
A practical semester (internship) offers students the opportunity to apply and test their acquired knowledge in a practical setting.

A mandatory internship, usually in the form of a practical semester, is a component in the majority of  Bachelor programmes at the Department of Business and Economics. In addition to the experience and skills gained during the internship, the choice of your internship position also sets the course for your future career path. A successful practical phase may lead to entry into an industry, additional networking or finding a topic for your subsequent thesis.

Internship advice

Do you have questions about preparing for your internship? The contacts in the Internship Services and Business Relationships Office, or Internship Advice for short, will be pleased to help you. In addition to a personal consultation during office hours, regular informational events are also held.

Important information about completing your internship is available below.  Further regulations and tips are available in the Internship Regulations, your respective sample study timetables as well as the Study and Examination Regulations.

Practical semester

Degree programmes at the Department of Business and Economics are highly practice-based and interdisciplinary, and usually include a practical study semester or internship phase: 

Bachelor degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s in Business Administration
  • Bachelor’s in Economics
  • Bachelor’s in Business Information Systems
  • Bachelor’s in Business Engineering in Environmental Science and Sustainability
  • Bachelor’s in Business Law
  • Bachelor’s in International Management (German / French programme)
  • Bachelor’s in International Business Management (in English)
  • Bachelor’s in International Business Administration Exchange

Master’s degree programmes

If you are completing a Master's degree programme, then a practical study semester is also compulsory upon completion of the previous bachelor's degree programme with 180 credits.
Important information about preparing for and organising your internship, arranged according to degree programme, as well as the documents that you need to submit:

Parallel to the practical study semester, your degree programme’s practical seminar must also be completed. If the internship is completed outside of Berlin, the practical seminar has to be completed in the following semester. In this case, we recommend that you read the notes on the seminar as well as the report during the internship period.

Search and application for internship

Before the application phase, it is advisable to consider your own goals as well as the conditions and possibilities surrounding internships. Although the actual application phase often lasts no longer than three months, it is a good idea to start the ball rolling about half a year earlier: Which industry interests me? What is the size of the company/institution where I will do my internship? Which tasks should my desired internship cover?  Is there any internship salary or a remuneration? At what location should the internship take place? Foreign internships have a longer lead time - especially if the placement is to be provided through an organization.

Our course FB 1 - Internship info in Moodle offers initial orientation. The company lists, which represent an overview of previous internship positions, including possible fields of activity, are particularly helpful.

Internship searches are supported through publication of incoming internship announcements. These can be found in the corridor of the Internship Office (room B 1.32), in the foyer as well as online on our Moodle webpage. An overview is available here: HWR Berlin counselling services / internship information / FB1 - Internship Exchange.
The various online job markets on the Career Service are also helpful.

Our courses in Moodle

  • FB 1 - Internship Info
    Information and orientation
  • FB 1 - Internship Exchange
    Offers at home and abroad

Whether you are applying on your own initiative or to a specific offer: The application documents are your first contact with a potential internship host. Therefore, you should make these documents appealing and ensure that your information is up to date. Career Services provide extensive tips within the Internship and Vocational Orientation Moodle course. But Career Services also provides one-to-one support in getting the best out of your application documents.

Foreign internship

The completion of a foreign internship is an ideal opportunity to acquire foreign and professional experience during your studies and to use the knowledge acquired to further your career.

Companies hosting internships

The mandatory practical semester, which is a component of numerous courses at the Department of Business and Economics, offers potential and advantages for both companies and students.


Monika Sakka
Coordination and consulting

Personal office hours
Tue 10.00–13.00 (only by telephone)
Thu 10.00–13.00
Room B 1.32


Prof. Dr. Martina Metzger

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Andreas Polk

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Marc Coester

Detailed profile

Sabrina Abu-Rabi

Prof. Dr. Sabine Baumann

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schönrock

Deanery of the Department of Cooperative Studies

Personal counselling for dual study programmes
Diana Jurgec

Office hours (without advance notice)
Thu 15.00 -17.00 Study counselling by telephone
Thu 14.00 -15.00

