International Security Management
- DegreeMaster of Arts (M.A.)
- Type of studyFull-time study
- Standard period of study4 semesters
- Commencement of studiesSummer semester (1 Apr)
- Credits (ECTS)120
- Language of instructionEnglish
- Department / Central InstituteDepartment of Police and Security Management
Degree programme
Online consultation
We offer a monthly online consultation for those who are interested in M.A. International Security Management on the last Friday of each month from 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. (CET).
We offer our online consultation once a week from September to November.
- Meeting room
Code: 955359
International Security Management is a multi-disciplinary study programme covering the increasingly important and complex international aspects of security.
This full-time English-language programme provides an interdisciplinary survey of security-related topics with a special focus on political science / international relations, criminology, law, psychology, risk and crisis management, policing studies, IT security, and economics. It combines theoretical aspects of international security studies with practical applications, such as risk, crisis, and disaster management; the protection of critical infrastructure; and quality assurance in the security sector. These issues are all taught in context, with a focus on professionalism, human rights, and accountability. Class attendance is mandatory.
The Master’s degree programme is open to graduates of Bachelor’s degree courses in any academic discipline related to security, with a preference for students with a Bachelor’s degree and/or practical experience in the areas of security studies / security management, international relations, international law, public administration, criminology, policing studies, or IT security. Strong English language skills (including academic writing) are required. We recommend Level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) as a minimum.
Professional field
Graduates of the degree programme International Security Management are awarded the internationally-accepted qualification »Master of Arts« (M.A.). The degree programme qualifies graduates to assume management roles in commercial and state security organisations, as well as to shoulder demanding security tasks in nationally and internationally-active companies and state agencies, NGOs and aid organisations.
Graduates of this degree course are qualified for the higher levels of German public administration (in accordance with the joint decision of the Innenministerkonferenz and the Kultusministerkonferenz).
Degree structure
The Master’s degree programme consists of four consecutive phases: an introductory phase serving to focus and extend students’ existing theoretical understanding and practical skills is followed by a specialisation phase with elective topics. The third semester is dedicated to an internship during which students can apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical context; this serves as preparation for management responsibilities. The fourth semester is a research semester, in which students attend a research seminar and colloquia whilst writing their Master’s thesis.
Teaching is seminar-based. Particular importance is placed on the use of case studies to extend the students’ theoretical understanding.
Module 1: Research and Methodology
Module 2: International and Global Security Challenges
Module 3: Risk Management and Security Regulation
Module 4: Ethics and Normative Approaches in International Security Management
Module 5: Information Security, Cybersecurity and Data Protection
Module 6: Crime Control in a Global Environment
Module 7: Economic Approaches and Leadership Skills in International Security
Module 8: International Conflict Management
Module 9: Human Rights and Accountability in International Security
Module 10: Current Issues in International Security Management
Module 11: Elective A or Elective B: Electives to be defined every year
- University degree (min. 180 ECTS credit points)
- English language skills: Level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (a minimum score of 6.5 in ALL categories)
- letter of motivation (in English)
- Curriculum Vitae (in English)
Applicants with a degree from a German university:
Please, apply through our platform
Application period: 15 September - 15 November
Applicants with a degree from a university abroad:
Students with a Non-German Bachelor degree apply at uni-assist e. V.
Application period: 15 September - 15 November
Usually, students complete a six-month internship in the third semester. The internship can be waived if students have earned 210 ECTS credit points during their first professionally qualifying degree course, of which 30 ECTS credit points were earned through an integrated internship. However, we recommend that students take advantage of the opportunity to complete an internship during this course.
You can find all current information about modules and courses offered in S.A.M. - Study Administration Management.
The study programme regulations and other forms and documents can be found under Organisation of Studies or in Moodle.
Fees and grants
- Tuition fees
- Semesterfee
current semester fee
Information for prospective students
ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services
+49 30 30877-1919
Degree Programme Coordinator

Department of Police and Security Management
Mechthild Bonnen
Degree programme coordination of "M.A. International Security Management
+49 30 30877-2897
We offer a monthly consultation online for those who are interested in M.A. International Security Management on the last Friday of each month from 12.30 p.m. to 13.30 p.m. (German Time).
The consultation hour on 25th October and 1st November is rescheduled to Monday, 28th October and 4th November, from 12:30 to 13:30.
We offer our online consultation once a week on Friday from September to November.
- Meeting Room
Access Code: 955359
Academic Director

Department of Police and Security Management
Prof. Dr. Juergen Weichselgartner
Guest Professor of Crisis and Risk Management
+49 30 30877-2960
Deputy Academic Director

Department of Police and Security Management
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden
Professor of European and German Public Law, Public Policy and Public Administration
+49 30 30877-2868
Important dates and deadlines
15.09. – 15.11.
Application period with and without a German university degree