Law and Public Administration
- DegreeBachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
- Type of studyFull-time study
- Standard period of study6 or 7 semesters
- Commencement of studiesWinter semester (1 Oct)
- Credits (ECTS)180
- Language of instructionGerman
- Department / Central InstituteDepartment of Public Administration
Degree programme
The Law and Public Administration (RöV LL.B.) Bachelor's degree programme prepares its students for the demands of a career in public administration, teaching the specialist knowledge, skills and methodological approaches required for the ever-changing social and professional demands of this context. Graduates of the degree programme are qualified to perform administrative tasks in the senior administrative sector and middle management level in public administration.
In contrast to the Public Administration Bachelor’s degree programme (ÖV), the RöV LL.B. degree programme is focused much more clearly on the application of laws. In addition to developing a detailed understanding of the institutions and functions of legally-constituted systems of public administration in a political administrative context, the degree programme provides an in-depth application-oriented understanding of public and private law. The programme also imparts communication and co-operation skills, teaches responsibility, public interest-orientation and a range of social skills, all vital to a career in a state and self-administration context, a public company, the not-for-profit sector and private organizations entrusted with administrative functions. The Bachelor's degree programme Law and Public Administration (RöV LL.B.) replaced the Bachelor's degree programme Law (Ius) LL.B. as of the winter semester 2020/21.
Alternatively, graduates of the degree programme can also apply for a consecutive legally-focussed Master's degree programme culminating in the qualification “Master of Laws” (LL.M.) or (insofar as the legal components of the degree programme are approved for credit transfer) for another law studies degree programme.
Professional field
The Bachelor's degree programme prepares its graduates for the application of law in a public administration context with an especial focus on principle decisions within an administrative context, whether in the senate administration, district-level (Bezirk) legal offices or a legislative function. When culminating in a qualification plus the Laufbahnbefähigung (Laufbahngruppe 2, 1. Einstiegsamt in a non-technical general administrative service of the Land Berlin in accordance with section 15(1) LVO-AVD Berlin), the degree programme provides its graduates with the immediate opportunity to apply for civil service posts in the Berlin state administration (Regierungs- und Stadtinspektor/innen) without the need to complete a subsequent trainee programme. Graduates have excellent professional opportunities in this respect. The Laufbahnbefähigung of the degree programme complies with the requirements stipulated by the Innenministerkonferenz for the senior non-technical Civil Service (Federal and State level) – conditional on specific requirements in individual federal states. Graduates not taking the Laufbahnbefähigung are qualified for employment as Tarifbeschäftigte/r in a public administration. They also work in the third sector (e.g. not-for-profit and Church organizations, associations, foundations, federations) as well as public and private companies that perform public activities or act as service providers for the public sector.
Degree structure
With Laufbahnbefähigung:
The degree programme consists of seven semesters, incorporating two compulsory work placements in the fourth and sixth semesters (210 ECTS).
Express study:
The degree programme with Laufbahnbefähigung can also be completed in six semesters. The work placements are completed in the fourth semester and phases of them can be completed between semesters (210 ECTS).
Without Laufbahnbefähigung:
The degree course without Laufbahnbefähigung is completed in six semesters. Only one compulsory work placement needs to be completed in the fourth semester (180 ECTS).
The programme focuses on legal subjects with supplementary teaching in administrative, business, social and political science elements as well as instruction in the key skills required in a public administration context.
- The Principles of Legal Science and Academic Working Practices
- Civil Law: BGB (general part), The Law of Obligations (general part & specialist part), Property Law, The Principles of Family and Inheritance Law, Labour Law, The Principles of Commercial and Corporate Law
- Constitutional Law and Basic Rights
- Administrative Law (general part)
- Specialist parts of Administrative Law (Civil Service Law and Public Service Law, Security and Regulatory Law, The Law of Communal Self-Administration, The Principles of Construction Law)
- Administrative Offences Law, Criminal Offences in Office and Corruption Prevention
- Social Law
- Administrative Science and the Modernisation of Public Administration
- An Introduction to Social Sciences
- Public Business Administration
- Public Budgeting and Public Procurement Law
- IT Law and Legal Tech
- Interdisciplinary Case Study
- A foreign language in administrative practice (the language of instruction and examination is usually English at the GER B2 level)
- Digitization in the context of Public Administration
The courses are taught by academics and practitioners in lectures, seminars, practice sessions and small group seminars. The structure of the degree programme does not require students to use external revision services.
University entrance qualification or an entrance qualification for a University of Applied Sciences
Applicants with a degree from an university abroad:
Students with a Non-German Bachelor degree apply at Uni Assist e. V.
Fees and grants
- Tuition fees
- Semesterfee
ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)
Guidance for prospective students
ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services
+49 30 30877-1919
Admission and enrolment
Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment
+49 30 30877-1800
Office hours:
Mon 14.00–16.00
Wed 10.00–12.00
Thu 14.00–16.00
Academic Director

FB 3 Allgemeine Verwaltung
Prof. Dr. Antje Tölle
Professur für Zivilrecht für die Öffentliche Verwaltung
+49 30 30877-2623
Important dates and deadlines
01.10. – 08.02.
Vorlesungszeit Wintersemester
23.12. – 04.01.
Vorlesungsfreie Zeit
20.01. – 15.02.
1. Prüfungszeitraum
25.03. – 14.04.
2. Prüfungszeitraum