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein

Detailed Profile

Prof. Dr. Frank Habermann

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Martina Eberl

Detailed profile

Dr. Bettina Biedermann

Dr. Michael Ebert

Jens Westerfeld

Marc Deckers

Prof. Dr. Christoph Dörrenbächer


Prof. Dr. Berit Adam

Prof. Dr. Katja Andresen

Prof. Dr. Anastasia Baetge

Prof. Dr. Agnes Aschfalk-Evertz

Prof. Dr. Carsten Baumgarth

Prof. Dr. Dirk-Mario Boltz

Prof. Dr. Frank Brand

Prof. Dr. Tobias Braun

Prof. Dr. Jochen Breinlinger-O'Reilly

Prof. Dr. Gert Bruche

Prof. Dr. Katrin Böttcher

Prof. Dr. Otto von Campenhausen

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Marianne Egger de Campo

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein

Detailed Profile

Prof. Dr. Sandy Eggert

Prof. Dr. Michael Faustino Bauer
Department of Business and Economics

Prof. Dr. Birgit Felden

Prof. Dr. Anja Grothe

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gruber

Prof. Dr. Sabine Haller

Prof. Dr. Susanne Hannappel

Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Herr

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov

Prof. Dr. Thomas Knispel

Lichtenberg Library

Opening hours
Mon–Fri: 10.00– 21.00
Service hours:10.00–17.00

Sat: 12.00– 16.00 (no service hours)

Bibliothek Schöneberg

Opening hours
Mon–Fri: 10.00– 21.00
Service hours:10.00–17.00

Sat: 12.00– 16.00 (no service hours)

Lecture-free period (February 10 – March 31, 2025):
Mon–Fri: 10.00–19.30 
Service hours: 10.00–15.30

Sat: closed 

Prof. Dr. Pakize Schuchert-Güler

Beate Hennig

Undine Hoffmann

Jens Negendank

Sabine Tessmann

Susanne Gustke

Klaus Pollmann

Bernd Roennebeck

Office material issue opening hours
Tuesday to Thursday 10:00 - 10:30

Eckhard Rankl

Jens Nehrkorn

Haus A Building A Porter

Haus B Building B Porter

Haus E Building E Porter

Andreas Lück

Detlef Häntzschel

Fabian Rauchholz

Post room and material issue opening hours:

Monday to Thursday 07:30 - 14:45
Friday 07:30 - 12:45

Startup Incubator Berlin

Zorica Rapp

Diem Hang Nguyen

Karola Beck

Dietmar Tänzer

Henriette Scharfenberg

Dr. Andrea Schmalz

Andrea Dubrow

Olga Prieb

Hamide Alvi

Annette Fleck

Prof. Dr. Tim Lohse

Detailed profile

Heike Stich

Für Campus Schöneberg: Personalangelegenheiten für Beschäftigte, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen Professoren/innen, Beamte/innen und Auszubildende (ohne personalaktenführende Stelle)

Nadine Klatt

Angelika Leopold

Grundsatzangelegenheiten Büroleitung

Bearbeitung und Prüfung von Nebentätigkeitsanträgen incl. Bescheid-Erstellung,

Bearbeitung von Arbeits-Zeugnissen für alle Beschäftigten der Hochschule incl. der studentischen Hilfskräfte,

Bearbeitung von Telearbeitsanträgen,  Anträgen zur Samstagsarbeit incl. Zahlbarmachung der Zeitzuschläge,

Berechnung der Arbeitszeiten bei Aufstockung/ Reduzierung

Mario Schummert

Jacqueline Müller-Haberkorn

Sabine Wolf

Nicole Böttcher

Claudia Weber

Sylke Schumann

Julia Oelkers

Mimosa Akbal

Stephanie Ehrlich

Ingrid Sperber

Office hours
Thur 14.00 - 16.00
and by appointment

Birgitta Kröll

Office hours by appointment

Katja Zühlsdorf

Tobias Lebens

By appointment

Joanna Rieloff

Campus Lichtenberg
T +49 30-30877-2043/ -1363
Haus 5, Raum 5.1011
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin

Joanna Rieloff

Telephone office hours
Tues 14.00–16.00
Thur 10.00–12.00

Susan Leung

Telephone office hours
Thur 14.00–16.00

Cathrine Caspari

Monday 10.30–12.30 (by phone and if necessary in presence)
Tuesday 14.00–16.00 (by phone and in presence)

Sabine Kysselli

Christiane Walczak

Manuela Ghobadloo

Claudia Wiesner

Antje Marggraff

Radoslawa Kochan

Lecturer Advisory Service, Fee settlement, Course Catalogue

Kathrin Wehr

Scheduling, Room and Working Materials Planning, contact person for students during the document period

