Prof. Dr. Tobias Börger
Department of Business and Economics
Professor of Economics, esp. Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics
![[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Tobias Börger. Foto: Oana Popa-Costea [Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Tobias Börger. Foto: Oana Popa-Costea](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/8/csm_Boerger-Foto_1e538efe90.jpg)
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B,
B 2.55
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
Professional career
Since 2020: Professor of Economics, esp. Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics, Department of Business and Economics, HWR Berlin
2019-2020: Lecturer in Economics, Economics Division, School of Management, University of Stirling (UK)
2016-2019: Lecturer in Environmental and Development Economics, School of Geography and Sustainable Development, University St Andrews (UK)
2012-2016: Environmental Economist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), Sea and Society, Plymouth (UK)
2010-2012: Research Assistant, Chair of Environmental Economics and Regulatory and Consumer Policy, University of Hohenheim
2007-2010: Research Assistant, Sino-German Research Cooperation Living Landscapes China, University of Hohenheim, Germany
2007-2012: PhD in Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany
2001-2007: Diplom-Volkswirt (MSc equiv. in Economics), University of Bonn, Germany
2004-2005: Chinese language and economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Ökonomische Umweltbewertung
Kosten-Nutzen Analysen im Umweltbereich
Ökosystemleistungen und Naturkapital
Contingent Valuation Method
Choice Experiments und Choice Modelling
Environmental and resource economics
Introductory economics
Members of the research group
Current research projects:
„NaWiHo – Nachhaltigkeitswirkungen von Homeoffice Modellen“ (2022-2024), Institut für Angewandte Forschung (IFAF)
“ÖSL-MV – Ökosystemleistungen des Waldes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” (2022-2025), Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
„gARTENreich – Präferenzen und Hemmnisse für die Gestaltung artenreicher Privatgären” (20214-2024), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Completed research projects (selection):
"The economics of marine plastic pollution: What are the benefits of international cooperation?" (2019-2022), finanziert durch den Economic and Social Research Council (Großbritannien).
"Valuing marine natural capital in the UK" (2018-2019), finanziert durch das Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Großbritannien)
"ValBGI - Valuing the benefits of blue/green infrastructure for flood resilience, natural capital and urban development in Viet Nam" (2019-2021), finanziert durch Newton Fund / Natural Environmental Research Council (Großbritannien)
“Promoting resilience to hydrometeorolgical extremes in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta through improving natural capital” 2019-2021), finanziert durch den Natural Environmental Research Council (Großbritannien)
"Economic impacts of marine litter on fisheries in Vietnam: Practical considerations for future policies" (2020-2022), finanziert durch NAFOSTED (Vietnam)
“MARP: Marine plastic pollution in the Arctic: Origin, status, costs and incentives for prevention” (2016-2020), finanziert durch das POLAR-PROG Programm des Norwegian Research Council
“Valuation of conservation benefits of marine protected areas in Vietnam: Analysis and dissemination of choice experiment surveys” (2018-2019), finanziert durch die British Academy (Newton Mobility Grant)
Börger T, Hanley N, Johnston RJ, Meginnis K, Ndebele T, Siyal GEA, de Vries F (2023) Equity preferences and abatement cost sharing in international environmental agreements. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Börger T, Maccagnan A, White MP, Elliott LR, Taylor T (2023) Was the trip worth it? Consistency between decision and experienced utility assessments of recreational nature visits. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 105(2), 525-545.
Ngoc QTK, Xuan BB, Börger T, Nguyen ND (2023) The impact of marine litter on production risk and technical efficiency in the trawl fisheries of Vietnam. Marine Resource Economics 38(1), 65-84.
Toledo-Gallegos VM, Nguyen HDM, Tuan TH, Börger T (2022) Valuing ecosystem services and disservices of blue/green infrastructure: Evidence from a choice experiment in Vietnam. Economic Analysis and Policy 75, 114-128.
Xuan BB, Ngoc QTKN, Börger T (2022) Fisher preferences for marine litter interventions in Vietnam. Ecological Economics 200, 107534.
