Public Administration

  • Degree
    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Type of study
    Full-time study
  • Standard period of study
    6 or 7 semeseters
  • Commencement of studies
    Winter semester (1 Oct), Summer semester (1 Apr)
  • Credits (ECTS)
  • Language of instruction
  • Department / Central Institute
    Department of Public Administration

Degree programme

Modern public administrations dealing with the public seek to provide a responsive service fulfilling legal requirements and catering to public con- venience. The Bachelor’s degree programme Public Administration employs a mixture of lectures, seminars, projects and internships to impart the theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary to develop good judgement in a range of situations.
Graduates of this degree programme benefit from a range of advantages: a Laufbahnbefähigung for the senior non-technical Civil Service without Trainee Programme; universal professional deployment; a high degree of interdisciplinarity; and the best-possible future prospects in the context of the wide range of tasks presented by a dynamic urban region. The interdiscipli- nary and practical training with clear legal focus and demanding internship phases guarantee that our graduates know everything and will have experienced everything that they will need for their subsequent careers in the senior administrative sector, middle management level and the Laufbahnbefähigung.

Professional field

The Bachelor’s degree programme qualifies its graduates to enter the Higher Public Administration of a German State or a Federal Authority. Our grad- uates also work in the not-for-profit sector and public and private companies working with the state sector. The Legal, Economics and Social Science ori- entation of the degree programme enables its graduates to switch between the public and private sectors.

Degree structure

With Laufbahnbefähigung:
The degree programme is taught over seven semes- ters, incorporating two compulsory internships in the third and sixth semesters (210 ECTS).
Express study: The degree programme can also be completed in six semes ters with Laufbahnanerkennung. The internships are completed in the third semester and also between semesters (210 ECTS).

Without Laufbahnbefähigung:
The degree programme is taught over six semesters. A compulsory internship is taught in the third semester (180 ECTS).

In addition to dealing with issues from Law, Political Science, Administrative Science, Human Resources and Economics, the syllabus imparts a range of key skills essential to a Public Administration managerial role.

•  Constitutional Law
•  Administrative Law
•  Public Order Law
•  Self-Administration
•  The Principles of Civil Law
•  Efficient Administration
•  Administrative Modernization
•  Human Resources
•  Principles of  Political Science, Sociology and Psychology
•  The Principles of the Welfare State
•  Social Issues and Diversity
•  Organizational Theory
•  European Law
•  The Principles of International Law
•  Economic and Environmental Policy/ Industrial and Environmental Law
•  Key Skills (inc. Social Skills; Intercultural Skills; Interdisciplinary Working Practices)
•  Project Management and Project Design

  • University entrance qualification or an entrance qualification for a University of Applied Sciences

Applicants with a degree from an university abroad:

Students with a Non-German Bachelor degree apply at uni-assist e. V.

Programmakkreditiert durch den Akkreditierungsrat

Fees and grants

  • Tuition fees


  • Semesterfee

    ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)

Guidance for prospective students

ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services

Admission and enrolment

Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment

Office hours:

Mon 14.00–16.00
Wed 10.00–12.00
Thu 14.00–16.00

Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Robert Knappe

FB 3 Allgemeine Verwaltung
Prof. Dr. Robert Knappe
Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der öffentlichen Verwaltung

Important dates and deadlines

01.10. – 08.02.

Vorlesungszeit Wintersemester

23.12. – 04.01.

Vorlesungsfreie Zeit

20.01. – 15.02.

1. Prüfungszeitraum

25.03. – 14.04.

2. Prüfungszeitraum