Sabine Bednorz
Organisation rund um die LV "Unternehmenssimulation und Teamentwicklung"

Room Planning; working materials planning; contact person for students during the document period

Monika Sakka
Coordination and consulting

Personal office hours
Tue 10.00–13.00 (only by telephone)
Thu 10.00–13.00
Room B 1.32


Anna Mándoki

Ines Ruhstrat

Mechthild Bonnen

We offer a monthly consultation online for those who are interested in M.A. International Security Management on the last Friday of each month from 12.30 p.m. to 13.30 p.m. (German Time).

The consultation hour on 25th October and 1st November is rescheduled to Monday, 28th October and 4th November, from 12:30 to 13:30.

We offer our online consultation once a week on Friday from September to November. Meeting Room
Access Code: 955359

Prof. Dr. Wim Nettelnstroth

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Jan Dirk Roggenkamp

Prof. Dr. Vincenz Leuschner

Prof. Dr. Anna Daun

Prof. Dr. Madeleine Janke

Prof. Dr. Nadja Jehle

Prof. Dr. Beate Jochimsen

Prof. Dr. Julia Klauer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lang

Prof. Dr. Arnold Lehmann-Richter

Detailliertes Profil

Prof. Dr. Markus Löcher

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lorenzen

Prof. Dr. José Magone

Prof. Dr. Christoph Manuel Meyer

Prof. Dr. Roland Müller

Prof. Dr. Christian Noß

Prof. Dr. Ewa Ostaszewska

Prof.Dr. Natalie Packham

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Sven Pohland

Prof. Dr. Salmai Qari

Prof. Dr. Solveig Reißig-Thust

Prof. Dr. Sven Ripsas

Prof. Dr. Marc Rothländer

Prof. Dr. Harald Rüggeberg

Detailed Profile

Prof. Dr. Andrea Rumler

Prof. Dr. Sabine Haller

Student Counselling Services
Student Infopoint Campus Schöneberg
House A, 1st floor
Badensche Str. 52, 10825 Berlin

Student Infopoint Campus Lichtenberg
House 6A, Room 6A 023
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60, 10315 Berlin

Contact form On-site consultation

Allgemeine Studienberatung

Any questions?
Write us a messageOn-site consultation
Online info event
Online info event
Online info event
Online info event
Online info event
Online info event

Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment

Office hours:

Mon 14.00–16.00
Wed 10.00–12.00
Thu 14.00–16.00

Dagmar Hofmann
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes

International Economics (M.A.)

Marketing Management (dt./engl.) (M.A.)


Prof. Dr. Roland Müller

Prof. Dr. Monika Huesmann

ORCID iD Pronouce my name

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lorenzen

Prof. Dr. Elmar Erkens

Prof. Dr. Sven Woogt

Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante
Networking, Communication, and Public Relations

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov

Prof. Dr. Alexander Tsipoulanidis
Professor for Supply Chain und Operations Management

Christine Jäkel
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes

BIPM (M.Sc.)

Administrative coordination of the examination board

Kerstin Muhlack-Büchel
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes

Business Law in an International Context (LL.M)

LPG (M.A.)

Wi-Ing Umwelt (M.Sc.)

Prof. Dr. Frank Habermann

Detailed profile

Prof. Dr. Markus Schaal

Prof. Dr. Joachim Scholz-Ligma

Prof. Dr. Avo Schönbohm

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schunke

Prof. Dr. Martina Sproll

Prof. Dr. Torsten Tristan Straub

Prof. Dr. André Tomfort

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wilhelm

Prof. Dr. André Tomfort

Stefanie Kätner

Leitung des Bereichs Personalwesen; Grundsatzangelegenheiten; Bewertung von Arbeitsgebieten; Fortbildungsbeauftragter; Personalentwicklung; Werkverträge; Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement

Prof. Dr. Juergen Weichselgartner

Open Access Office of HWR Berlin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Steinmann

