New students given NICE welcome
As part of the start of the new winter semester, students were invited to socialise and make new connections with each other in Campus Schöneberg´s Aula.

Meet & greet – Your new friends in town. As part of its efforts to enhance the welcome experienced by international students at HWR Berlin, the Student Advisory Service´s NICE* Project delivered an event on the 7th of October for new students across study programmes and levels.
The event saw over 103 register their attendance where they had a chance interact with their fellow students and mingle among themselves accompanied by some light refreshments. The majority of attendees were newcomers to Berlin. Tellingly it was not only international students who attended, but also students who had already completed their previous degree in Germany. This was a clear statement that German and non-German students seek out intercultural experiences during their studies.
During the event, the students shared their excitement at starting their new bachelor’s or master’s degree programme at HWR Berlin. All in all, 18 study programmes were represented.
A short presentation was given by the AStA aide on the International Club, which was followed by a digital introduction to the Erasmus Student Network in Berlin.
(*NICE stands for “Nurture International Campus Experiences“. NICE is supported by DAAD´s Stibet 1 funds in 2024 as part of D24004)