Topics A-Z
Beck-Online home access
Students at the HWR Berlin can also access the Beck-Online database from home via a two-stage authentication process. In order to do this, you need to have registered once via the HWR IP network. Detailed instructions can be found on the website of the Beck-Online database.
Students must use their HWR Berlin email address ending in when registering.
Students can choose a new password for their library user account at any time via Bibkey. To do so, log into Bibkey using your general HWR Berlin ID (s_...). Then choose an 8 to 12-digit password.
Book suggestions
We look forward to receiving your suggestions on how to expand our library collection. For the library located on the Lichtenberg Campus, please send your suggestions to; for the library located on the Schöneberg Campus, please contact .
Please provide us with as much information as possible, such as the title, author, publisher, ISBN etc., and let us know if you would like to borrow the medium in question once we have purchased it.
Branch order
Media can be ordered via the library account to the other location. To do so, click on the link to the catalog in your search results in HoWeR, select the location to which you want to order the medium, and then click on Order in the order tab. After logging in with the library account, a branch order is triggered and you will receive an email notification as soon as the media is ready for you to borrow at your desired location.
Students and university members can make use of the Citavi bibliographic software via the HWR Berlin campus licence. Citavi provides you with assistance in collating and organising literature sources as well as citing them correctly. You need to have a Windows operating system in order to install it.
Brief introduction: How do I get Citavi?
- Install Citavi Free:
Here you can obtain the free version “Citavi Free” from here. This version is restricted to 100 entries. You should therefore make use of your campus licence, as described in the following steps below.
- Create your Citavi Account free of charge:
The form can be found here. When registering, please ensure you use your HWR Berlin email address. Your account automatically includes the campus licence provided by the HWR Berlin, which you can use to switch from your “Citavi Free” version to the full version without any restrictions.
- Log in to Citavi using your account:
Use your Citavi Account login details to log in to the system via the symbol in the top right of the program startup window. The licence data is recognised automatically, and you can then make use of the program in full.
New in Citavi 6: working in the Citavi Cloud
For the first time ever, Citavi 6 allows you to save projects in the Citavi Cloud. You can use your Citavi Account to open and edit any projects you have saved in the Cloud at any time on any computer with Citavi installed on it.
The Citavi Cloud also allows you to work in a team in an uncomplicated manner. To do so, simply invite as many fellow students or colleagues as you like and specify the processing rights for each individual within the team.
The library collections are classified by subject at both sites.
The Lichtenberg Campus currently features two forms of classification; one for media from Departments 3-5 and one for media from Department 2.
Media on the Schöneberg Campus are subject to uniform classification.
Classified information (VS) room
The VS (Verschluss-Sache = classified information) room in the library on Campus Lichtenberg is only accessible to members of the department 5 - Police, since the so-called classified information is placed there. On presentation of the service card you will receive a transponder to open the door at the information desk. Please note that classified information may only be used by law enforcement officers; disclosure to other persons is prohibited.
Copiers are available at both locations for duplicating library materials.
You can make both A4 and A3 copies in black and white or in colour.
Students are billed using their CampusCard or MensaCard. The current price list can be found on the device. IT will provide you with instructions on how to use the copiers ( (Currently only in German)
Employees and teachers log in to the printers with their HWR ID. Instructions for using the printer can be found here ( (currently only in German)
The library offers all of its users access to numerous databases, such as Beck Online, Business Source Ultimate, Statista and WISO. You can find an overview of the various databases available under "Online databases".
Demand Driven Aquisition
In addition to the traditional way of obtaining literature based on the learning content and collection fields at HWR Berlin as well as the orders made at the start of the semester for the lessons held by teaching staff, the library also offers a newly moderated ordering process for e-books in the form of a demand-driven acquisition system via the HoWeR research portal.
When conducting your research in HoWeR, you can therefore find e-books that the library has not yet purchased. You have the opportunity initially to read the e-book free of charge for a period of five minutes. If the title appeals to you, you can send us an acquisition request via the request form. We will then check this request, and you will receive a response shortly.
The university library offers access to several thousand e-books, including those available from the providers SpringerLink, ProQuest, Ciando and EBSCOhost. All e-books can be searched for via the HoWeR research portal. In order to access licensed electronic resources, please log in to HoWeR when starting your research via the yellow row at the top (“Please log in for full text access”) by entering your user number and your password. If you obtain any hits related to e-books in the list of results, you will be taken directly to the provider’s website where you will also have the opportunity to download the book.
