Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmietendorf
Department of Cooperative Studies
Professor of Business Information Technology
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 1,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
1985-1990: Studied at the University of Engineering in Berlin-Lichtenberg, graduating as an engineer for telecommunications equipment and installations
1990-1992: Studied at the TFH Berlin (now Beuth Technical University), graduating with a Diploma in Engineering (technical IT)
1993: Studied at the Academy for Managers of the (former) German Postal and Telecommunications Service, with the end-of-course certificate covering the following subject areas: Economics / Business Administration, HR management, Marketing, Law
1992-1994: Studied at the FHTW Berlin (now HTW Berlin), graduating with a Diploma in Engineering (telecommunications technology)
1994-1996: Studied at the HTW Dresden, graduating with a Diploma in IT
1996-1999: Studied at the Otto von Guerike University, Magdeburg, graduating with a Diploma in IT (specialising in distributed systems)
1999-2001: Doctorate in engineering under the professor for software technology at the Institute for Distributed Systems of the Otto von Guerike University, Magdeburg
Until 2004: Employed for more than 12 years in information processing at Deutsche Telekom; last post held – head of the Department for Integrated Services (T-systems)
2004-2005: Professor at the University of Harz-Wernigerode in the Faculty for Automation and IT (subject area - database systems)
Since middle of 2005: Professor at the FHW Berlin / Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) in Faculty II in the subject area of Business IT (specialising in systems development)
Systems development / software development
Object-oriented, component-oriented and service-oriented software development
Project management within the context of information processing
Programming of client/server applications
Tasks involved in data management and process management
Implementation of integration architecture (EAI – Enterprise Application Integration and SOA – Service Oriented Architecture)
Quality assurance of software development on the basis of software metrics
Project programme management in information processing
Performance engineering in systems and software development
1993-1996: Project adviser on systems technology and adviser on UNIX system architecture at the German Postal and Telecommunications Service (Head Office) – approx. 40 projects
1996-2000: Consultant / Senior consultant (development and project management) for systems and software development at the development centre in Berlin of Deutsche Telekom (T-Nova) – approx. 20 projects
2000-2004: Head of department and chief architect at the development centre Berlin with specific responsibility for integration solutions at T-Nova / T-Systems – approx. 60 projects)
Since 2005: sideline work as an engineering consultant for T-Systems (IT-service management, management of software development projects, implementation of service-oriented architectures)
Schmietendorf, A.; Dumke, R.; Reitz, D.: SLA Management - Challenges in the Context of Web-Service-Based Infrastructures, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004), S.606-613, San Diego, CA/USA, July 2004
Schmietendorf, A.; Venkov, R.; Dumke, R.; Stojanov, S.: Softwareentwicklung mit einem osteuropäischen Partner, in HMD 242 - Virtuelle Organisationen, S. 93-102, dpunkt-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005
Schmietendorf, A.; Dumke, R.: Assessments of development organizations through the use of a project related benchmark, in Proc. 3rd World Congress for Software Quality - Vol. I, p. 255-266, Erlangen/Deutschland, 2005
Kunz, M.; Braungarten, R.; Dumke, R.; Schmietendorf, A.: Towards a Service-Oriented Measurement Infrastructure , in Proc. Software Measurement European Forum, Rom/Italy, May 2006
Rud, D.; Schmietendorf, A.; Dumke, R.: Performance modeling of WS-BPEL-based web service compositions. in Proc. „Modeling, Design and Analysis for Service-Oriented Architecture Workshop 2006“ (mda4soa'06), September 18, 2006, Chicago, USA.
Schmietendorf, A.; Dimitrov, E.: Experience With Offshore Projects Within the Software Development Process, in Proc. „Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology" (CONQUEST), September 28, 2006, Berlin, Germany
Visiting lecturer at the Otto von Guerike University, Magdeburg (lectures and supervision of diploma theses and doctoral theses)
Contacts and joint work on research tasks (e.g. supervision of a doctoral student) together with the ETS (University of Technology) in Montreal, Canada
Contacts and joint work on research tasks with the University of Plovdiv in Bulgaria
Involvement with national and international programme committees (e.g. IWSM, MENSURA, Metrikon, MMB, IIR-PerfMan)
Member of DASMA (a German-speaking user group for measuring software and estimating time and costs)
Member of the advisory committee to the board of CECMB (Central Europe Computer Measurement Group)
Member of GI (an IT association) and involved in two specialist groups – “software measurement and evaluation” and “measuring, modelling and evaluating computer systems”