Company Law

  • Degree
    Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
  • Type of study
    Full-time study
  • Standard period of study
    7 semesters
  • Commencement of studies
    Winter semester (1 Oct)
  • Credits (ECTS)
  • Language of instruction
  • Department / Central Institute
    Department of Legal Studies

Degree programme

Legal expertise for industry. All companies, whatever their size, are required to deal with the often complex legal framework regulating their business operations and need trained experts to do so. As a result, legal expertise is highly sought after by recruiters for companies, legal chambers and management consultancies.
The bachelor’s degree programme Company Law places an interdisciplinary focus on law, business and economics. Its graduates not only have a grounded legal training, but an in-depth familiarity with the business administration aspects of company operations. They learn the academic working practices requisite to the goal-oriented solution of legal problems, thereby enabling them to realize the business aims of a company within a legal context.

Professional field

The degree qualifies its graduates for tasks in public administration and the private sector. Potential employers include both SMEs and larger companies with a dedicated legal department. Possible fields of employment include banking, insurance, insolvency administration, accounting, management consultancy, debt collection, energy companies, real estate management, public administration, municipal administration and church administration.

Degree structure

The degree programme is structured into 29 modules. The first two semesters focus on the basic legal and Business Administration aspects of the programme; this provides a foundation on which students can develop their own specialization, instructed to the highest academic standards. The fifth and seventh semesters are dedicated to a three-month internship, which can also be completed abroad

The syllabus contains the following modules:

•  Contract Law
•  Real Property Law
•  Commercial and Corporate Law
•  Insolvency Law
•  The Law of Enforcement against Real Property
•  Business Administration
•  Civil Process Law
•  General Enforcement Law
•  International Private Law
•  Banking and Securities Law
•  Insurance Law
•  Tenancy Law
•  Labour Law
•  Tax Law
•  Cartel Law
•  Competition Law
•  Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
•  English in a Professional Context
•  Communications and Soft Skills
•  Desk Management
•  Internship

 University entrance qualification or an entrance qualification for a University of Applied Sciences

The application period

 1 June – 31 July
Applicants with a German university entrance qualification. Applications are to be submitted to the HWR Berlin

1 May – 31 July
Applicants with a non-German university entrance qualification. Applications are to be submitted via w w

Programmakkreditiert durch den Akkreditierungsrat

Fees and grants

  • Tuition fees


  • Semesterfee

    ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)

Guidance for prospective students

ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services

Academic Director

Department of Legal Studies
Prof. Dr. Peter Ries
Professor of Civil Law specialising in commercial and corporate law, including the relevant proceedings of voluntary jurisdiction

Student counselling services

FB 4 Rechtspflege
Susanne Richter
Studienbüro II – Bachelorstudiengang Recht im Unternehmen einschl. Studienverlaufsberatung

Bürozeiten: Mittwoch und Donnerstag sowie nach persönlicher Vereinbarung