Contact profile
Rate on MeinProf

Coordination Studium Generale
Arndis Heß

Anne Bruchanski

Andrea Winzek

Katja Kersten

Romana Sambo

Caroline Duttiné

Bettina Barenscheer

Prof. em. Helmut Maier

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Peter Utzig

Prof. Dr. Martin Uzik

Prof. Dr. Ursula Walther

Prof. Dr. Heike Wiesner

Prof. Dr. Markus Wissen

Prof. Dr. Frank Witte

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wolke

Prof.Dr. Axel Zernack

Prof. Dr. Reingard Zimmer

Prof. Dr. Michael Barten

Prof. Dr. Rainer Bergmann

Prof. Dr. Christian Bleis

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Cichos

Prof Dr.-Ing. Annette Detzel

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gert Faustmann

Prof. Dr. Martina Hesse

Prof. Dr. Frank Kalenberg

Prof. Dr. Gerrit Kalkbrenner

Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhne

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Kurzawa

Prof. Dr. Claudia Lemke

Prof. Dr. Jarosław Nabiałek

Prof. Dr. Andreas Nastansky

Prof. Dr. Michael Paarz

Prof. Dr. Andrea Pelzeter

Prof. Dr. Dorrit Peter-Ollrogge

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Juriy Plotkin

Prof. Dr. Jens Radde

Prof. Dr. Jeannette Raethel

Prof. Dr. Olaf Resch

Prof. Dr. Niki Rigas

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rosentreter

Prof. Dr. Jan Roxin

Prof. Dr. Rico Schlösser

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Schmeitzner

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmietendorf

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schomäcker

Prof. Dr. Henrik Schütt

Prof. Dr. Marko Schwertfeger

Prof. Dr. Martina Tippelhofer

Prof. Dr. Peter Vieth

Prof. Dr. Vittoria von Gizycki

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Wildebrand

Prof. Dr. Nicola Winter

Prof. Dr. Peter Wotschke

Prof. Dr. Aysel Yollu-Tok

Prof. Dr. Barbara Beham

Prof. Dr. Monika Huesmann

ORCID iD Pronouce my name

Kathrin Joerger

Campus Lichtenberg
Building 6a, Room 6a 006
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Dörte Busch

Kinga Urban

Office hours
Tue 14-15.30 (by telephone)
Thu 14-16.00 (in presence)

Franziska Freinatis

Ulrike Kaczinski

Manja Lade
Terminierung von Lehrveranstaltungen, Raumplanung

Daniela Hassatzky

Ines Noack

Anja Goldner

Martina Wendler

Andrea Wollenberg

Office and opening hours
Mon 10.00–13.00
Wed 10.00–13.00
Thu 12.30–15.00

Martina Böhm

Office and opening hours
Mon 10.00-13.00
Wed 10.00-13.00
Thu 12.30-15.00

Oliver Schierz

Gabriele Ringk

Christian Gurol

Examination and Internship Office Campus Lichtenberg

Office hours during the lecture period:
Tue, Thu 10am-12pm & 1pm-3pm
Appointments Mon, Wed and Fri and outside the lecture period by appointment.

Prof. Dr. Caroline Rudzinska

Simone Affeldt

Elzbieta Zielonka
Beratung für Studierende des Bachelor-Studiengangs Wirtschaftsingenieur „Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeit“

Amanda Barron
Incoming Office (Erasmus+)

Office hours
Wed 10.00 am – 12.00 pm 
Thu 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Sebastian Krüger

Anke Droese

Office hours
by arrangement

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Betzelt

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Betzelt

Detailed profile

Lina Nientimp

Mirjam Klessen

Sarah Geißler

Jennifer Stock

Anke Bertók

Grit Hoffmann

Telephone office hours
Mon–Wed 8.00–12.00
Thur 8.00–12.00 and 13.00–15.00 Uhr
Fri during regular office hours

Anne Schilling

Diana Schatz

Telephone office hours
Mon–Thur 8.00–14.00
Fri closed

Arndis Heß
Campus Lichtenberg
Haus 6A, Raum 007
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin

Consultation hours by appointment only.