You can also access the e-books outside of the HWR Berlin premises too. Logging in via the yellow row in HoWeR authenticates your membership of the university and provides you with access. If you have any issues logging in, please consult the “Forgotten password” section.
Electronic resources
The university library offers access to numerous electronic resources, such as databases, e-books and electronic journals. You can find out more information under "Online research portals".
We look forward to receiving your suggestions, queries, criticism or compliments. Please feel free to come and talk to us on site or send us an email:
Lichtenberg Campus library:
Schöneberg Campus library: hsb.cs(at)
Fees will become due if the loan period is exceeded. For more information regarding this, please consult the General schedule of fees.
Please transfer outstanding fees to the specified account using the following booking text.
- 0001/11152 Mahngebühren Bibliothek
- Matrikelnummer xy
- Hochschulbibliothek Schöneberg (HSB CS) or Hochschulbibliothek Lichtenberg (HSB CL)
Bank transfer data account:
- Inhaber Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
- Bank Berliner Volksbank
- IBAN DE72100900008841015240
Group work
You can make use of a room for group work in the Campus Lichtenberg library, which also has a whiteboard available. You cannot book the room in advance.
There are two group work rooms in the Schöneberg Campus library, which can be booked in advance. Please contact the circulation desk for any queries.
Our Research portal HoWeR allows you to search through the library collection. Here you will find details of all of the library's printed as well as electronically available resources.
Members of the HWR Berlin can use the Internet at the computer desks in the library after logging in using their general HWR Berlin network ID. You can find out more information about WLAN connections under the item “WLAN”.
Interlibrary loan
Interlibrary loan provides access to literature not held within the libraries at HWR Berlin. You can request books or book chapters as well as copies of journal articles. Requests for books may be submitted via the KOBV Portal, requests for journal articles are placed using the Zeitschriftendatenbank. Interlibrary loan orders take approximately up to two weeks to arrive.
A fee of 1.50 € is charged for each interlibrary loan request and will be posted to your library account. Additional fees may apply to large copy orders. During the ordering process, it is possible to set a limit on how much you are willing to pay for the request.
Renewals of interlibrary loan items can be requested. However, it is the lending library that decides whether or not a renewal is possible. To submit a renewal request, please contact us at fernleihe(at)
Please note that the libraries at HWR Berlin do not participate in international interlibrary loan services.
All journals in the university library, both print and online, are listed in the HoWeR research portal. To search for magazines, please use the Search in Journals and e-Content tab in the top line. For available electronic journals, you will be forwarded directly to the full text via a link.
At the Lichtenberg campus library you will find the current volume of print journals that in the journal reading room on the 1st floor. Older issues are bound in volumes and are available on the ground floor. You can find them by using the journals signature.
KGSt publications
Members of the HWR Berlin (teachers, employees, students) can register via the KGSt portal to access the electronic editions of the KGSt publications. In addition, the university library on the Lichtenberg campus offers the most important series as printed copies for loan.
- Further information (in German)
Searching the website of the Kooperative Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) library association ( gives you the opportunity to search through the collections of numerous Berlin and Brandenburg-based university, higher education, special and public libraries. This joint catalogue is highly recommended, particularly if you are conducting extensive research beyond the HWR Berlin university library collection.
Library Account
Borrowing periods of borrowed media as well as extensions, reservations and branch orders can be carried out independently via the own library account. Students will find their user number under the words "library" on their CampusCard, all other users on their library card under the bar code.
If you do not know your password, please note the information under the item "Forgot password".
Library Card
For students, the CampusCard is considered a library card. University lecturers, lecturers and other HWR members receive a library card by registration at the library, upon showing the identity card.
If the CampusCard or the library card is lost, please inform the library immediately. A fee of 5 Euro will be charged for issuing a replacement badge. Students receive their new CampusCard through the Matriculation and Admission Office.
Library Use Ordinance
Literature research
Training sessions regarding literature research are held on a regular basis at both sites. The latest dates can be found on the website and on Moodle.
