International Digital Business
- DegreeBachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
- Type of studyFull-time study
- Standard period of study7 Semester
- Commencement of studiesWinter semester (1 Oct)
- Credits (ECTS)210
- Language of instructionGerman / English
- Department / Central InstituteDepartment of Business and Economics
Degree programme
Google, Spotify, Zalando – international digital companies of all kinds enrich our everyday lives and dominate the economy and society. Their success is based on digital business models, new forms of collaboration, and their employees' digital skillset. Likewise in Berlin’s ecosystem of digital startups, creative teams of young professionals are working today on tomorrow’s future.
The bachelor's degree program International Digital Business (B.Sc.) invites you to an exploration of these digital industries and to prepare yourself for starting a professional career in a digital company.
Professional field
Graduates of this degree program have excellent entry-level opportunities with international companies and organisations, especially in digital industries. They work in both strategic and operative management, especially in the areas of Organisational Design, IT, and Marketing.
Graduates are also qualified to study a range of Master’s degrees.
Degree structure
The „B.Sc. International Digital Business“ is a Business Administration degree program focusing on business information systems and specialising on digital industries.
The degree program is predominantly taught in English, a small part in German. It includes a semester abroad at one of the university's approximately 180 partner universities and an internship semester at an internationally active company.
The study program unfolds along a project-based didactic approach, in which scientific foundations are applied to frame and solve real business problems.
Key qualification modules train transdisciplinary skills such as project management, storytelling and research methodology.
Elective modules allow students to deepen their study interests both within and across subjects, e.g. by learning Spanish or Chinese or gaining insights into the Arts and Humanities.
The program combines teaching of foundational competencies in business administration with that of specialized digital and methodological competencies and key qualifications.
Specialized digital competencies
- Fundamentals of Digitalisation
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Performance Management
- Enterprise Gamification
- Digital Law
Methodological competencies
- Digital Literacy I: Coding
- Digital Literacy II: Database Systems
- Digital Literacy III: Standard Software & IT Sourcing
- Digital Literacy IV: Software Architectures
- Mathematics for Business and Economics
- Statistics
- Statistics & Applications in Data Science
Key qualifications
- Entrepreneurial Project I: Management Skills & Project Management
- Entrepreneurial Project II: Design Thinking & Agile Project Management
- Entrepreneurial Project III: Entrepreneurship & Research Methodology
- Academic Writing & Managing Complexity
- Storytelling for Business & Business and Data Ethics
Foundational competencies
- Fundamentals of Business Economics
- Strategic Management
- Human Resources and Organisation
- Organisational Behaviour in International Companies
- Principles of Financial Accounting
- Principles of Corporate Finance
- Fundamentals of Business Law
Semester abroad
- Electives
- Foreign languages
Internship semester
- Academic qualifications meeting the general requirements for admission to a University or University of Applied Sciences or
- professional qualifications allowing University admission as specified in §11 of the Law on Institutions of Higher Education in the State of Berlin (Berliner Hochschulgesetz ‑ BerlHG)
- Proof of German language skills as specified in „Ordnung zum Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin vom 13.12.2016“
- Proof of English language skills at Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) B2 level.
Applicants without a German qualification need to apply via uni-assist e.V.
- Winter semester until 15 July
Fees and grants
- Tuition fees
- Semesterfee
ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)
- Funding
evtl. Förderung durch BAföG
Beratung für Studieninteressierte
ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services
+49 30 30877-1919
Admission and enrolment
Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment
+49 30 30877-1800
Office hours:
Mon 14.00–16.00
Wed 10.00–12.00
Thu 14.00–16.00
Student advisory service
Department of Business and Economics
Christin Wallek
Studienbüro 1 "Business Administration Teilzeit und Blended-Learning, International Sustainability Management, International Digital Business"
+49 30 30877-1593
Academic Director
Department of Business and Economics
Prof. Dr. Avo Schönbohm
Professor of General Business Administration with focus on Management Accounting
+49 30 30877-1144