Prof. Dr. Antje Mertens
Department of Cooperative Studies
Professor for Economics

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 5,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
1992 Degree in Economics, Technical University Berlin, Germany.
1993 MA in International Economics at the University of Sussex, England
1998 Doctor in Economics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Title: "Labor Mobility and Wage Dynamics - An Empirical Study for Germany in Comparison with the United States".
1998-2005: Research fellow, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Centre for Studies of the Life Course
Since April 2005: Professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Faculty 2
2009 Habilitation in Economics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. Title: „Vocational Training Systems, Regional Unemployment and Fixed-term Contracts as Career Determinants“.
Since October 2009: Dean of Studies at Faculty 2
Gender, work and organisation
German Economic Review (a quarterly periodical)
Labour market economics
Journal for Labour Market Research (ZAF)
Foreign trade
Labour market economics
Economic policy
Main areas of research: atypical employment, labour market mobility, working life and self-reported satisfaction measures, applied micro-econometrics
Project 1: “Satifaction and the Great Recession ”, with Miriam Beblo (University of Hamburg and HWR)
Project 2: “Atypical Employment and the Service Sector”, with Vanessa Gash (University of Manchester), Martina Dieckmann (Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung – WZB) and Laura Romeu-Gordo (The German Centre of Gerontology – DZA)
Vanessa Gash, Antje Mertens und Laura Romeu Gordo, „Are fixed-term jobs bad for your health?: A comparison of West-Germany and Spain“, European Societies, 2007, 9(3), 429-458.
Antje Mertens, Vanessa Gash und Frances McGinnity, „The Cost of Flexibility at the Margin. Comparing the Wage Penalty for Fixed-Term Contracts in Germany and Spain using Quantile Regression“, Labour, 2007, 21 (4/5), 637-666.
Antje Mertens, Wiemer Salverda und Thomas Zwick (2009), „Training and Job Insecurity – Introduction“, Labour, 2009, 23 (Special Issue), 1-4.
Antje Mertens (2010), A Comment on "Crisis, What Crisis? Patterns of Adaptation in European Labour Markets", in: Applied Economics Quarterly, 56 (61), 59-64.
Bergemann, Annette and Antje Mertens (2011), "Job Stability Trends, Layoffs and Transitions to Unemployment in West-Germany", Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 25 (4), 421–446.
Gash, Vanessa, Antje Mertens and Laura Romeu-Gordo (2012), "The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Life Satisfaction", The Manchester School: Special Issue Low Pay, Low Skill and Low Income, 80(1), 51-74.
Member of the advisory committee for the project “Overeducation” at the Hans-Böckler Stiftung
Member of the Verein für Socialpolitik (an association for social policy)
Member of the European Economic Association
Member of SAMF (Arbeitskreis Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung)