Prof. Dr. Susanne Hannappel

Department of Business and Economics

Professor of Business Mathematics and Statistics

+49 30 30877-1168

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B, B 5.46
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

1991: Diploma in Mathematics at the Technical University Berlin

1991: Statistician within ARGUS (Working Group for Environmental Statistics)

Planning of waste statistics in the then European Community

1991-1992: Scholarship for two semesters at the University of Notre Dame, USA

1992: Adviser on environmental data collection at Scientific Methods Inc., Indiana USA; data processing for collection of environmental data

1993-1996: Statistician with overall responsibility at the GKSS / Environmental Research Institute in Leipzig-Halle: statistical experiment design, SAS, data processing with FORTRAN, C++ and MATLAB

1996-1999: Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg: courses in Mathematics, Statistics and IT

1999-2002: Research associate in the Special Research Area 288 at the Institute for Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Technical University Berlin; doctorate in Mathematics in 2001; work in the software group “jtem”; programming of Java classes, technical structure of web presence

2002-2004: Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven; lectures and seminars in IT, Mathematics, Business Mathematics and Statistics

Application of statistical processes, statistics with SAS and SPSS

Differential geometry

Relational data bases

Mathematics, Java, VBA, AutoCad

Business Mathematics


Multivariate data analysis

Software development

Hannappel S., 1994: Overview of References for Sampling and Related Topics, in: Markert B. (ed.), Environmental Sampling for Trace Analysis, VCH, Weinheim.

Geller W., Hannappel S., Campos H.,1995: Temperature and stratification of South-Hemisphere temperate lakes in Patagonia ( Chile , Argentina ), Proc. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol. 26 .

Piepho B., Hannappel S. 1996: Vergleichende Luftbildauswertung zur morphogenetischen Charakterisierung von Buhnenfeldern an der mittleren Elbe, Wasserwirtschaft - Wassertechnik.

Hannappel S., Piepho B. 1996: Clusteranalysis of environmental data which is not interval scaled but categorical, Chemosphere, Vol 33, No.2.

Hannappel S. 2001: Discrete Jonas Surfaces, Technische Universität Berlin, Online-Veröffentlichung: .

Environmental Research Institute Leipzig-halle

German Research Foundation (DFG) – Research Centre for Mathematics and Key Technologies

University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven