Prof. Dr. José Magone

Department of Business and Economics

Professor of Global and Regional Governance

+49 30 30877-1163

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B, B 4.35
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin

1988: Awarded M. Phil. in Political Science and History, University of Vienna (Austria)

1992: Doctorate (D. Phil.) in Political Science, University of Vienna (Austria)

1990–91:Visiting Research Fellow am Centre for Mediterranean Studies, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)

1992–93: Lecturer in Sociology and Political Science at Instituto Piaget (Lisbon)

1993–2001: Lecturer in European Politics, University of Hull (United Kingdom)

1993-94: Higher Education Teaching Certificate (HETC), University of Hull (awarded on 28 July, 1994)

2001–2007: Senior Lecturer in European Politics, University of Hull (United Kingdom)

2007–2008: Reader in European Politics , University of Hull(United Kingdom)

Since 02/2008: Professor of Global and Regional Governance at the FHW Berlin - now the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL)

1997: Visiting Researcher at Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Juan March Institute in Madrid (Spain), 1999: Karl W. Deutsch Visiting Professor at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 2001: University of Granada (Spain), 2002: CirCap, University of Siena (Italien), 2007: University Salamanca (Spain), 2012:Visiting Professor at Institute of Political Science, University of Luxembourg(Fellowship of Fondation National de Recherche)

2013: Visitorship at Nuffield College;University of Oxford in Hilary Term (January-March)

Global and regional governance

Politics of Southern Europe

European Regional Policy

Comparative European Politics

Industrial relations

Regional studies - comparing regions, states and markets(BA)

Social structure and political economy in the modern society(BA)

Business, Company and Work - historical and sociological perspectives(BA)

Political processes of integration in Europe(BA)

Industrial Relations(MA International Consulting and Management)

European Multilevel Governance(MA in Political Economy of European Integration)

European Union in a multipolar world(MA in Political Economy of European Integration)

The Politics of Social Cohesion in Europe(MA in Political Economy of European Integration)

The Multilevel Governance of International Democracy Assistance In The European Union(working title), a comparative project how international democracy assistance is coordinated and framed nationally and at the European level, but also between the levels.

The political, economic and social crisis in Southern Europe(particularly Portugal,Spain, Italy and Greece).

Global and regional governance

Comparative European politics

European integration

Politics of Southern Europe

Industrial relations

(co-editor with Brigid Laffan and Christian Schweiger), Core-Periphery Relations in the European Union:Power and Conflict in a dualist political economy. London:Routledge 2016. GOOGLEBOOKS PREVIEW

(editor) The Routledge Handbook of European Politics. London:Routledge 2015 (Magazine ‘Choice’ der American Association of Libraries hat es als herausragendes Handbook in 2015 bezeichnet, see PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE

(co-editor with Alice Cunha), The Iberian presidencies of the European Union. Between Ambition and Constraints of Reality. Special issue of International Journal of Iberian Studies 28(2-3) 2015

(edited with Christian Schweiger), The Effect of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis:Differentiated Integration between the Centre and the New Peripheries of the EU. Special issue of Perspectives on European Politics and Society,vol.15(3) September 2014. Published as well as a book at London:Routledge 2014 see PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE

The Politics in Contemporary Portugal. Evolving Democracy. Boulder, Co:Lynne Rienner 2014) INTRODUCTION POSTED ON PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE

‘Living with the Eurocrisis in Southern Europe. In: Ágh, A. ; Vass, L. (Hrsg.), European Futures: The Perspectives of the New Member-States in the New Europe. Budapest: College of Communication and Business. (=Together for Europe Series 16) 2013. p.69 – 122.

‘Centre-Periphery conflict in the European Union? Europe 2020, the Southern European Model and the euro-crisis.’ In: Ágh, A. (Hrsg.). European Union at the crossroads: European perspectives. Budapest: Budapest College of Communication, Business and Arts 2011. S.. 73 - 121

Contemporary European Politics. A Comparative Introduction (London: Routledge 2011) COMPANION WEBSITE GOOGLE BOOKS

Contemporary Spanish Politics. Second extended edition (London: Routledge 2009) [GOOGLE BOOKS PREVIEW:]

The New World Architecture. The Role of the European Union in the Making of Global Governance. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction 2006) (single-authored), 335 p., ISBN 0-7658-0279-1 [GOOGLE BOOKS PREVIEW:]

A complete list of further publications since 2008 go to CAMPUS4u

Member of the Political Studies Association (Great Britain)

Member of the Spanish Association for Political Science and Administration (AECPA)

Founding Member of the Portuguese Association of Political Science(APCP)

Contributor to the European Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research since 1993