Prof. Dr. Dagmar Monett Díaz
Department of Cooperative Studies
Professor of Computer Science

+49 30-30877-2120
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Lichtenberg
Building 5,
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin
Since 2010 Professor for Computer Science at the Computer Science Dept., Faculty of Company-Linked Programmes, HWR Berlin (Germany)
2005–2010 Scientific Researcher and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Mathematics, Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
2005 Ph.D. in Computer Science in the field of Artificial Intelligence at the Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
2003–2010 Adjunct Lecturer at the Computer Science Dept., Faculty of Company-Linked Programmes, HWR Berlin (Germany)
2002–2005 Scientific Researcher, Institute of Computer Science, Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
1995–1998 M.Sc. in Computer Science at the Havana University (Cuba)
1992–1999 Scientific Researcher at the Center of Biomaterials (Havana, Cuba). From 1996 to 1999: Head of the Computer Science Dept.
1987–1992 B.Sc. in Computer Science at the Havana University (Cuba)
Software Engineering I and II
Artificial Intelligence Methods: Knowledge-based systems; Agents and multiagent systems
Programming Languages
Agents and multiagent systems
Metaheuristics, Evolutionary Computation
Knowledge-based systems
Software development for the project D7: Numerical simulation of integrated circuits for future chip generations of the DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies, at the Technical University Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin
D. Monett, R. Janisch, S. Starroske. NL-Analyzer: Enhancing Simulation Tools to Assist Multiagent Systems’ Teaching. In Proceedings of the Workshop Multi-Agent Systems for Education and Interactive Entertainment (MASEIE), 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2010, Toronto, Canada, May 10–14, 2010.
R. Lamour, D. Monett. Index Determination for DAEs – A wide field for Automatic Differentiation. In T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras (editors), AIP Conference Proceedings 1168 of the 7th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 727–730, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, September 2009.
D. Monett, R. Lamour, A. Griewank. Index Determination in DAEs Using the Library indexdet and the ADOL-C Package for Algorithmic Differentiation. In C. Bischof, M. Bücker, P. Hovland, U. Naumann, and J. Utke, editors, Advances in Automatic Differentiation, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 64, pp. 247–257, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2008.