Congratulations to our IBMAN graduates
Together with their families, friends, and representatives of the HWR Berlin, 32 proud and happy IBMAN students celebrated their successful graduation on August 16, 2024.

The ceremony was opened and professionally moderated in an English-German tandem by Ramin Akhavan and Sophie Tihomirnova. Maxim Reitter and Arabella Mathias provided a magical musical contribution with their Violine-Viola Duet at the beginning of the ceremony.
The former and current academic directors Prof. Dr. Sabine Haller and Prof. Dr. Mario Glowik reviewed the truly international study programme which provides great career opportunities for their graduates and expressed their well wishes to the freshly graduated.
In a festive setting, each graduate received her/his certificate with the support and handshakes of the whole IBMAN team. The inspiring speeches by the students' representatives Sophia Pascher and Diana Cherevko helped invoke happy-tears in their reflection and celebration of the past 4 years.
The Ceremony was then concluded with a song about having the courage to follow your dreams, sung by Arabella Mathias and supported on guitar by Susie Mathias. Overall, the first, and hopefully not last, official graduation ceremony for IBMAN students was a great success and an unforgettable event for all attendees.