Prof. Dr. Bernhard Peter Utzig

Department of Business and Economics

Professor of General Business Administration with focus on Management Accounting

+49 30 30877-1442

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B, B 3.48
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

1984-1990: studies of business mathematics at the university of Trier

1990 – 1997 research assistant at „Freien Universität Berlin“ and „Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin“

1996: obtained doctorate at the Institute for “Industrial Marketing Management” at HU Berlin with a thesis on „customer orientation of strategic business units“

1997-2006: worked in various functions at the ThyssenKrupp conglomerate; thereof more than 3 years as CFO in the machine tool business

2007-2013: CFO of ESMT European School of Management and Technology, Berlin

2013-2014: management consultant and trainer for management accounting and business management

Since October 2014 professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law

Cost and managerial accounting of industrial enterprises as well as of nonprofit organizations

Managerial accounting

Cost accounting

Effects of Industry 4.0 on managerial accounting

Strategy and business management

Risk management

Group accounting and reporting

Managerial and financial accounting of industrial enterprises as well as of nonprofit organizations

Utzig, B. Peter (2021): Externe Kostenremanenzanalyse. Eine Replikationsstudie. GRIN Verlag, München

Utzig, B. Peter (2021): Kostenremanenz und Cost Stickiness, in: WiSU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 50 (3) 2021, S. 289-295

Plinke, Wulff; Utzig B. Peter (2020): Industrielle Kostenrechnung. 9. Auflage, Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg

Utzig, B. Peter (2020): Die Klausur, in: WiSU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 49 (4) 2020, S. 416-418

Plinke, Wulff; Utzig, B. Peter (2019): Betriebswirtschaft, in: Hennecke M., Skrotzki B. (Hrsg.) HÜTTE – Das Ingenieurwissen. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.