By default, the loan period is 15 working-days and can be extended up to six times independently in the library account, provided that no reservation has been made. Presence stocks can be borrowed overnight or over the weekend. Excluded from the loan are magazines and loose-leaf collections.
For students, the maximum number of lendable print media at the same time is 15, while final thesis with proof is 25, for university teachers, lecturers and employees 50.
For borrowing the library card or the CampusCard is required. At Campus Lichtenberg borrowing and return is carried out via the information desk; at Campus Schöneberg there are also rental machines for independent lending and return.
Loan period extensions
For students and lecturers, you can renew borrowed items yourself up to six times in your user library account, unless there is already a reservation in place. These items are renewed automatically for university tutors and employees; you will be informed when a medium needs to be returned due to the fact it has been reserved. After you have renewed an item for the sixth time, any subsequent renewal will only be possible by bringing the media to the lending desk.
You can make use of the lockers available at both sites when visiting the library. You have the option of storing bags, jackets and other items in the lockers provided for the duration of the library use.
You will be given a locker key on the Lichtenberg Campus upon payment of a deposit.
You will need a EUR 1,00 or 2,00 coin to use the lockers on the Schöneberg Campus.
New acquisitions
In OPAC you can find a list of the latest media acquired by the library.
Opening hours
Both locations are open
Mon–Fri: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. (service hours 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Sat: 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. (no service hours)
Sun: closed
Outside of service hours, the library is available as a learning location with self-service functions (e.g. printing, copying or scanning as well as using the self-checkout machines).
Please note that the opening times may vary during the lecture-free periods.
The electronic version of the library catalog (Online Public Access Catalog, OPAC) is still available alongside the research portal HoWeR, with HoWeR being the central search instrument for the library collection. Your library account, which allows you to view, reserve, and place orders for your loans, is currently integrated with OPAC.
Open Access
Open Access has become a central academic topic in the form of the “Open Access Strategy for Berlin: making academic publications accessible to everyone”. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact: openaccess-buero(at)
Open-Access-Policy for HWR Berlin
The Academic Senate of HWR Berlin passed the Open Access Policy of HWR Berlin in February 2020. The Open Access Office is working on the strategic implementation of the Open Access Policy; the aim is a comprehensive Open Access infrastructure for HWR Berlin.
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open Educational Resources (OER, open teaching and learning materials) are content in various formats and media that are published for didactic purposes under a free and open license. Central to OER are free access, free use, and permitted distribution and processing with no (or only minor) restrictions. Possible formats are, for example, course materials such as textbooks, articles, course plans and multimedia applications.
In OPUS the university’s publication server, you will find theses written in the Department of Business and Economics along with other selected academic articles.
Password (forgot)
Students can create a (new) password for their library account via Bibkey at any time. To do this, log in via Bibkey with your HWR Berlin identifier (s _...).
All other users register with their library card at the information desk in Campus Lichtenberg or Campus Schöneberg, where they receive a new password.
Copiers for printouts are available at both locations. You can print both A4 and A3 prints in black and white or in colour.
Students can print out files from a USB device or from the workstation PCs in the library. The current price lists can be found on the copier. You will be billed using your CampusCard or MensaCard. IT will provide you with instructions on how to use the copiers (
Employees and teachers log in to the printers with their HWR ID. Instructions for using the printer can be found here (
For larger print orders, please contact the printing station in Schöneberg (kopieren(at) or Lichtenberg (druckerei-lichtenberg(at)
Project reports
Project reports for Departments 3 and 5 can be found in the Campus Lichtenberg library.
Reference management
Reference management saves time and nerves when writing a thesis or paper.
With Reference Management Software like Citavi (Windows only) or Zotero (platform-independent), the literature used can be cited automatically and uniformly while writing. A complete bibliography of the referenced Literature can be also created with one click. During the research, the literature can be easily recorded using the program add-ons and transferred to the reference management software. The Export Manager of the research portal HoWeR also offers an interface to both programs.
The library offers training on Citavi and Zotero.
Students do not need to register separately in order to use the libraries at both sites. Your CampusCard works as a user card.
New university tutors, lecturers and employees will receive a user card and password upon presenting their identity document and their teaching assignment or employment contract. All of the library services can then be used.
