Labour Policies and Globalisation
- DegreeMaster of Arts (M.A.)
- Type of studyFull-time study
- Standard period of study2 semesters
- Commencement of studiesWinter semester (1 Oct)
- Credits (ECTS)60
- Language of instructionEnglish
- Department / Central InstituteDepartment of Business and Economics
Degree programme
The Master programme Labour Policies and Globalisation is a 1-year MA programme on Sustainable Development, Social Justice, International Labour Standards and Trade Unions. The focus of the Masters programme in “Labour Policies and Globalisation” is on the challenges for labour posed by corporate decisions on investments across nations, by predominantly supply-side oriented macroeconomics, and by neo-liberal rules for trade and finance at a global level. Discussion of the adequacy of alternative policies for labour is a central element throughout the programme.
For extensive information about our programme see the website of the Berlin Professional School
Professional field
The MA programme addresses young people who have acquired their first degree (Bachelor/Diploma) in Political Sciences, Sociology, Law or Economics and who have a particular interest and work experience in the field of trade unionism and related areas.
Degree structure
The full-time Master Programme starts in October and takes 12 months to complete. The first term takes place at the university of Kassel. Following the first term students will do a six-week internship. In the second term the programme is continued at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and ends with the three-months writing period of the Master´s thesis.
First semester:
- Trade Union Strategies in a Global Economy
- Governance of Globalisation
- Research Methods
- One World Seminar
- Internship and Internship Report
Second semester:
- Economic Policy and the Role of the Trade Unions
- Global Worker’s Rights
- Decent Work in Global Value Chains
- Elective
- Research Seminar/Master Colloquium
- Master´s Thesis & Final oral examination
- A first degree (Bachelor or equivalent) in Political Sciences, Sociology, Law or Economics
- To the extent possible within accreditation requirements and national university regulations
- skills and qualifications as well as professional experience equivalent to a Bachelor's degree may be recognized
- Experience in trade union work or related fields is absolutely essential.
- Language Proficiency in English is an entry requirement (e.g. TOEFL cbt 213 or ibt 79; IELTS 6,5).
Please note that applications for this joint degree programme are processed only by our partner university, the University of Kassel. For detailed information on the application process and the requirements for admission please refer to the website of the Global Labour University (GLU):
Fees and grants
- Tuition fees
- Semester fee
ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)
Advice for applicants and students
Department of Business and Economics
Kerstin Muhlack-Büchel
Student Office
+49 30 30877-1373
Academic Director

Department of Business and Economics
Prof. Dr. Martina Sproll
Professor of Social Sciences (with a focus on structural change and the Welfare State in international perspectives)
+49 30 30877-1453