Prof. Dr. Dirk-Mario Boltz

Department of Business and Economics

Professor of Marketing

+49 30 30877-1161

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B, B 554
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

1984-89: Studied Social and Commercial Communication at the University of Arts in Berlin; obtained Diploma in Communication Studies

1989-94: Academic research assistant at the Institute for Social and Commercial Communication at the University of Arts in Berlin; specialist field – Communication Planning

1993: Awarded doctorate (Dr. Phil) at the University of Arts in Berlin

1990-95: Head of Marketing Communication and Conceptual Design at the company K/Plex Konzepte für Kommunikation GmbH in Berlin (today Plex Group)

1996-2005: Professor of Commercial Communication at the College of Anhalt (FH), University of Applied Sciences, Bernburg campus - Economics Faculty

since 1995: Freelance consultant in Marketing and Communication

since 2001: Member of the board of the DWG, (German Society for Marketing Science), in Bonn; President from 2001 to 2005

since 2002: member of advisory board of the ICW, (International Centre for Marketing and Media Research), in Hamburg

since April 2005: Professor of Marketing at Berlin School of Economics and Law

Communication policy

Brand management

Emotions in marketing communication

Communication Policy and Consumer Behaviour

Information and Communication Management in Marketing

Marketing projects

Consumer Behaviour

Efficiency in brand management

Emotions in marketing communication

Evaluation of marketing communication tools

Consulting on questions of brand communication

Concepts of experience-oriented marketing communication

Focus on print-media, telecommunications and automotive industries

Konstruktion von Erlebniswelten: Kommunikations- und Marketingstrategien bei CAMEL und Greenpeace. Berlin: Vistas 1994.

Nachrichten-Magazine erleben. Die feinen Unterschiede zwischen SPIEGEL- und Focus-Lesern - Eine Studie zur erlebnispsychologischen Differenzierung von Leserschaften. Gemeinsam mit Horst Nowak und Thomas Perry. In: Stiftung Lesen/DER SPIEGEL: Magazinqualität-Leserqualität. Schriftenreihe "Lesewelten". Bd. 1. 1998. S. 57-77.

Marketing by Worldmaking. Folgenreiche Begegnung zwischen Mensch und Marke. Ideen, Strategien, Erfolge. Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Fachverlag 1999.

Integrierte Markenkommunikation: In die Rolle der Konsumenten schlüpfen.In: Events. The Magazine for Meetings, Fairs, Incentives 1/2001. S. 18-21.

Wieviel Event verträgt der Mensch? Chancen und Grenzen professioneller Event-Kommunikation. In: Krzeminski, Michael (Hg.). Professionalität der Kommunikation. Medienberufe zwischen Auftrag und Autonomie. Köln: Halem 2002.

Effizienz in der Markenführung. Gemeinsam mit Wilfried Leven (Hrsg.). Hamburg: Gruner+Jahr AG & Co KG,. DIE STERN BIBLIOTHEK 2004.

Member of the board of the DWG (German Society for Marketing Science), in Bonn

Member of advisory board of the ICW, (International Centre for Marketing and Media Research), in Hamburg

Member of the DGPuK, (German Society for Publishing and Communication Research), in Munich

Member of the AfM, working group for professors of Marketing at universities of applied sciences