Prof. Dr. Marc Coester
Department of Police and Security Management
Professorship of Criminology
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 1,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
2008 - 2014: Assistant lecturer at the Ostfalia - University of Applied Science Wolfenbüttel
2006 - 2014: Employee at the Crime Prevention Council in the Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxony
2003 - today: Scientific adviser of the German Congress on Crime Prevention
2002 - 2004: Reserach assistant at the Institute of Crime Science of the Philipps-University Marburg
2001 - 2008: Research aasistant at the Institute of Criminology of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
1999 - 2003: Employee at the Kulturwerkstatt e.V. Reutlingen
1993-1999: Studies of Education Science at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Prevention of crime and what works in crime prevention
Violent hate and bias crimes
Youth in right-wing extremism
Youth violence, youth prison and recidivism
Crime prevention
2006 - 2014: "Systematic Recidivism Study of Youth Prisons in the State of Hesse" (conducted by the Institute of Criminology of the University of Tübingen and the Working Group 'Social Psychology' of the Department of Psychology at the University Marburg and on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Justice, Integration and Europe)
2005 - 2011: "Beccaria-Center: Education and Further Education in Crime Prevention" and "Beccaria-Project: Knowledge Transfer in Crime Prevention" (conducted by the Crime Prevention Council Lower Saxony and financed by the EU programs AGIS and ISEC)
2003 - 2004: "Primary Prevention of Violence against Group Members - Especially: Young People (Hate Crimes)" (Conducted by the German Forum for Crime Prevention and on behalf of the German Ministry of Justice)
2002 - 2004: "Biographies of Youth Violence. The Halle Research Report for the Volkswagen Foundation" (conducted by the Institute for Crime Science at the University of Marburg and on behalf of the Volkswagen Foundation)
2002 - 2003: "Düsseldorf Report: Evidence Based Knowledge of the Effects of Crime Prevention. A Secondary Analysis of the Reserach on the Effects of Crime Prevention. Report for the Capital City of Düsseldorf" (conducted by the Institute of Crime Science of the University of Marburg and on behalf of the Capital City of Düsseldorf)
Crime prevention
Research in right-wing extremism
Evaluation research
Youth prison and recidivism research
Youth work
Coester, Marc (2014): Victims of Right-Wing Extremism - Perspectives from Germany. In: Weitekamp, Elmar G.M. / Schäfer, Peter (Ed.): Establishing Victimology - A Pioneers Involvement in creating the science of Victimology. Mönchengladbach
Coester, Marc / Marks, Erich (Ed.) (2014): International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 6 - Contributions from the 7th Annual International Forum. Mönchengladbach
Coester, Marc (2013): Der Rechtsextremismus Jugendlicher als Herausforderung für den kommunalen Jugendschutz. In: Eger, Frank / Hensen, Gregor (Ed.): Das Jugendamt in der Zivilgesellschaft. Juventa. P. 58-76
Coester, Marc / Marks, Erich (Ed.) (2013): International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 5 - Contributions from the 6th Annual International Forum. Mönchengladbach
Stellmacher, Jost, Wagner, Ulrich, Issmer, Christian, Kerner, Hans-Jürgen, Coester, Marc (2012): Bewertung von Behandlungsmaßnahmen durch Inhaftierte im Hessischen Jugendstrafvollzug - Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie. In: Bewährungshilfe, 59. Vol., Nr. 2, P. 148-162
Coester, Marc / Marks, Erich (Ed.) (2012): International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 4 - Contributions from the 4th and 5th Annual International Forum. Mönchengladbach
Coester, Marc (2012): "Das betrifft mich nicht". Facetten von Rechtsextremismus, Gewaltbereitschaft und Alltagsdiskriminierung - eine Begriffsbestimmung. In: Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.): ProjektArbeit 2012/1. Sersheim. P. 26-30
Coester, Marc (2010): Commentary: Right-Wing Extremism and Bias Crime in Germany. In: Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice. Nr. 1. 8. Vol. P. 49-69
Coester, Marc / Marks, Erich (Ed.) (2009): International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 2 - Contributions from the 2nd Annual International Forum. Mönchengladbach
Coester, Marc (2008): Das Konzept der Hate Crimes aus den USA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien
German Congress on Crime Prevention
Crime Prevention Council Lower Saxony
Scientific Society of Criminologist from Tübingen
Kulturwerkstatt e.V. Reutlingen
European Forum for Urban Security, Paris
Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice Course at the Inter University Centre Dubrovnik
Pakistan Society of Criminology (PKS)
World Society of Victimology
Eurogang of the Universities of Missouri/St. Louis, California/Irvine, Manchester and the Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement Netherlands
Nonkilling Security and International Relations Research Committee of the Center for Global Nonkilling