Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov
Department of Business and Economics
Professor of Supply Chain Management

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B,
B 3.49
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
2000-2001: Project engineer, BRAIN Saint Petersburg Ltd.
2001-2003: TU Chemnitz, DAAD-Scholar
2003-2005: Project manager ERP systems
2005-2006: German Chancellor Scholar, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, TU Chemnitz
2006: PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) TU Chemnitz (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Käschel)
2006-2010: Research associate, TU Chemnitz
2008: Habilitation to Dr. Sc. in St. Petersburg
2010-2011: Professor of Operations Management at University of Hamburg
2011: Habilitation to Dr. rer. pol. habil., TU Chemnitz (venia legendi)
Since 10/2011 – Chair Professor for International Supply Chain Management at BSEL, Global Supply Chain and Operations Management Group
Since 2016: Master program director „Global Supply Chain and Operations Management“
Logistics and Supply Chain Optimisation
Supply Chain Design and Risk Management
Supply Chain Scheduling
Mathematical optimization and control theory
Production management
ERP and APS Systems
Operations Management
Supply Chain Management
Strategic Management
Quantitative Methods in Business Administration
Global Supply Chain Design with Disruption Management
Schedule robustness and stability analysis
Distribution planning
Dynamic Supply Chain Scheduling
Supply Chain Structure Dynamics Control
Information Systems in SCM
Optimal control theory for SCM (Dynamic Scheduling and Routing, Energy Supply Chains, Process industry, …)
Robustness, Stability and Adaptation of Supply Chains
Intelligent Information and Product Technologies for Supply Chain Integration
Multi-disciplinary modelling of Suppy Chains
Supply Chain Design
Supply Chain Risk Management
Distribution Planning
ERP and APS Systems
Supply Chain Scheduling and Control
Ivanov D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J. (2017) Global Supply Chain and Operations Management: A decision-oriented introduction into the creation of value, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-24217-0.
Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B., Ivanova M. (2017). Literature review on disruption recovery in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 55(20), 6158-6174.
Ivanov D. (2017) Simulation-based ripple effect modelling in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 55(7), 2083-2101.
Ivanov D. (2017) Revealing interfaces of supply chain resilience and sustainability: a simulation study. International Journal of Production Research DOI:10.1080/00207543.2017.1343507.
Ivanov D., Rozhkov M (2017) Coordination of production and ordering policies with consideration of capacity disruption and product write-off risk. Annals of Operations Research, accepted.
Ivanov D., Pavlov A., Pavlov D., Sokolov B. (2017). Minimization of disruption-related return flows in the supply chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 503-513.
Popov I., Krylatov A., Zakhrov V., Ivanov D. (2017). Competitive energy consumption under transmission constraints in a multi-supplier power grid system. International Journal of Systems Science, 48(5), 994-1001.
Ivanov D, Sokolov B., Ivanova M. (2017). Impact of Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical technology on the supply chain management principles: analysis and paradigm change, SPIIRAS Journal, accepted (in Russian)
Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov A., Dolgui A., Pavlov D. (2016) Disruption-driven supply chain (re)-planning and performance impact assessment with consideration of pro-active and recovery policies. Transportation Research: Part E, 90, 7-24.
Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2016) Robust dynamic schedule coordination control in the supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 94, 18-31.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Dolgui, A., Solovyeva,I., Jie, F. (2016). Dynamic recovery policies for time-critical supply chains under conditions of ripple effect. International Journal of Production Research, 54(23), 3397-3413.
Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B., Werner F. (2016) Schedule robustness analysis with the help of attainable sets in continuous flow problem under capacity disruptions, International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 3397-3413.
Ivanov D., Mason S., Hartl R. (2016). Supply Chain Dynamics, Control and Disruption Management, International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 1-7.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Dolgui, A., Werner, F., Ivanova, M. (2016). A dynamic model and an algorithm for short-term supply chain scheduling in the smart factory Industry 4.0. International Journal of Production Research, 54(2), 386-402.
Sokolov, B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Pavlov A. (2016). Structural analysis of the ripple effect in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 152-169.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Hartl, R., Dolgui, A., Pavlov, A., Solovyeva, I. (2015). Integration of aggregate distribution and dynamic transportation planning in a supply chain with capacity disruptions and ripple effect considerations. International Journal of Production Research, 53(23), 6963-6979.
Ivanova M., Kaeschel J., Ivanov D. (2015) Analysis of the order recovery point location in the supply chain, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 9(4), 329-342.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Dolgui, A. (2014) The Ripple effect in supply chains: trade-off “efficiency-flexibility-resilience” in disruption management, International Journal of Production Research, 52:7, 2154-2172.
Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov A. (2014) Optimal distribution (re)planning in a centralized multi-stage network under conditions of ripple effect and structure dynamics, European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 758-770.
Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Dolgui, A. (2014) Multi-stage supply chain scheduling in petrochemistry with non-preemptive operations and execution control, accepted in: International Journal of Production Research, 52(13), 4059-4077.
Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2013) Control and system-theoretic identification of the supply chain dynamics domain for planning, analysis, and adaptation of performance under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 224(2), 313-323.
Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2013) Dynamic coordinated scheduling in the supply chain under a process modernization, International Journal of Production Research, 51(9), 2680-2697.
Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov, A. (2013) Dual problem formulation and its application to optimal re-design of an integrated production-distribution network with structure dynamics and ripple effect considerations: International Journal of Production Research, 51(18), 5386-5403.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov B. (2012) Dynamic supply chain scheduling, Journal of Scheduling, 15(2), 201-216.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Dolgui, A. (2012) Applicability of optimal control theory to adaptive supply chain planning and scheduling, Annual Reviews in Control, 36, 73-84.
Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2012) Structure dynamics control approach to supply chain planning and adaptation, International Journal of Production Research, 50(21), 6133-6149.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Kaeschel J. (2010) A multi-structural framework for adaptive supply chain planning and operations control with structure dynamics considerations, European Journal of Operational Research, 200(2), 2010, pp. 409-420.
Ivanov D. (2010) A framework for aligning (re)planning decisions on supply chains strategy, design, tactics, and operations, in: International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 48, No. 13, pp. 3999-4017.
Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B. Adaptive Supply Chain Management, London et al., Springer, 2010, ISBN 978-1-84882-951-0
Baruch College – City University of New York
IMT Atlantique
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
RMIT Melbourne
University of Vienna
University of Padova
Chair IFAC TC 5.2 „Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control"
Chair der IFAC TC 5.2 Working group on Supply Network Engineering
Member Task force on Collaborative Networks under FInES (the cluster of EC projects under the umbrella of Future Internet Enterprise Systems)
General Chair IFAC MIM 2019 Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control
IPC Member of prestigious international conferences
Associate Editor, International Journal of Systems Science
Associate Editor, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Inventory Research
Editorial Board Member, Decision Making in Manufacturing and Service
Editorial Board Member, Russian Journal of Management
Editorial Board Member, SPII of Russian Academy of Science
Editorial Board Member, Advances in Systems Science and Applications (ASSA), An International Journal
Member Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (VHB), WK Produktion, WK Logistik
Member Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR), AG Supply Chain Management