Deutschlandstipendium scholarship

Support for the most gifted of minds: the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the HWR Berlin

The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the HWR Berlin includes funding to the value of 300 euros per month lasting for a minimum of one year. The scholarships are funded in equal measure, with half financed by private donors and the other half financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The aim for both the Deutschlandstipendium programme initiated by the Federal Government as well as the HWR Berlin is to provide students with support at an early stage and, in doing so, enhance the education of young talented individuals. The principle behind this is very simple; the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship provides support to students and university entrants whose background is indicative of exceptional performance in both their studies and professional career - the most gifted of minds, if you like.

Who is allowed to apply?

  • Students* at the HWR Berlin with outstanding academic performance
    (enrolled and still with at least two semesters left to complete within the standard study period)
  • University entrants for whom a strong level of academic success is expected based on their performance to date
    (enrolled when authorised)

* Students studying either of the “Police Service” and “Administration of Justice” fast-track degree programmes are not eligible for such support.

Selection criteria

The scholarships are predominantly awarded on merit. In addition to performance, the following selection criteria are also taken into account for the scholar selection process:

  • Social engagement
  • Personal background
  • Overcoming significant biographic hurdles (such as your educational background, social and family-related circumstances)

Students of all nationalities who are completing their course at the HWR Berlin may apply for this.
For the application, a confirmation of a study place should already be available.

The main target group of this scholarship are students of the undergraduate bachelor's and master's programs of the departments 1 to 5 of the HWR Berlin (not the Berlin Professional School).

The scholarship is granted regardless of income and will not count towards grants awarded under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). Duplicate support in the form of scholarships awarded by "Begabtenförderwerke", German institutions sponsoring the intellectually gifted, shall not be permitted if the total amount of support exceeds a monthly average of 30 euros.

The fact that social commitment is recognised and valued by the university is great! The Deutschlandstipendium gives me the opportunity to be part of a unique network of sponsors and scholarship holders.

Yannick Büchle, Bachelor's programme Business Administration

Framework programme

As a scholar, you can also expect to benefit from an accompanying programme in addition to financial support. You will have the opportunity to attend the Stipendienfeier (an event held in celebration of scholarships), where you can meet your own donors and potentially other donors in person. By attending this event, perhaps you will also find out about some interesting opportunities for your professional development?

In addition, there are also a variety of networking events giving you the chance to meet other scholars, former students (alumni) and donors. The ever-increasing network of Deutschlandstipendium scholars provides a spring board for joint projects and long-term professional and personal relationships that we will help to foster together with you.

Application period and application process

The HWR Berlin awards Deutschlandstipendium scholarships ready for the summer semester. The next scholarships are due to be awarded on 1 April 2025.
The application process consists of one stage:

  1. Online application

All of the application-related information can be found in the invitation to tender. Please ensure you carefully read the information regarding the application process in the invitation to tender prior to starting your application.

The application and selection process is subject to the following schedule (subject to change)


Processing stage

03/01/25 – 31/01/25

Online application


The submitted documents will be inspected and the scholars will be chosen by the selection panel


Decision and award of scholarships

Proof of academic performance

For students at the HWR Berlin, your academic performance to date (average grade) and ECTS points achieved will be taken into account. For students in their first semester who have not received any grades so far, the same criteria as applicable to university entrants will apply here.

For university entrants completing a Bachelor´s degree programme, the average grade for your university entrance qualification or other specific qualification entitling you to study at the HWR Berlin will be taken into account. As for those individuals completing a Master´s degree programme, the final grade for your previous degree programme or other specific qualification entitling you to study at the HWR Berlin will be taken into account.

The HWR Berlin will be offering the next Deutschlandstipendien for the summer semester of 2025. With the Deutschlandstipendium, the HWR Berlin honours outstanding achievements as well as special commitment of students at the university.

Number of scholarships and purpose assignment
For two thirds of the scholarships financed by them, the private sponsors may stipulate that the scholarship be restricted to a specific subject area or degree programme. All students of the HWR Berlin can apply for scholarships that are not bound to a specific subject.

Deutschlandstipendien (2025/26)

You will find the call for applications in January here.

The Deutschlandstipendium provides funding of 300 euros per month (regardless of income or BAföG) for an initial period of 12 months for particularly high-achieving and committed students. Students who already receive a performance-based grant of 30 euros or more per month and students who have exceeded their standard period of study are not eligible for funding.

Funding period
01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026

Application deadline
(cut-off period, the HWR Berlin receipt stamp date shall apply here; see application)


Tender period: 03/01–31/01/2025

The application process consists of one stage.

  1. Completing the online application, sending it electronically.

Please be aware that we will only assess applications that have been completed in full and furnished with evidence regarding all of the details provided.

The language used in the application and selection process is German.

Note: Please refrain from asking questions about the progress of your application whilst we are in the process of inspecting the documents you have submitted.

Selection process and selection criteria

The University Board is responsible for appointing a selection panel to select the scholars (see Guidelines on the awarding of Deutschlandstipendium scholarships at the HWR Berlin).

In order to select scholars, the following criteria are taken into account by the selection panel in accordance with the German Scholarship Act (StipG) and the Scholarship Regulation (StipV), as well as the Guidelines on the awarding of Deutschlandstipendium scholarships at the HWR Berlin

  •     Outstanding academic performance and talent
  •     Exceptional engagement and notable success
  •     Exceptional social/family-related/personal circumstances and challenges

There is no statutory entitlement to funding provided by the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship.

Data protection notices

The Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin) is responsible for collecting data regarding an application for a scholarship as part of the “Deutschlandstipendium” national scholarship programme, doing so on the basis of the German Scholarship Act (StipG) and the Scholarship Regulation (StipV).

The provisions of the StipG, StipV and statute regarding implementation of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin) apply here. The data collected will only be used for the purposes stated in these provisions in conjunction with the award of the scholarships, and will be deleted and/or destroyed if such data are no longer required.

The invitation to tender is subject to available funds.

Please ensure you carefully read the details in the Invitation to tender for Deutschlandstipendium scholarship; once you have done so, please proceed to the online application form.

Application deadline for online applications

The online application form will be available from 03/01/2025 and will close on 31/01/2025.

Students who have an HWR account (login data for e.g. Moodle, S.A.M., etc.) must apply with their HWR ID via the following link:

Applicants who do not yet have an HWR account (before receiving the documents for starting their studies),  please use the HWR application platform for the application. After logging in/registering on the application platform you will find the link to the application for the Deutschlandstipendium at the top.

Instructions to complete the form

Please prepare the documents for your application as completely as possible before filling out the application form. You can save your application at the end of the form and will then receive an e-mail with a link to open the form again. Please keep this e-mail with the link to continue your application! Otherwise, no further processing will be possible and you will have to complete the application form again.

Enrolled students, please provide your current average grade for your academic performance to date and current ECTS credits (total) in order to enter your performance. You can obtain this information from S.A.M. or ask the respective offices to provide such certification.


The transcript of records must show an officially declared average grade and total ECTS. If this information is not on your document, you must have it calculated and signed by your study office.

Path to the S.A.M. overview of grades: -> Applications and documents "Performance overview" -> download,  example overview of grades from S.A.M.


ZR Studierendenservice
Denise Gücker
Career Service, Deutschlandstipendium

Campus Schöneberg
Haus A, Other object title A 3.08
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin

University Management
Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante
Vice President

Campus Schöneberg
Haus A, Other object title 2.36
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin