Prof. Dr. André Tomfort
Department of Business and Economics
Professor of Financial Analysis and Management

+49 30 30877-1147
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B,
B 5.52
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
André Tomfort studied Economics and Journalism at the Universities of Hamburg and
In 1994 he completed his PhD in Monetary Economics, with a thesis investigating the possibilities of introducing a flexible Lombard rate.
Thereafter he worked as a Senior Economist in International Capital Markets at Credit Suisse, followed by a managerial position at Julius Baer in Fixed Income Research & Management and Global Macro-Strategy.
From 2000 to the end of 2003 Mr. Tomfort worked as the Head of Research and Asset Management at Rothschild Bank in Zürich.
Behavioural Finance
Financial Market Theory
Corporate Finance
Financial Market Instruments
Risk Management
Monetary Economics
Econometrics in Finance and Economics
Financial Economics
Asset Management
Behavioural Finance
Capital Markets
Financing and Investment
Corporate Financial Theory & Policy
Development and Performance of Start-ups under the lnfluence of Venture Capital
Haben SPACs eine Zukunft als Finanzierungsinstrument für Unternehmen und Investoren?
Hedge-Funds als Anlageinstrument in Portfolios von Privatkunden
IPO Underpricing in Germany – Empirical Analysis of influencing variables
An Empirical and descriptive analysis of the US Housing Bubble – Examination of the Bubble Building and Acceleration Process
Price and Expectation Building in Financial Markets
Sustainable Finance: Analysis and potential Development of new Financial Instruments
Inflation Expectations and their Impact on inflationary Processes
Expansionary Monetary Policy and its Impact on Financial Market Stability
The Development of Valuation Tools/Models to assess potential Price Bubbles in Asset Markets
Integration of Financial Markets
Management of investment funds
Analysis and valuation of companies
Analyses of developments in financial markets for public and private institutions
Making Green Bonds greener: Proposals to increase the efficiency of Green Bonds. In: Journal of Applied Finance and Banking. Bd. 13. H. 1. S. 39 - 59 , 2023
Anchoring among German Financial Analysts: An Empirical and Background Analysis, pages 33-43, in: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020
The Japanese Asset Price Bubble: Evolvement and Consequences, Seite 132-141, in: Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, Vol. 4, No.2, 2017
Crash und Geldflut – wie die Notenbanken die nächste Krise heraufbeschwören, Buch erschienen im Goldegg-Verlag, März 2017, 350 Seiten
Detecting Asset Price Bubbles: A Multifactor Approach, Seite 45-55, in: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7 (1).
An Assessment on Recent Reforms of Financial Regulation after the Financial Crises, Seite 70-83, in: International Review of Social Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 3, März 2016
Assessment of potential Housing Price Bubbles in Hong Kong and Shanghai – An Eclectic Approach, Seite 1-14, in: International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol. 8. No. 6. September 2012
The Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Expectations, Seite 38-46 in: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Economics Research, organized by the Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore, 2011
Descriptive and empirical analysis of Eastern European financial market integration; Seite 425-450, in: Transformations monétaire et financière dans les pays d` Europe centrale et orientale, Les Cahiers de Recherche No. 11 du Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Commerce Extérieur et l` Economie, Paris, März 2009
Some Explanatory Patterns for Emerging Market Crisis; Seite 50-60, in: Die Markt-strategien: Russland – Deutschland, Sammelband der Deutsch-Russischen Fachtagung der Universität für Ökonomie & Finanzen (Finec), St. Petersburg, Russland, Juni 2005
Risiko- und Ertragsanalyse von verschiedenen Anleiheformen; Seite 170-178, in: FinanzBetrieb, Zeitschrift für Unternehmensfinanzierung und Finanzmanagement, Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt, 4. Jahrgang, März 2002
Die Ertrags- und Risikoeigenschaften von Emerging Market Anleihen aus Sicht eines Schweizerischen Anlegers; Seite 267-282; in: Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management, 14 Jahrgang 2000 – Nr. 4; Hrsg: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Finanzmarktforschung u.a. Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Universität St. Gallen; Bruno Gehrig, Schweizerische Nationalbank, Prof. Dr. Rene Stulz, Ohio State University, 2000
INSEEC Business and Communications Schools, Paris, France
EU Commission – EASME-SME Expert Team