Campus Rally for new Master’s students
Many new master’s degree students from the Department of Business and Economics introduced Schöneberg Campus on a sunny autumnal day.

Staff from the Student Advisory Service gave 65 new master’s students a campus rally on Friday the 27th of September 2024.
A trusted format for a new audience
For the first time master’s students at Schöneberg Campus were given a campus rally experience as part of their introduction to their new programme at HWR Berlin. The Student Advisory Service´s efforts to enhance the welcome experienced by both international full-degree and local students at HWR Berlin, saw this event delivered under the umbrella of the NICE* project. (*NICE stands for “Nurture International Campus Experiences“. NICE is supported by DAAD´s Stibet 1 funds in 2024)
During the two-hour event, the new students were split into rough groups according to their degree programme. All-in-all 11 degree programmes from Department 1 were represented.
Using the digital application ActionBound the students guided themselves in small groups to various stations around the urban campus; they visited the library, the Mensa, the writing centre among others. Moreover, they were welcomed by a student assistant from Student Advisory Service in house A´s newly opened Student Infopoint.
As the groups of students finished their morning walks around the campus, they received a small prize from the Student Advisory Service. Many students expressed their thanks for the organisation of the event and the chance to meet some of their fellow students shortly before the semester start.