Sustainability and climate protection

Seeking to promote responsible thinking and behaviour, the HWR Berlin integrates the consideration of sustainability in its teaching, learning and research in order to make a contribution to shaping global development in a sustainable fashion.


Sustainability at the HWR Berlin

The issue of sustainability has long been a matter of central concern to a sizeable number of individual members of the HWR Berlin research, teaching and administrative staff. Seeking to embed these individual efforts in the research teaching and operations of the HWR Berlin, the University Management moved in 2021 to draft and adopt the  “Willing, Able, Doing - Sustainability at HWR Berlin” strategy paper to provide comprehensive guidance on this important issue. The following year saw the establishment of sustainability as an independent area of responsibility of the HWR Berlin Executive Board.

The focus of HWR Berlin activities in this area currently rests on:

  • Controlling and communication
  • Teaching and learning
  • Operations and campus life
  • Transfer
  • Research

Download strategy paper »Willing, Able, Doing - Sustainability at HWR Berlin«

The imperative of sustainability poses a challenge to the HWR Berlin as a whole. A sense of responsibility towards nature and society acts as a guiding principle for the teaching, learning, research, management and operation of our institution.

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante, Vizepräsidentin der HWR Berlin für Nachhaltigkeit, Studierendenservice und Hochschulkommunikation. Foto: Oana Popa-Costea

Teaching and learning for sustainability

Transcending disciplinary boundaries, the issue of sustainability is pertinent to all the degree courses taught at the HWR Berlin. In addition to a range of optional and elective subjects related to sustainability, students at the HWR Berlin benefit from moves to expand existing degree programmes focussing on sustainability. Recent additions to our range of degree programmes include: 

Sustainability certificate at the HWR Berlin

Bachelor’s students in Departments 1 or 2 with an interest in sustainability can work to acquire a sustainability certificate at the HWR Berlin. This requires the completion of courses, voluntary work, work experience and/or a final thesis. Take the opportunity to become actively involved!

Students also have the opportunity to focus on sustainability in their final thesis. Suggested topics for final theses relating to sustainability are published here regularly. 

Expertise for sustainability

Many of our research, teaching and administrative staff are committed to anchoring the consideration of sustainability in the teaching and research of the HWR Berlin and its operations. Part of this expertise is pooled at the Institute for Sustainability (INa). 

[Translate to English:] David Lübeck, HWR Berlin. Foto: privat

Department 1 Business and Economics

David Lübeck // part-time lecturer

David Lübeck conducts research into industrial policy with links to environmental goals and sustainability. He is a member of a research network for macroeconomic policy and sustainability (E-Axes Forum on Macroeconomics and Climate Change) and the Tönissteiner Kreis sustainability working group.

[Translate to English:] Heike Prüße, HWR Berlin

Department 2 Cooperative Studies

Heike Prüße // researcher

Heike Prüße conducts research into sustainability in the healthcare sector (current project: climate-neutral secondary processes in hospitals) and carbon footprint products and processes in a range of areas such as cleaning, food supply, waste management, change management and inter-organisational change processes.

[Translate to English:] Simone Schnepf, HWR Berlin

Department 2 Cooperative Studies

Simone Schnepf // researcher in tourism

The research and teaching of Simone Schnepf focus on sustainable management / sustainable business strategies and the sustainable development of the tourism industry, with a particular specialization in the hospitality industry (hotels and catering) in the Berlin-Brandenburg area.

Projects and measures for sustainability

The HWR Berlin has implemented a range of measures to bring greater sustainability since 2022. These include:

[Translate to English:] Nachhaltige Give-aways an der HWR Berlin. Foto: Katja Schieritz

#03 Sustainable giveaways

Maybe you have already noticed that the HWR Berlin has been organizing sustainable giveaways over recent months. One example includes the provision of flower seed bombs to an event working to raise biodiversity in urban areas. Important criteria when selecting giveaways include sustainable materials and production methods.

[Translate to English:] Partizipation: Nachhaltigkeitsworkshop an der HWR Berlin. Foto: Lukas Svhramm

#06 Participation structure

A sustainability council was established to strengthen sustainability at HWR Berlin. It is made up of all status groups at the university and makes recommendations to the university management. Interested parties can participate in working groups or attend meetings. Information is available by e-mail to or via the Moodle course “Sustainability at HWR Berlin”.

[Translate to English:] Nachhaltigkeit: ICE der Deutschen Bahn am winterlich verschneiten Bahnsteig. Foto: Foto: © m-1975/ Getty Images/ iStockphoto

#08 Business travel policy

How can the HWR Berlin incentivize sustainable travel? How can we adapt our guidelines to encourage sustainable business travel? The HWR Berlin is currently working to update our business travel policy to make it fit for the 21st century.

Making a personal commitment to sustainability at the HWR Berlin

More than just separating waste: what can you do yourself to promote sustainability and sustainable behaviour at the HWR Berlin? 

Mit vereinten Kräften engagieren für mehr Nachhaltigkeit an der HWR Berlin. Foto: © fotogaby/ iStock/ Getty Images Plus

Joining forces for more sustainability at the HWR Berlin. Photograph: © fotogaby/ iStock/ Getty Images Plus

Would you like to play your part in promoting sustainability at the HWR Berlin? Take part in workshops and attend regular meetings on the topic of sustainability. Register for the Sustainability at HWR Berlin course on Moodle or contact: nachhaltigkeit(at)

Making a commitment to sustainability outside the HWR Berlin

Whether driving to class, flying on holiday or streaming your favourite series, everything we do has a carbon footprint. If you want to play your part in tackling the greenhouse effect, a good first step is to calculate your CO2 emissions using the WWF climate calculator. We also provide a range of practical advice on saving CO2:

Networks for sustainability

The HWR Berlin is a member of a number of networks focussed on the achievement of sustainability:

Materials and resources

The HWR Berlin has compiled resources to facilitate the integration of sustainability into teaching and university operations.

The Institute for Sustainability provides an overview of the materials available to support the integration of sustainability into university operations and teaching. The HWR Berlin works to advance the integration of a consideration of sustainability in its teaching in order to impart knowledge about this important issue and provide training in critical and creative thinking and transformation skills.

Navigate to the overview of materials and resources