
The Administration for the Department of Business and Economics advise and support students and teaching staff in all matters relating to studies, research and teaching.

General Management

The General Management of the Department works in close collaboration with the Dean. It is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Management and control of the Department's budget
  • Management of Departmental Administration staff
  • Optimisation of processes within the Department, as well as between the Department and other University bodies
  • Participation in the further development of the Department

Sabine Kysselli

T +49-30-30877-1188

Campus Schöneberg, Building B, Other object title B 1.07
Badensche Straße 50-51, 10825 Berlin

Registration and Enrolment Service

The Registration and Enrolment Service advises and supports prospective students and students within the Department. It is on hand to respond to queries regarding the application, admissions and enrolment process specifically related to Bachelor's degree programmes.

Application for first semester via the dialogue orientated service method (DoSV)
Direct application for higher study semester:

  • Business Administration (full and part time)
  • Economics
  • Business Law
  • Business Information Systems
  • Entrepreneurship and Corporate Succession.

It also deals with queries from health insurance funds, authorities and other institutions in order to support these processes.

Office for Applications, Admissions and Enrolment

T +49 30 30877-1800

Office hours:

Mon 14.00–16.00
Wed 10.00–12.00
Thu 14.00–16.00

Student Offices

The Student Offices are the points of contact for applicants, students and teaching staff. They provide information about the application and selection process, enrolment, the organisation of studies and examinations, examination administration, grades, Diplomas and any other queries relating to your studies.
The degree programmes are supervised in three Student Offices.

Course Planning and Lecturer Advisory Service

The Timetabling and Lecturer Support Service staff are responsible for ensuring the various lectures run smoothly at the Schöneberg Campus. Our team is responsible for planning the lectures, creating the course catalogue and looking after the use of teaching materials.

Antje Marggraff
Coordination Course Planning and Lecturer Advisory Service

Campus Schöneberg
Building B, Other object title B 1.11
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

Radoslawa Kochan

Campus Schöneberg
Building B, Other object title B 0.14
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

Lecturer Advisory Service, Fee settlement, Course Catalogue

Sibel Sanalan

Campus Schöneberg
Building B, Other object title B 1.12
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

Lesson planning, module database

Kathrin Wehr

Campus Schöneberg
Building B, Other object title B 1.12
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

Scheduling, Room and Working Materials Planning, contact person for students during the document period

Sabine Bednorz

Campus Schöneberg
Building B, Other object title B 0.13
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

Room Planning; working materials planning; contact person for students during the document period

Opening hours (Room B 0.13)

Mon 9.30–11.30
Tue 9.30–11.30
Thu 9.30–11.30
Fr 9.30–11.30

During the non‐teaching period

Tue 9.30–11.30
Thu 9.30–11.30

Opening hours in the afternoon/evening

Please make an appointment by email or phone:

Kathrin Wehr

T +49-30-30877-1573


Sabine Bednorz

T +49-30-30877-1273

Note for teaching staff:
Beamer and laptop orders as well as cancellation, substitute and additional appointments please register with fb1-lehre-orga(at)