22nd Sustainability Forum

The socio-ecological handprint of Higher Education Institutions

Quality and effectiveness of sustainability related teaching and learning




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Campus Schöneberg
Haus B Aula
Badensche Straße 50–51
10825 Berlin

Online participation on BigBlueButton

To BigBlueButton

Which role do Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other education and training providers play for Sustainable Development? How can they enable learners to contribute to a more sustainable world in their (future) role as decision-makers? In this event, we present the findings of an Erasmus+ project on the effectiveness of responsibility and sustainability related teaching and learning (“EFFORT”) and aim to discuss with you the role of teaching and learning approaches, programme building and the institutional context for increasing the socio-ecological handprint of HEIs.


12.30–1.00 pm | Welcome (in German)
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden, HWR Berlin

1.00–1.30 pm | Keynote I: Reorienting higher education curricula towards sustainable development
Dr. Ingrid Mulà, University of Girona

1.30–2.00 pm | Keynote II: Improving sustainability teaching by grouping and interrelating pedagogical approaches and sustainability competences
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Lozano, University of Gävle

2.00–2.15 pm | Coffee break

2.15–3.15 pm | The EFFORT project – main results and implications (in English & German)
Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante, HWR Berlin

3.15–3.45 pm | Coffee break & poster session – results of the EFFORT project
EFFORT project team

3.45–4.45 pm | Panel discussion (in German)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Barth, HNEE | Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Fröhlich, CBS | Dr. Dietmar Kress, Greenpeace e. V. | Lara Lütke-Spatz, HM | Prof. Dr. Susanne Meyer, HWR Berlin

4.45–6.00 pm | Workshops (in English & German)

6.00–7.30 pm | Get together

Posters – results of the EFFORT project:

  • Controlling for the effectiveness of teaching for sustainability using pre-post surveys  (HWR Berlin)
  • The EFFORT Self-Evaluation Tool (EffSET):  Assessing the maturity of the integration of responsibility and sustainability in Higher Education Institutions  (University of Bari)
  • Three innovative teaching formats for sustainability related teaching and learning
    (CBS International Business School, HWR Berlin, LUT University)
  • Handbook “Shaping a Sustainable Future: Innovative Teaching Practices for Educating Responsible Leaders”  (LUT University, HWR Berlin)
  • Statistical analysis report:  Results on the effectiveness testing of sustainability related teaching formats  (HWR Berlin)
  • Recommendations on the design of teaching for sustainability: A guideline  (Budapest Business School)


  • Learning objectives and competencies:
    What kind of goals can be set for sustainability related learning and how do they relate to each other? Which competencies do learners need for shaping a more sustainable world?
  • Innovative teaching approaches and methods:
    How can we increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning by adequate teaching approaches and methods? Which approaches and methods are recommendable and how can they be implemented best?
  • Effectiveness measurement:
    How can we evaluate if courses or other trainings lead to their intended effects
    (e.g. on behavior, competencies or other variables)?
  • Programme building:
    How can we integrate sustainability and responsibility in academic curricula and/or training offers?
  • Institutional background:
    How can we embed sustainability and responsibility in the institution – apart from curricula building?
    How can progress on this be fostered and measured?

Event Registration

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