Prof. Dr. Michael Faustino Bauer

Department of Business and Economics

Professor of General Business Administration with focus on Management Accounting

Prof. Dr. Michael Faustino Bauer

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B, B 1.02a
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

Since October 2012 professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law

Since 1998 management consultant and trainer for Controlling, management accounting and business management

2012 Director Business Development at complexium GmbH, Berlin: focus on social media monitoring and strategic consulting ( )

2004 - 2011 Member of the Management Board at NetSkill AG (Cologne, Frankfurt and Berlin), Director Business Development and Sales ( )

2002 Strategic projects at Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Zuffenhausen, Germany

2001 Obtained doctorate, topic: „Controllership in Germany: context, current implementations and measurable success in supporting top management “; empirical study with over 600 participants from 374 firms, application of advanced multivariate procedures and adapted causal-analytical methods from marketing

1998 - 2001 Research assistant for the chair of controlling and telecommunication (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Juergen Weber) at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar (today: Institute of Management Accounting and control IMC); management of the business booklet series „Advanced Controlling“ (now published by Wiley-VCH)

1996 - 1998 Management consultant, project manager and management trainer at CTcon GmbH: management accounting systems, studies for the European Commission with reference to the postal sector

1990 - 1996 Studies of Business Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, today: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Management and leadership

Strategic controlling

Business-to-business marketing

Controlling and Managerial Accounting

Instruments of Controlling

Cost Accounting and Performance Measurement

Management accounting/ Controlling and (social) web-based technologies

Strategic development and performance management

Interdisciplinary research about management in the light of digitalization

Business management

Strategy, performance measurement and monitoring

Business-to-business marketing

Faustino Bauer, M.: “Social Media als Herausforderung und Chance für das Risikomanagement: Risikoarten und Vorgehensmodell“, in: ZFRC, Zeitschrift für Risk, Fraud & Compliance, Vol. 4/16, p. 125-129, June 2016.

Faustino Bauer, M.: “Ihre Antwort auf Social Media und Clouds.” in: Controlling & Management Review: Sonderheft IT 1/2014, p. 58–65.

Faustino Bauer, M. et al.: “Leitfaden Social Media und Competitive Intelligence”, Deutsches Competitive Intelligence Forum, Berlin, 2013, DCIF e.v.:

Biel, A. / Faustino Bauer, M.:"Social Media reif für Controlling?" Interview in: Controller Magazin 37. Vol., Nov. 2012, Iss. 6, p. 4-11.

Memberships: International Controllers Association e.V. (ICV)