Prof. Dr. habil. Caterina Rohde-Abuba
Department of Police and Security Management
Professor of Sociology

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 1,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Since Oct. 2022: Full Professor of Sociology at the Berlin School of Law and Economics
2017-2024: Habilitation at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Faculty of Economy, Law and Society
May 2018 – Sept. 2022: Head of Research at World Vision Germany
March 2015 - April 2018: Senior Research Consultant at INFO GmbH Market and Opinion Research
Jan. 2014 - 2023: Research Associate at the Centre for German and European Studies, University Bielefeld
Oct. 2013-Feb. 2015: Post-doc Fellow at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, study course “Gender and Diversity”
2008-2013: PhD Studies at the University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Dissertation „Au-pair Migration. Geographical and social mobility of young women between Russia and Germany“(summa cum laude, with highest distinction)
Sept.2012-Sept. 2013. Research Fellow at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Faculty of Social Work
March-May 2010: Guest Researcher at the Centre for German and European Studies, St. Petersburg, Russia
migration and refugeeness
gender, especially masculinities
childhood and youth
2022-2023: World Vision Study on sexualised violence against children in the digital space (with E. Sonntag and K. Kreuzer)
2020-2023: 5. World Vision Child Study on religious diversity in Germany and Ghana, incl. ad-hoc research on pandemic experiences (with B. Konz)
2020-2022: Experiences of children and juveniles with sexualised violence in the context of flight and asylum (with I. Kizilhan)
2018-2020: Flight, Religion, Resilience. Faith as a resource for coping with the challenges of migration and integration (with B. Konz)
2019-2020: Migrant Business in the Private Care Industry of Berlin (with B. Ülker)
2015-2019: Men Who Care: Transnational labour market trajectories of labour migrants and ‘refugees' in the German elderly and healthcare sector
2015: Gender and Diversity Studies in European Perspectives (with I. Jungwirth and C. Bauschke-Urban)
2011-2012: Generations of Change. Understanding Postsocialism and Transition Processes from a Generational Perspective (with J. Prochnow-Furrer)
2008-2013: Au-pair Migration. Au pair migration. Transnational educational and career paths of young women between Russia and Germany (PhD project)
- 2022 (with B. Konz): Flucht und Religion. Religiöse Verortungen und Deutungsprozesse von Kindern und Eltern mit Fluchterfahrung (Flight and religion. Religious positions and interpretation processes of children and parents with refugee experience). Verlag Julius Klinghardt: Bad Heilbrunn.
- 2014: Au-pair Migration. Transnationale Bildungs- und Berufswege junger Frauen zwischen Russland und Deutschland (Au pair migration. Transnational educational and career paths of young women between Russia and Germany), ZBBS-Buchreihe Studien zur qualitativen Bildungs-, Beratungs- und Sozialforschung, Barbara Budrich Verlag
Peer-reviewed articles:
- In Press: Religiöse Bezüge in den Deutungen von Kindern aus Ghana und Deutschland zur Covid-19-Pandemie (Religious interpretations of the covid-19 pandemic in the narratives of children in Ghana and Germany). Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2020: The narratives of local children and newly arriving forced migrant children about their mutual contacts and friendships in German primary schools. In: Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 12 (3): 45-62.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2020: Biographical Agency of Male Au Pair Migration to Germany. In: Open Gender Journal (2020). doi: 10.17169/ogj.2020.115.
- Rohde-Abuba, Caterina; Vennmann, Stefan & Tatjana Zimenkova 2019: The Destruction of the heterosexual family? The discourse of opponents of the gender mainstreaming educational curriculum in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Gender&Education, 23: 718-736.
- Rohde-Abuba, Caterina 2017: Narratives of Not Belonging: the symbolic and functional meaning of language use in the relation of Russian au pair migrants to the Russian-speaking community in Germany. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 9 (1): 62-89.
- Rohde-Abuba, Caterina 2016: “The good girl from Russia can do it all”: Au pairs’ perceptions of exploitation in intersections of gender and nationality and their strategies of resistance. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. Special Issue Article, 6(4): 215-223. DOI: 10.1515/njmr-2016-0033
- Rohde-Abuba, Caterina & Olga Tkach 2016: Finding Oneself Abroad: Au pairs’ strategies of self-positioning in hosting societies. Special Issue Editorial, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 6(4): 193-198. DOI: 10.1515/njmr-2016-0027
- Rohde-Abuba, Caterina, 2015: "A Real Woman has to do it all - with the kids and in the office": Doing Femininity in the Transcultural Context of Russian-German Migration. Gender, Place &Culture, 23 (6): 753-768.
- Rohde, Caterina, 2012: Transnational family networks of Russian au pair migrants in Germany. In: Transnational Social Review, 2 (2): 121-138.
- Rohde, Caterina, 2011: Biographical Constructions of Generationality and Inter-Generationality in Processes of Au-pair Migration. In: Prochnow, Jeannette; Rohde, Caterina (eds.) (2011): Generations of Change. InterDisciplines Journal of History and Sociology, 2 (2): 105-138.
Other articles (selected):
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2024: Flucht und Religion. Religiosität zwischen Resilienz und Rassismuserfahrungen in Flucht- und Asylprozessen. In: Werner, F., Piechura, P., Bormann, C., Breckner, I. (eds) Flucht, Raum, Forschung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 367-381.
- In press (with B. Konz): Language and the communicability of experiences in qualitative research about ‘refugee’ families from diverse countries of origin. In: Bading, C. et al (Hrsg.): (Fremd-)Sprache und Qualitative Sozialforschung: Forschungsstrategien in interkulturellen Kontexten
- Rohde-Abuba, C.; Sonntag, E. & K. Kreuzer, 2023: Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder im digitalen Raum (Sexualized violence against children in digital space)
- Rohde-Abuba, C. & B. Konz, 2023: Religious diversity in the life worlds of children in Germany and in Ghana.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2022: Sociological Perspectives on Childhood under Conditions of ‘Refugeeness’ in Germany. In: Markiewicz-Stanny, J. et al (eds.): Child in Migration. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 211-234.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., & B. Konz, 2022: Children in Germany and Ghana the Covid-19 crisis.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., Kreuzer, K. & I. Kizilhan, 2021: Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder im Fluchtkontext (Sexualized violence against children in contexts of flight)
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2022: Children as actors of family care during the Covid-19 pandemic. In: Kupfer, A.; Stutz, C. (eds.): Covid, Crisis, Care, and Change? International Gender Perspectives on Re/Production, State and Feminist Transitions. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 95-107.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2021: ‘Respect toward old people’: The commodification of ethnicity in migrant care work in Germany. In: Gabauer, A. et al (eds.): Care and the City. Encounters with Urban Studies. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 109-118.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2021: Kindheit und Elternschaft unter Bedingungen von Flucht und Asylverfahren (Childhood and parenthood under conditions off light and asylum). In: Devlin, J. et al (Hrsg.): Praktiken der (Im) Mobilisierung. Lager, Sammelunterkünfte, Ankerzentren. Sammelband herausgegeben am Zentrum Flucht und Migration der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, transcript: Bielefeld, 201-218.
- Rohde-Abuba, C., 2020: The Positive Othering of Young Muslim Male ‘Refugees’ as Ideal Elderly Care Workers in the German Media Discourse. In: Sahraoui, N. (ed.): Borders across Healthcare. Moral Economies of Healthcare and Migration in Europe. New York, Oxford: Berghan Books, 84-103.
- Rohde-Abuba, C. & B. Konz, 2020: Flight, Religion, Resilience. Faith as a resource for coping with challenges of migration and integration.