Prof Dr.-Ing. Annette Detzel

Department of Cooperative Studies

Professor of Civil Engineering

+49 30 30877-2451

+49 30 30877-2109

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60

10315 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 6B, 6B.053
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin

Senior lecturer structural engineering at University of applied science Rotterdam/NL 2009-2014

Office -detzel structural engineering- 2010-2011

Structural engineer at WGG Schnetzer Puskas/CH 2006-2008

Research assistant at Institute of Structural Design University of Stuttgart 2000-2005

Structural engineer at ABT/NL 1997-2000

Dissertation Dr.-Ing. at University of Stuttgart 2006

Study of Civil Engineering at University of Stuttgart, Dipl.-Ing. 1997

Sustainability in structural design

Structural engineering

Steel- and concrete structures

Building technology

Tontchev, I.; Detzel, A.; Teuffel, P.: Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Plant Structures and Systems, IASS-APCS 2012 Symposium "From spatial structures to space structures", Seoul, Korea, May 21-24.

Detzel, A.; Häussler, M.; Tontchev, I.; Teuffel, P.: Sustainable materials in light weight structures – LCA of roof structures. In: TensiNet Symposium Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, S. 157-163.

Mehlhorn, G. (Hrsg.), Ko-Autor Detzel, A. et. al.: Handbuch Brücken, Entwerfen, Konstruieren, Berechnen, Bauen und Erhalten, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 2., erw. u. bearb. Aufl. (3. Auflage erscheint Ende 2014)