Prof. Dr. Beate Jochimsen
Department of Business and Economics
Professor of Public Finance

+49 30 30877-1475
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B,
B 1.15
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
since 04/2010 Full Professor of Public Economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
2010 venia legendi (post-doctoral degree) in economics, Free University of Berlin.
2002–03/2010 Assistant Professor, Free University of Berlin, Institute of Public Finance and Social Policy, and associated post-doc researcher at the Social Science Research Centre Berlin.
2000–2001 Chief of staff to the minister of finance of the state, Berlin.
2000 Ph.D. in economics, Technical University Berlin.
09–12/1997 Visiting Fellow, European University Institute Florence, Italy.
1996–1999 Research Assistant, Institute for Economics, Technical University of Berlin.
1995 Diplom-Volkswirtin, (Equivalent to a Master in Economics), University of Cologne.
1994 M.Sc. (Econ.) in European Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
1988–1990 Apprenticeship, Deutsche Bank Berlin AG.
Fiscal Federalism, Public Debt, Fiscal Equalization, Public Budgets, Political Economy
Public Expenditures
Tax Policy
National and international Financial Relations
Political Economy
Debt and Insolvency of Public Entities
Fiscal Federalism and Equalization
Organization of Bureaucracies
Private Provision of Public Goods
Since 2009: Member of the Evaluation Commission for the Law of Higher Education Institutions in Hamburg.
Since 2007: Expert of the parliament of North-Rhine-Westphalia for the following topics: debt brake, sustainable consolidation of public budgets.
Since 2007: Consultant in public financial affairs to different political parties at the federal and at the state level.
2004-2006, Scientific Report for the oldest business club of Berlin (VBKI).
Since 2003: Member of the permanent working group “Public Finances”, Federal Ministry of Finance.
Jochimsen, Beate (2018), Federalism in Germany, Italy, and the European Union – History, Characteristics, and Perspective, Journal of Business and Ethics, in Print.
Jochimsen, Beate, und Christian Raffer (2018), Herausforderungen bei der Messung von Wohlfahrt, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Band 67, Heft 1, S. 63-100.
Jochimsen, Beate, und Robert Lehmann (2017), On the political economy of national tax revenue forecasts – Evidence from OECD countries - , Public Choice, Vol. 170, p. 211–230, DOI 10.1007/s11127-016-0391-y.
Bönke, Timm, Jochimsen, Beate, and Carsten Schröder (2017), “Fiscal equalization and tax enforcement”, German Economic Review, Vol 18 (3), p. 377-409. DOI: 10.1111/geer.12110.
Fendel, Tanja, und Beate Jochimsen (2017), Child care reforms and labor participation of migrant and native mothers, IAB-Discussion Paper 9/2017, ISSN 2195-2663.
Jochimsen, Beate, und Christian Raffer (2014), Wie schafft es die Zahl in die Politik? Indikatorensätze im Spannungsfeld zwischen politisch Gewünschtem und statistisch Machbarem, Schmollers Jahrbuch/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, Jg. 134 (1), 107-128.
Jochimsen, Beate, and Sebastian Thomasius (2014), The perfect finance minister: Whom to appoint as finance minister to balance the budget?, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 34, p. 390-408.
Jochimsen, Beate (2012), “Review of ”˜The EEAG Report on the European Economy’”, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/ Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 232, Heft 5, 589-590.
Jochimsen, Beate, and Robert Nuscheler (2010), The Political Economy of the German Länder Deficits: Weak governments meet strong finance ministers, /Applied Economics/, DOI: 10.1080/00036840903194246 (IFirst published on 16 April 2010).
Jochimsen, Beate (2009), Service Quality in Modern Bureaucracy: Parkinson’s Theory at Work, Kyklos, Vol. 62, Heft 1, 44–64.
Jochimsen, Beate (2008), Fiscal Relations between the Different Layers of Government – Problems and Chances for Fundamental Reforms, German Politics, (peer reviewed journal of Political Science), Vol. 17, Heft 4, 541–558.
Konrad, Kai A. und Beate Jochimsen (Hg.) (2008), Föderalismuskommission II: Neuordnung von Autonomie und Verantwortung, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt et al.
Jochimsen, Beate (2007), Jenseits von Ausgabenkürzungen – Alternative Optionen zur Haushaltssanierung von Bundesländern: der Fall Berlin, Schmollers Jahrbuch/Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 127. Jg., Heft 2, 259–296.
Konrad, Kai A. und Beate Jochimsen (Hg.) (2007), Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt et al.
Konrad, Kai A. und Beate Jochimsen (Hg.) (2006), Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt et al., (2. Aufl. 2007).
Jochimsen, Beate (2004), Ökonomische Analysen von Länderhaushalten – am Beispiel der Verfassungswidrigkeit des Berliner Haushalts, Die Öffentliche Verwaltung (DÖV), 57. Jg., Heft 12 (Juni ), 511-517 (referierte juristische Fachzeitschrift)
Milbrandt, Beate (2001), Die Finanzierung der Europäischen Union. Perspektiven für eine Osterweiterung, Europäische Schriften zu Staat und Wirtschaft, Bd. 4, Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden.
Several Universities
Social Science Research Centre, Berlin.
Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Munich.
European Investment Bank, Luxemburg.