How to apply

Law and Public Administration

  • Degree
    Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
  • Type of study
    Full-time study
  • Standard period of study
    6 or 7 semesters
  • Commencement of studies
    Winter semester (1 Oct)
  • Credits (ECTS)
  • Language of instruction
  • Department / Central Institute
    Department of Public Administration

How to apply without a German university entrance qualification

Students with a Non-German Bachelor degree apply at uni-assist e. V.. It is a certification office founded to support German universities by converting foreign grades and degrees into their German equivalents. Once your application passes the uni-assist system check, it will be transferred to our university for further processing.

Please note that uni-assist charges a processing fee according to the number of universities you want to apply to.

Please register online first and send your completed documents to the following address:

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und RechtBerlin
Berlin School of Economics and Law
c/o uni-assist e.V.
11507 Berlin

Uni Assist recommends that applicants apply at least six weeks before the end of the application period

  • University entrance qualification or an entrance qualification for a University of Applied Sciences

For study courses in German international students have to prove their German proficiency through the “Test of German Language Ability for Foreign College Students (DSH 2)”. Graduates of the Goethe-Zertifikats C2 (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS)) by the Goethe-Institut and Test-DaF-Graduates with the result of TDN degree 4 in all four tests do not need the DSH.

  • Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
  • Kopie vom Pass
  • Amtliche beglaubigte Fotokopie der Originalzeugnisse mit den amtlichen Übersetzungen in deutscher Sprache (Abiturzeugnis)
  • Sprachnachweis der deutschen Sprache. Dieser darf höchstens zwei Jahre alt sein

General information

ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services

Admission and enrolment

Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment

Office hours:

Mon 14.00–16.00
Wed 10.00–12.00
Thu 14.00–16.00

Important dates and deadlines

01.06. – 15.07.

Application period winter semester with german university entrance qualification

01.06. – 15.07.

Application period winter semester without german university entrance qualification