How to apply

Law and Public Administration

  • Degree
    Master of Laws (LL.M.)
  • Type of study
    Full-time study
  • Standard period of study
    4 semesters with internship
  • Commencement of studies
    Winter semester (1 Oct)
  • Credits (ECTS)
  • Language of instruction
  • Department / Central Institute
    Department of Public Administration

How to apply without a German university degree

Applicants holding an international first degree can apply for this Master’s degree programme within application period via the Arbeits- und Servicestelle für internationale Studienbewerbungen uni-assist e.V. 

The application form for your application can be downloaded at

University degree (min. 180 ECTS) in Legal or Administrative Science

Anyone who is not a German citizen or who has not completed a German-language degree programme must provide proof of German language skills that correspond at least to level C 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ("CEFR C1") recommended by the Council of Europe.

General information

Student Counselling Services

Admission and enrolment

Lukasz Zaremba
Master’s degree programmes Lichterberg Campus

Important dates and deadlines

15.04. – 15.06.

Application Period with a German Bachelor’s degree

15.04. – 15.05.

Application Period without a German Bachelor’s degree