Business Administration (Part-time: Evening Study)

  • Degree
    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Type of study
    Part-time study
  • Standard period of study
    8 Semesters
  • Commencement of studies
    Summer semester (1 Apr), Winter semester (1 Oct)
  • Credits (ECTS)
  • Language of instruction
  • Department / Central Institute
    Department of Business and Economics

Degree programme

Would you like to combine your studies of Business Administration with professional employment? Then the part-time nature of this Bachelor’s degree programme could be the right option for you. Classroom-based teaching is provided on Mondays to Fridays between 18.00 and 21.15; sometimes also on Saturdays.

Modern Blended Learning enables students to combine the advantages of a classical full-time course with innovative distance learning techniques. With teaching split equally between classroom-based and online self-study, the classroom-based teaching is performed over between 8 and 10 weekends (Friday and Saturday) from 8.00 to 16.00. We also organize a week-long block seminar per semester with teaching Monday to Friday 8.00 to 16.00.

Students can also choose to take courses from the other degree form (evening classes or Blended Learning). Those in professional employment and holders of a professional qualification (in accordance with § 11 BerlHG) can take advantage of support to facilitate assumption of their studies. A number of places on Blended Learning courses are reserved for holders of professional qualifications.

Professional field

The highly practical nature of the teaching of this Business Administration degree programme prepares its graduates for a wide range of professional tasks. Graduates of this Bachelor’s degree programme can move on to further professional specialization or start a consecutive Master’s degree programme. The use of state-of-the-art technologies facilitate a comprehensive learning experience and prepare graduates of this programme for a range of manage- ment activities in the increasingly-digitalized environment of both SMEs and large companies.

Degree structure

Both part-time degree programmes provide students with a cutting-edge foun- dation in all Business Administration and Economics topics. The programme provides sound theoretical and problem-solving training in successful and sustainable company management practices.

The degree programme is structured in two parts. Part One provides an introduction to Business Administration, which is extended in Part Two. The programme provides an introduction to and training in a range of key skills from the start.

Part One (1st –4th semesters)
Business Administration; Economics; Business Law; Social Sciences; Statistics; Mathematics for Business and Economics;
Quantitative Methods/Business Information Systems

Key qualifications
English; An Introduction to Studying; Time Management; Study and Working Techniques; Spreadsheet Analysis; Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis; Presentations etc.

Part Two (5th –8th semesters)
Specialization choice
4 modules main specialization and
2 modules secondary specialization such as:

  • Marketing Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Human Resources Management
  • Accounting/Controlling
  • Company Taxes
  • Global Supply Chain Management
  • Business Law (previous knowledge required)
  • Economics (can only be selected as a supplement)
  • Entrepreneurship and Corporate Succession (can only be selected as a supplement)

Interdisciplinary subject field
Topics such as Internationalization; Innovation; Sustainable Operations; The Framework Conditions and Management of Services;
Managing Diversity, Corporate Governance

Supplementary and interdisciplinary subjects
Strategic Management; Company Simulation and Team Development; The Instruments of Controlling, The Political Economy and Social Structure of Modern Society; International Economics; Communication & Interaction in a Professional Context; English

  • Academic qualifications meeting the general requirements for admission to a University or University of Applied Sciences or
    professional qualifications allowing University admission as specified in §11 of the Law on Institutions of Higher Education in the State of Berlin (Berliner Hochschulgesetz ‑ BerlHG)
  • German language university entrance exam for foreign students.

Restricted Admission

Where there are more applicants than places, programmes follow a NC (numerus clausus) procedure

Applicants without a German qualification need to apply via uni-assist e.V.

  • Winter semester  until 15 Juli
  • Sommer semester until 15 January

Programmakkreditiert durch den Akkreditierungsrat

Fees and grants

  • Tuition fees


  • Semesterfee

    ca. € 300 per semester (incl. local transport semester ticket)

Guidance for prospective students

ZR Studierendenservice
Student Counselling Services

Student advisory service

Department of Business and Economics
Christin Wallek
Studienbüro 1 "Business Administration Teilzeit und Blended-Learning, International Sustainability Management, International Digital Business"

Academic Director

Department of Business and Economics
Prof. Dr. Marc Rothländer
Professor of Operations- und Supply Chain

Department of Business and Economics
Prof. Dr. Christoph Manuel Meyer