confirm details of the Erasmus financing for their students.

Apply for a Blended Intensive Programme

Teaching staff can apply for a Blended Intensive Programme via the International Office at the HWR Berlin, by contacting Susanne Fuerstenberg:

Apply for a BIP or find out more now