Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden
Department of Police and Security Management
Professor of European and German Public Law, Public Policy and Public Administration

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 1,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Since 01 April 2020 Vice President of the HWR Berlin
Data Protection Officer, HWR Berlin (April 2011-March 2020)
Professor of Public Law, with particular reference to European law at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) since April 2009
Senior-ranking auditor at the German Federal Court of Auditors in Bonn (2005-2009) concerning the following areas: EU affairs / international organisations and facilities / customs / consumer taxes / market regulations / finance
Research assistant / associate at the Leibniz University Hanover (1997-2005); thereafter part-time lecturer (2005-2008)
Doctorate (Dr. rer. jur.) from the Leibniz University Hanover (1997); topic of doctoral thesis: “Police policy and statutory control of police work in Europa in the context of processes of change in nation states, with reference to the examples of Germany, France and the Netherlands” (summa cum laude)
Grant for doctoral studies from the Hans Böckler Foundation (1992-1994)
State examinations in law in Lower Saxony (1991) and Hamburg (1997); Diplôme d’Études approfondies en Sciences Sociales, EHESS Paris (joint programme with the École Normale Supérieure), Paris (1993)
Studied Law, Social Sciences (specialising in political and administrative sciences) and French literature at the Universities of Göttingen and Hanover (1985-1991), and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris (1992-1993)
- European law
- Public law
- Administrative science
- Domestic security
- Environmental policy
- European law
- Public and constitutional law
- Administrative law (in particular, police and regulatory law, environmental law)
- Administrative and political sciences (in particular, from a comparative, European viewpoint)
- The law as it relates to multi-level systems / multi-level systems policy
- Administrative structures in multi-level systems: efficiency and responsibilities
- Functions and cooperation structures of external financial control in multi-level systems
- The law as it relates to domestic security / domestic security policy (also with regard to Europeanization and in international comparisons); human rights
- Environmental law and policy (also with regard to Europeanization and in international comparisons)
- Umweltpolitik – Inhalte, Probleme und Konzepte (Arbeitstitel), Wiesbaden (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), Reihe „Elemente“ (ca. 150 Seiten), i.E.
- Informal economy, illegal work and public policy, in: Joanna Shapland and Paul Ponsaers (eds.), The informal economy and connections with organised crime: the impact of national social and economic policies, Den Haag/The Hague, BJu Legal Publishers 2009, S. 23-40
- Convergence of Policing Policies and Transnational Policing in Europe, in: Nick Larsen/Russell Smandych (eds.), Global Criminology and Criminal Justice, Current Issues and Perspectives, Peterborough, Ontario (Broadview Press) 2008, S. 195-208.
- Problemdefinition und Agendagestaltung in der Kriminalpolitik, in: Hans-Jürgen Lange (Hg.), Kriminalpolitik, Opladen (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften) 2008, S. 121-136.
- Nationale, europäische und internationale Verrechtlichung in wechselseitiger Abhängigkeit – Mehrebenenrecht und Machtverschiebung zur Exekutive, in: Politik und Recht, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 36 (2006), herausgegeben von Ruth Zimmerling und Michael Becker, Wiesbaden (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften) 2006, S. 357-376.
- Einfach oder komplex? Die rechtlichen Handlungsformen der europäischen Integration im Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung, in: Christiane Lemke/Jutta Joachim/Ines Katenhusen (Hg.), Konstitutionalisierung und Governance in der EU – Perspektiven einer europäischen Verfassung, Münster/Hamburg (Lit) 2006, S. 111-137.
- Administrative Governance in the fields of EU Police and Judicial Co-operation, in: Alexander Tuerk/Herwig Hofmann (eds.), EU Administrative Governance, Cheltenham, UK (Edward Elgar) 2006, S. 341-360.
- Human Rights before the Courts – Concurrence or complementary protection by the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice and by national Constitutional Courts?, in: Malte Brosig (Hg.), Human Rights in Europe – A fragmented Regime?, Frankfurt/Main (Lang) 2006, S. 57-66.
- Religionsprivileg/Vereinsverbote, in: Hans-Jürgen Lange (Hg.), Begriffe der Inneren Sicherheit, Wiesbaden (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften) 2006, S. 348-351.
- (Zusammen mit Dr. Heiner Busch) Europäisierung des Rechts der Inneren Sicherheit, in: Fredrik Roggan/Martin Kutscha (Hg.), Handbuch zum Recht der Inneren Sicherheit, 2. Aufl., Berlin (Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag) 2006, S. 511-582.
- Groupe européen de Recherche sur les Normativités (European working group for research into normative systems)
- AKIS (an inter-disciplinary working group for domestic security)
- DVPW (German Association for Political Science) – various departments and working groups