Börger T, Abate TG, Aanesen M, Zawojska E (2021) Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions. Land Economics 97(2), 407-424.
Börger T, Campbell D, White MP, Elliott LR, Fleming LE, Garrett JK, Hattam C, Hynes S, Lankia T, Taylor T (2021) The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study. Science of the Total Environment 771(1), 145597.
Börger T, Quach TKN, Kuhfuss L, Tang TH, Hanley N, Campbell D (2021) Preferences for coastal and marine conservation: Accounting for differences in individual choice set formation. Ecological Economics 180(C), 106885.
Toledo-Gallegos VM, Long J, Campbell D, Börger T, Hanley N (2021) Spatial clustering of willigness to pay for ecosystem services. Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(3), 673-697.
Abate TG, Börger T, Aanesen M, Falk-Andersson J, Wyles KJ and Beaumont, N (2020) Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation. Ecological Economics 169, 106521.
Börger T, Hooper TL, Austen MC, Marcone O, Rendón O (2020) Using stated preference valuation in the offshore environment to support marine planning. Journal of Environmental Management 265, 110520.
Hu K, Keenan K, Hale JM, Börger T (2020) The effect of city-level air pollution on frailty among the oldest old in China: A longitudinal study. Health and Place 64, 102362.
Beaumont NJ, Aanesen M, Austen MC, Börger T, Clark JR, Cole M, Hooper T, Lindeque PK, Pascoe C, Wyles KJ (2019) Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 189-195.
Börger T, Hooper T, Marcone O, Rendon O, Langmead O, Rees S Austen MC (2019) Monetary valuation of subtidal sediments in England’s Marine Plan Areas. Application of the natural capital approach to the marine environment to aid decision-making. Phase 2 Final Report. Report prepared for the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (project code ME5115).
Hooper T, Börger T, Langmead O, Marcone O, Rees SE, Rendon O, Beaumont N, Attrill MJ, Austen M (2019) Applying the natural capital approach to decision making for the marine environment. Ecosystem Services, 38, 100947.
Tinch RD, Beaumont NJ, Sunderland T, Ozdemiroglu E, Barton D, Bowe C, Börger T, Burgess P, Cooper CN, Faccioli M, Failler P, Gkolemi I, Longo A, McVittie A, Morris J, Park J, Ravenscroft N, Schaafsma M, Vause J, Ziv G (2019) Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: A review for decision makers, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-20.
Millar N, McLaughlin E, Börger T (2019) The circular economy: Swings and roundabouts? Ecological Economics 158, 11-19.
Börger T (2016) Are fast responses more random? Testing the effect of response time on scale in an online choice experiment. Environmental and Resource Economics 65 (2), 389-413.
Börger T, Broszeit S, Ahtiainen H, Atkins JP, Burdon D, Luisetti T, Murillas A, Oinonen S, Paltriguera L, Roberts L, Uyarra MC, Austen MC (2016) Assessing costs and benefits of measures to achieve Good Environmental Status in European regional seas: Challenges, opportunities and lessons learnt. Frontiers in Marine Science 3 (192).
Börger T, Hooper TL, Austen MC (2015) Valuation of ecological and amenity impacts of an offshore windfarm as a factor in marine planning, Environmental Science and Policy, 54, 126-133.
Börger T, Beaumont NJ, Pendleton L, Boyle KJ, Cooper P, Fletcher S, Haab T, Hanemann M, Hooper TL, Hussain SS, Portela R, Stithou M, Stockill J, Taylor T, Austen MC (2014) Incorporating ecosystem services in marine planning: The role of valuation, Marine Policy, 46, 161-170.
Börger T, Hattam C, Burdon D, Atkins JP, Austen MC (2014) Valuing conservation benefits of an offshore marine protected area. Ecological Economics, 108, 229-241.
Börger T (2013) Keeping up appearances: Motivations for socially desirable responding in contingent valuation interviews, Ecological Economics, 87, 155-165.