Prof. Dr. Julia Klauer
Department of Business and Economics
Professor of Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht
+49 30 30877-1280
Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building B,
B 5.02
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
Studied at Heidelberg University, Freiburg University and the FU Berlin
Completed an LLM at Cornell University, USA
Doctorate under Prof. Dr. Herbert Kronke in the law on movable property
Assistant at the Institute for International Civil and Commercial Law of the University of Heidelberg
Worked as a lawyer in the area of banking at Linklaters Oppenhoff & Rädler in Frankfurt, Berlin and London
International finance transactions
Banking law
Credit securities
Insolvency law
International civil law
Civil and commercial law
Credit financing
Project financing
Credit securities
Restructuring of non-performing financing
Ausländische Mobilarsicherungsrechte im Inland, Heidelberg 2001
Beitrag "Mobiliarsicherungsrechte" in Handbuch internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, Hrsg. Kronke/Melis/Schnyder, Köln 2005.
Review Kieninger, Eva-Maria (ed.), Security Rights in Movable Property in European Private Law, Cambrige 2004, Uniform Law Review, 2005, p. 649
German Report, in: Cross-Border Security over Tangibles, ed. Sigman/Kieninger, Sellier 2007
German Report, in: Cross-Border Security over Receivables, ed. Sigman/Kieninger, Sellier, Erscheinen erwartet 2008