Prof. Dr. Frank Habermann

Department of Business and Economics

Professorship of Business Administration, Management and Organisation

Prof. Dr. Frank Habermann

Postal address
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52

10825 Berlin

Visiting address
Campus Schöneberg
Building E, E 2.12
Babelsberger Straße 14-16
10715 Berlin

Studies of Business and Management in Saarbruecken, Germany (Dipl.-Kfm.)

Senior Researcher at the Institute for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. A.-W. Scheer) at the German Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Visiting Professor at Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business as well as University College Dublin, Ireland

Member of the extended Board of IMC AG as well as Managing Director of IMC Ltd., London, UK

Permanent representative of the advisory board of EFMD’s (European Foundation of Management development in Brussels) CEL programme

Founder and managing director of Becota – The Berlin Consulting and Talent Association.

managing the impacts of information technology

managing complex, international projects

mediating between business and IT departments

modelling business processes

designing learning and knowledge management systems

Business Process Management

Business Information Systems

International Project Management

Enterprise Modeling

International and intercultural project management

Semantic modeling of business processes

Organisational learning and learning organisations

Competency models for “Young Talents” in the field of consulting, IT and project management

Business Process Management

Managing organisational knowledge, learning and change

Business consulting for major international firms as well as public authorities

International Management, particular the internationalisation of SME

Habermann, F; Schmidt, K.: What headquarters should know about implementing knowledge management, in: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2-3 September 2010, Portugal, w/o

Habermann, F.: Towards a Federated Architecture for Change Management - Lessons Learned from Quality Management and Other Management Areas, in: Proceedings of the International Management Conference 2010: Knowledge, Culture & Change in Organizations, 26-29 July 2010, Montreal, w/o

Habermann, F.: Knowledge and Learning Tools for Managers, in: Human Resource Development 2(2009)1, pp. 36-39.

Habermann, F. Sprenger, P., Abdel-Jaber, T.: From E-Learning to Integrated Learning Architectures, in: EBEL06 - International Conference on E-Business and E-Learning, 12.12.2005, w/o

Habermann, F., Schmidt, K.: Wie lernen Führungskräfte, wie informieren sie sich? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zum Lern- und Informationsverhalten von Entscheidungsträgern in der Wirtschaft, in: Personalführung, 3/2005, pp. 56-63.

Scheer, A.-W., Habermann, F., Thomas, O., Seel, C.: Cooperative Organizational Memories for IT-based Process Knowledge Management, in: Blay-Fornarino, M. et al. (ed.): Cooperative Systems Design : A Challenge of the Mobility Age, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP'2002), Amsterdam et al. 2002, pp. 209-225.

Habermann, F.: Management von Geschäftsprozesswissen, IT-basierte Systeme und Architektur, Wiesbaden 2001.

Scheer, A.-W.; Habermann, F.; Thomas, O.: Enterprise Modeling, in: Salvendy, G. (ed.): Handbook of Industrial Engineering : Technology and Operations Management. 3. bearb., vollst. überarb. und aktualisierte Aufl. New York et al. 2001, pp.. 280-307.

Scheer, A.-W., Habermann, F.: Making ERP a Success, Using business process models to achieve positive results, Communications of the ACM 43(2000)4, pp. 57-61.

Habermann, F., Scheer, A.-W.: Das Konzept vernetzt-dezentraler Planungsinseln, in: Scheer, A.-W., Bullinger, H.-J. (ed.): Mit Planungsinseln zur lernenden Organisation, Berlin et al. 1998, pp. 5-17.

Wide network of industry contacts across Europe, Middle East and Central Asia

Personal academic network across Europe

Contacts to the European Commission, Brussels, as well as EC-related organisations