Requesting media from the respective other library site
Media can be ordered from the respective other site via your user account. Upon obtaining your search result in HoWeR, click on the Go to catalogue link, choose the site from which you wish to order the medium, and then click Order in the Order tab. A branch order will then be triggered when you log in to your user account, and you will receive a message via email when the medium is available for you to borrow from the requested site.
The HoWeR research portal is available for you to use to research the university library's printed and electronic media. Numerous licensed specialist databases are also integrated in the search function.
If you have any research-related queries or require support, please feel free to contact us via email, by telephone or in person on site.
Training sessions regarding literature research are held on a regular basis at both sites.
Reservations on borrowed media
Borrowed media can be independently booked online via the library account. After searching in HoWeR, click on the link to the catalog. As soon as you sign up under order with your library account, we will trigger a reservation. You will receive a notification by email if the media has been provided to you.
Returning borrowed media
Please return your borrowed media to the lending desk on the Lichtenberg Campus during opening hours. You can also make use of the self-service machines on the Schöneberg Campus.
Both locations allow you to scan library materials for free. Use either the copiers or the book scanners provided. You can save the scanned media on your own USB device (copiers & and book scanners) or on your HWR drive (only for book scanners).
Schedule of fees
General schedule of fees at the HWR Berlin (in German) (including library charges)
Service hours
The library's complete service portfolio is available to you during service hours.
The following services cannot be offered outside of service times:
- Specialist library information
- Information via telephone and e-Mail
- Payment of library fees in cash / discussion and processing of reminders
- Special loan of reference copies
- Processing of lost and missing items
- Issuing information on single-user licenses
- Processing of user accounts (exmatriculation, new admission, etc.)
- Use of printed university publications (Schöneberg only)
- Allocation of carrels and return of carrel keys (Schöneberg only)
- Use of the VS room including loan, extension and returning of VS media (Lichtenberg only)
- Use of lockers (Lichtenberg only)
After the grade has been announced, HWR Berlin students can independently upload a digital version of their thesis to the OPUS publication server of the HWR Berlin together with the digitally completed English version of declaration of consent (deposit license) instead of the print delivery. The digital version can be published in the university network of the HWR Berlin or in the sense of Open Access, freely accessible worldwide.
- Upload
- Deposit license for the publication of student theses
(English Version)
Exempt from this are VS-NfD theses from FB5 – Police- and Security Management (Verschlusssache nur für Dienstgebrauch). These can still be handed in as a print in the library on the Lichtenberg campus by the study office / department.
If you have any questions, please contact opus(at)
Training sessions and tours
Tours are provided by the library and training sessions regarding literature research and reference management are held at both library sites. Further information can be found on Moodle.
Terms of use
User account
You can view the loan periods for the media you have borrowed or extend, reserve or make branch orders yourself via your own user account. For students, your user number can be found on your CampusCard under the “Library” lettering; for all other users, your user number can be found on your user ID card beneath the bar code.
If you cannot remember your password, please consult the information provided in the “Forgotten password” section.
User ID card
For students, the CampusCard works as a user card for the library. University tutors, lecturers and other HWR Berlin members will receive a user ID card when registering in the library upon presenting their personal ID card.
Please ensure you inform the library immediately if you lose your CampusCard or user card. A charge of EUR 5,00 is applicable in order to issue a replacement card. Students will receive their new CampusCard from the Admissions and Enrolment Office.
Members of the HWR Berlin can make use of the eduroam network in the library rooms available on both sites. Information on how to connect to eduroam can be found on the Information Technology website:
The university library offers a sufficient number of workstations. A total of 365 workstations and 50 computer desks/research workstations are available for you to use at both locations.
There is a separate group work room available for group work on the Lichtenberg Campus, where you can also make use of the interactive whiteboard.
The library on the Schöneberg Campus has two height-adjustable desks located on the 4th floor. Also, there are two group work rooms available, allowing you to get on with work and discuss matters without being disturbed. Unless the rooms have been booked, they are available for use at any time during the university library's opening hours. You can reserve a group work room for a maximum of two hours per day by signing up on the reservation sheets on the door of the rooms.
If you are writing your thesis, there is also the option to book a workstation with a lockable storage unit (carrel) for up to eight weeks. The carrels are located on the 4th floor in the entrance area in front of the library’s main entrance. To book a carrel, please bring some proof that you are writing your thesis.