Prof. Dr. Antje Mertens

Ismahan Atilgan

Prof. Dr. Carolin I. A. Hagelskamp

Prof. Dr. Mario Glowik

Detailed Profile

Jenny Hierl

Viola Philipp

Katja Scheremetjew

Silke Mahnkopf-Praprotnik

Representative for Women's Affairs and Gender Equality of the department Public Administration

Maria Krautz E:

Representative for Women's Affairs and Gender Equality of the department Cooperative Studies

Henriette Binder E:

Representative for Women's Affairs and Gender Equality of the department Police and Security Management

Christine Bartsch E:

Representative for Women's Affairs and Gender Equality of the department Legal Studies

Karola Knauthe E:

Representative for Women's Affairs and Gender Equality of the department Business and Economics

Anika Kixmüller E:

Prof. Dr. Sonja Klose

Diana Jurgec

Drop-in office hours
The demands of the current situation mean that we will not be providing any drop-in office hours in the near future. Please address all questions by e-mail to:

Family Services Office

Telephone office hours:
Tue 11–12
Thu 14–15

On-site consultation (without appointment)
Campus Schöneberg, Room A 3.32
Thu 15–16

Individual appointments by arrangement

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Monett Díaz

Georgine Kalil

Isabel Braun
Unterstützung Studienbüro

Alina Madlen Fleer

Office hours
Mon 14 – 16 (by telephone)
Thu 14 - 16 (in presence)

Prof. Dr. Birgitta Sticher

Detailed profile

Jan Fritsche

Monday: Campus Lichtenberg, Building 6A, Room 6A 005
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60, 10315 Berlin

Thursday: Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A 3.31
Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin

Juliane Strohschein

Advice on studying with disabilities and chronic illnesses

Carolin Jannasch
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programme

Untrecht (LL.M)

Back-Office (organisation of exams and final documentation) of the master programmes

International Economics (M.A.)

IMM (M.A.)

MM (M.A.)


Untrecht (LL.M)

Wi-Ing Umwelt (M.Sc.)

Carolin Meiser

Student Counselling Services

Contact form On-site consultation

Lena Günther

Outgoing Office Europa

Tanja Gott

Dave Schnelle

Maksym Vovk

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Schmid

Detailed Profile

Dipl. Ing. Tomas Kuckenburg

Prof. Dr. Silke Bustamante

Andrea Syring

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Fischer

Jana Baier-Kohl

Study Office IBMAN

+49 30 30877-1086
+49 30 30877-1247

Consultation hours
Room B 1.27 or B 0.05
Tuesday 10.30am – 12.30pm
Thursday 2pm – 4pm

Study Office IBMAN

+49 30 30877-1086
+49 30 30877-1247

Consultation hours
Room B 1.27 or B 0.05
Tuesday 10.30am – 12.30pm
Thursday 2pm – 4pm

Jasmina Eminic

Office hours
Mon 10.00am – 12.00pm
Tue 2.00pm – 4.00pm 

Staci Karasch

Prof. Dr. Alexander Tsipoulanidis

Suzanne Kapinga

Prof. Dr. Tobias Börger

Persönliche Website Twitter: @tobias_borger Berlin Centre for Empirical Economics

Lukasz Zaremba

Dorothee Rabe

Telephone office hours
Mon, Tue, Wed

Karin Gerke

Christian Pape

Sprechzeiten (Raum B 1.27)
Dienstags 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr
Donnerstags 10:30 – 12:00 Uhr

Roswitha Bünjer

Sprechzeiten (Raum B 1.27)
Dienstags 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr
Donnerstags 10:30 – 12:00 Uhr

Sandrine Viard
Administrative coordination of the German-French bachelor programme „Management Internationale“ on bachelor and master level

Prof. Dr. Wojciech Stiller


Oliver Becker

Dr. Jürgen Meyerhoff

Prof. Dr. Till Strohsal

Detailed profile

Sibel Sanalan

Lesson planning, module database

Mareen Nevado Pasarrius

Prof. Dr. Peter Ries

Annika Wilbertz

Office hours
Tue 14-16.00 (by telephone)
Thu 14-16.00 (in presence)

Sara Eftekhari

Office hours
Mon 14–16 (by telephone)
Thu 14–16 (in presence)

Charleen Hengst

Jessica Schäfer

Prof. Dr. habil. Caterina Rohde-Abuba


Prof. Dr. Edin Basic

Prof. Dr. Henning Kreis

Juliane Kind
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes

FACT (M.Sc.)


