Services for refugees
German for studying: free German lessons at the HWR Berlin for refugees from Berlin or Brandenburg who want to study or prepare for a professional career.
Are you interested in studying on a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme − or perhaps a cooperative studies degree programme? We are on hand at every step of the way provide advice and support to all those hoping to learn German at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin and then to study for a degree.
We even continue to help after graduation, with advice and support in the job application procedure. As an internationally-active university with students from throughout the world, we should like to extend a warm welcome to the HWR Berlin!
Learn German for free
Refugees can study German at the HWR Berlin. Our language courses are free of charge.
Current German course
Information about the course:
- Duration: 4.5 months, daily from Monday to Friday
- Time: 9.00 to 13.30
- Lessons: 24 lessons per week (45 min. each)
- Topics: German course and topics regarding studying in Germany
- Location: The course takes place at the Schöneberg Campus of the HWR Berlin
- Completion: Telc C1 Hochschule – examination
What are the prerequisites?
The prerequisite is a completed German course at the language level B2. The course is open exclusively to refugees. The course is aimed at people who would like to study at the HWR Berlin.
Please note:
Regular and active attendance is mandatory.
Upcoming German courses
Information about the course:
- Duration: 4.5 months, daily from Monday to Friday
- Time: 9.00 to 13.30
- Lessons: 24 lessons per week (45 min. each)
- Topics: German course and topics regarding studying in Germany
- Location: The course takes place at the Schöneberg Campus of the HWR Berlin
- Completion: Telc C1 Hochschule – examination
What are the prerequisites?
The prerequisite is a completed German course at the language level B2. The course is open exclusively to refugees. The course is aimed at people who live in Berlin and would like to study at the HWR Berlin.
Please note:
Regular and active attendance is mandatory.
Information about the course:
- Duration: 4.5 months, daily from Monday to Friday
- Time: 9.00 to 13.30
- Lessons: 24 lessons per week (45 min. each)
- Topics: German course and topics regarding studying in Germany
- Location: The course takes place at the Schöneberg Campus of the HWR Berlin
- Completion: Telc C1 Hochschule – examination
What are the prerequisites?
The prerequisite is a completed German course at the language level B2. The course is open exclusively to refugees. The course is aimed at people who live in Berlin and would like to study at the HWR Berlin.
Please note:
Regular and active attendance is mandatory.
If you would like to participate in our C1 course, please send an e-mail with your B2 certificate, your letter of motivation (approx. 150 words), your residence title and proof of residence in Berlin to pre-studies(at)
Impressions of former participants
Learning a new language is never easy. But with the enthusiastic teachers and great atmosphere at the HWR Berlin, you will soon make progress. This is why I want to work in my profession as a teacher in Germany.
Choosing a degree programme
Completion of the German course prepares its participants to apply for a place on a degree programme. Find a degree programme that suits you and submit your application.
Knowing what to do: studying at the HWR Berlin
Two steps to the right degree programme
FAQ Studying at the HWR Berlin: answers to your questions
Studying successfully − here’s how
We provide a range of advice and support to help you settle in to the HWR Berlin and acquire all the skills that you need to study successfully. Improve your language skills so you can complete your studies in German.
Starting your career
Are you about to graduate and would like to start looking for a job or internship? Working within the framework of the DAAD-funded project Integra, the HWR Berlin provides advice and support to international students with or without a refugee background with all aspects of starting a career.
Further information about careers guidance at the HWR Berlin
How to contact us
German course for refugees
Student Counselling Services
Consulting, degree programmes and auditing
Student Counselling Services contact form
Supported by the Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care