Prof. Dr. Jens Hermsdorf

Prof. Dr. Daniela Hunold

Saskia Omankowsky
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes


Gabriella Fuentes

Prof. Dr. Clemens Arzt
Gründungsdirektor des FÖPS Berlin
Indienbeauftragter der HWR Berlin

Detailliertes Profil

PD Dr. Elke Muchlinski

Zum Profil an der FU Berlin

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Deinert

Viviane Kruggel

Christin Wallek
Studienbüro 1 "Business Administration Teilzeit und Blended-Learning"

Prof. Dr. Annika Dießner

Maximilian Arndt

Prof. Dr. Oesten Baller

Prof. Dr. Christine Bartsch


Prof. Dr. Gritt Beger

Detailliertes Profil

Prof. Dr. Anja Berger


Henriette Binder

Marion Blank

Tobias Blazy

Alexander Bosch

Sven Brandhorst

Uwe Bräuer

Tamara Dangelmaier

Stephan de Reese

Sylvia Döbrich

Prof. Dr. Markus Englerth

Examination Office of the Higher Police Service Degree Programme

Sprech- und Öffnungszeiten

Mo–Mi  08.00–12.00 Uhr
Do 08.00–12.00 und 13.00–15.00 Uhr
Fr geschlossen

Nach Rücksprache vereinbaren wir gern Termine auch außerhalb dieser Zeiten.

Peter Faust

Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl-Heinz Fittkau

Verena Flörchinger

Dr. Florian Flörsheimer

Prof. Matthias Frey

Prof. Dr. Walter Georg Fuchs

Malena Garcia Lombardi

Janette Gille

Dr. André Günther

Prof. Dr. Mischa Hansel

Sandra Hermanski

Christian Hilpert

Prof. Dr. Tanja Hollmann

Danijela Jelen

Alan Kamal

Prof. Dr. Guido Kirchhoff

Josephin Kleemann

Steven Kleemann

Prof. Helmut Kleinschmidt

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch

Prof. Dr. Christoph Kopke

Stephen Köppe

Prof. Dr. Matthias Kötter

Prof. Dr. Lucian Krawczyk

Carina Krug

Prof. Marcel Kuhlmey

Detailliertes Profil

Heike Kuhlmey-Nagora

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kühnel

Detailliertes Profil

Max Laube

Frederic Lenz

Andrea Leonhardt

Telefonische Sprechzeiten
Mo–Do 8.30–11.30 Uhr
Do 13.00–15.00 Uhr
Fr geschlossen

Dr. Anna Louban

Sven Lüders

Rodion Makufke

Christian Martin

Prof. Christian Matzdorf

Dr. Carl Melchers
Beauftragter und Ansprechpartner zu Antisemitismus

Dr. Lorena Menes Corrales

Dr. Mika Moeller

Prof. Dr. Paul Neufang

Kathrin Nowicki
Stellvertretende zentrale Beauftragte für Diversität und Antidiskriminierung

Prof. Dr. Claudius Ohder

Prof. Dr. Harald Olschok

Julia Oteiza

Cäcilia Rennert

Aaron Reudenbach

Prof. Dr. Vasco Reuss

Dr. Norman Rohde

Prof. Dr. Samuel Salzborn

Jonatan Schewe

Dirk Schlemme

Prof. Dr. Sandra Schmidt


Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schönrock

Detailliertes Profil

Prof. Dr. Markus Schultze-Kraft


Paula Andrea Sánchez Garciá

Uwe Soujon

Prof. Dr. iur. Ekkehard Strauß

Study Office (Department 5)

Prof. Dr. Tarik Tabbara

Prof. Dr. Helmut Tausendteufel

Roman Thurn

Prof. Dr. Carolyn Tomerius

Prof. Dr. Klaus von Lampe


Nicole von Wurmb-Schwark

Maren Wegner

Holger Wiersich

Dr. Susanne Willems

Dirk Würger

Prof. Dr. Annika Dießner

Prof. Dr. Christina Teipen


Steffen Würzburger

Jan Hülsenbeck

Prof. Dr. Janine Neuhaus

Detailliertes Profil

Martina Martinovic
Research and Transfer

Prof. Caroline Rudzinska
Events and Sustainability in Teaching


Kim Hauske

Lena Sonemann

Moritz Minkwitz

Tanja Schochow

Prof. Dr. Linh Thao Ly

Beatrice Rackwitz
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes

International Finance (M.Sc.)

International Marketing Management (M.A.)

Marketing Management (dt./engl.) (M.A)

Lucia Camilloni
Front-Office administrative coordination of the master programmes


Christina Druffel

Selen Soysal

Silvia Gigante